Alumni Surveys
The "Dresden Graduate Studies" have been conducted regularly since 1999.. In doing so, information can be gathered about the futures and careers of these alumni of the TU Dresden. Furthermore, the university receives feedback – also through a retrospective assessment and rating of the study program from the alumni themselves – about the quality of the individual study programs as well as the university overall. As a result, the alumni surveys are an important component of quality assurance. In the meantime, the online survey of TU Dresden graduates takes place approximately one to two years after graduation every five years as part of the Saxon Graduate Survey.
Exmatriculant surveys
As part of the quality analysis of the study programs, ZQA plans to resume earlier surveys of exmatriculants who did not successfully pass their final examinations.
The brochure on the last graduate survey provides insights into the career entry and retrospective evaluation of the studies of our alumni. The data is based on the third Saxon Alumni Study.
Center for Quality Analysis:
Prüfungskohorte 2015/16 der TU Dresden. Absolventenbefragung zum Berufseinstieg und Rückblick auf das Studium. Eine Broschüre mit zentralen Ergebnissen für die Absolventinnen und Absolventen der TU Dresden aus der dritten Sächsischen Absolventenstudie.
Dresden 2021
download as pdf (in German)
Documents and Links
The final reports of the “Dresden Alumni Survey” can be downloaded under Publications.
The following offer stands for all alumni of the TU Dresden: if you want to stay in contact with your University or you want to stay up to date with university life, please use the Alumni Network. As a member of this network you will be informed about news and developments at the university.