News about the study program analyses
Academic year 2022/23
Analyses of the quality of the following study programs are currently being prepared:
Faculty of Business and Economics:
Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Bachelor), BWL (Master), VWL (Master), Wirtschaftsinformatik (Diplom), Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Diplom), Wirtschaftspädagogik (Bachelor), Wirtschaftspädagogik (Master)
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences:
Verkehrswirtschaft (Bachelor), Bahnsystemingenieurwesen (Master), Elektrische Verkehrssysteme (Master)
Faculty of Philosophy:
Politik und Verfassung (Master)
Faculty of Environmental Sciences:
Hydrowissenschaften (Bachelor)
Faculty of Education:
Vocational Education and Personnel Capacity Building (Master)
Teacher Education Programs:
Cluster of subjects in Philosophy and Education