Open Educational Resources
Any educational materials which are published under an open license are open educational resources (OER). They can typically be downloaded, used, edited and shared free of charge. The author(s) will clearly indicate whether there are conditions attached to the free use of the material (e.g. only for non-commercial purposes, the author(s) must be credited, etc.). The goal is to enable open access to knowledge and improve teaching quality by using existing teaching materials.
In the past years, numerous OER projects could be sponsored and connected at TUD as part of the Digital Teaching and Learning Fund. The project results have all been published on OPAL or via other platforms.
In cooperation with the SLUB, the ZiLL hosts OER and OEP (open educational practices) workshops and consultation. This offers the opportunity for explicit information about publication, and pedagogical creation and use of materials and strategies can be discussed.
Detailed information and contacts
- The 200 best OER-Sources:
- Project Gutenberg
- Where do I find OER?
Your contact:

Research Associate
NameAnne Jantos Dipl.-HDL.
Fonds DLL, E-Learning Coordination, virTUos, portfolio profession
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).

Research Associate
NameKira Lauber (in Elternzeit)
Digital Teaching - School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).