Recognition of academic achievements
Aktuelle Information
Allgemeine Information
Anrechnung bei Erasmus-Auslandsaufenthalt
Anrechnung bei vorangegangenen Studienzeiten
Anrechnung von Praktika und Praxiszeiten
Allgemeine Voraussetzungen zur Anrechnung
Benötigte Dokumente
Anrechnungsberatung Diplomstudiengang Architektur
Anrechnungsberatung Studiengänge Landschaftsarchitektur
Current informations
Due to the current situation in connection with the coronavirus COVID-19, the public service for recognition of examination credits for the diploma program in architecture remains closed for the time being. We will try to answer your inquiries by e-mail as good as possible. You can reach us at the following e-mail address:
General informations
Study achievements that have been completed at the TU Dresden (e.g. in other study programs) or at other colleges and universities in Germany and abroad can, upon application, be recognized in the diploma program in architecture at the TU Dresden. This includes both academic achievements and other achievements made during the study of architecture at the TU Dresden, as well as at previous times of study and times outside of a study program. Excepted from this are those study achievements that were completed within the framework of *Erasmus programs. For the diploma program in architecture, please also note the information on the respective recognition procedures.
Recognition of *Erasmus studies
If you want to spend one or more semesters abroad through the Erasmus program, the crediting of the achievements has to be clarified via a so-called Learning Agreement between the TU Dresden and the partner university already before the stay abroad. The Erasmus office of the respective study program is responsible for this - as well as for credits for work already completed within the framework of the Erasmus program.
Erasmus-Office Architecture
Erasmus-office Landscape architecture
Recognition of previous periods of study
If you have a previous degree or previous periods of study, various criteria are decisive for the credit transfer procedure.
- Were the previous achievements in the same field of study?
- At which university were the previous achievements completed?
- Do you already have a university degree or not yet?
- If yes, what is the nature of this university degree?
- Are you an applicant from the EU or other foreign countries?
Crediting of internships and practical periods
The Internship Office (Praktikantenamt) is responsible for the crediting of internships, practical periods and practical semesters (7th semester). Please also note the internship guideline (Praktikumsrichtlinie) and check which prerequisites apply to you.
General requirements for recognition of credits
Before contacting us, please check on the pages of the student advisory service or the study information system whether the study requirements applicable to you are generally met.
Allgemeine und weiterführende Informationen zu Studienvoraussetzungen
Studienvoraussetzungen Diplomstudiengang Architektur
Studienvoraussetzungen Studiengang Landschaftsarchitektur (Bachelor)
Studienvoraussetzungen Studiengang Landschaftsarchitektur (Master)
Documents needed
In principle, the recognition of services is only possible if all documents required for the respective procedure are available in the form of certified copies or (upon request) as originals. The required documents include:
- Certificate (in the case of a university degree)
- overview of grades
- Module handbook / module descriptions
- Language certificate with corresponding qualification (if German is not your native language)
- Portfolio (documentation of your academic achievements)
For documents not written in German or English, a translation into German as a certified copy is required. All translations of the documents must have been made by a sworn interpreter in Germany or confirmed by the German mission abroad in the home country.
Advice on recognition of academic achievements
The credit transfer officers are responsible for advising students and implementing the credit transfer procedure. Here you will find further information and explanations on the credit transfer procedures in the respective degree programs:
► Advice on recognition of academic achievements architecture
Hinweise für Studienbewerber bei Hochschul- oder Studiengangswechsel
Hinweise für Studierende im Diplomstudiengang Architektur

Prof. Dr. Xiaoping Xie Advice on recognition of academic achievements architecture
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Fakultät Architektur und Landschaft
Gebäude BZW, B-Flügel, Room B305
Zellescher Weg 17
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Dr.-Ing. Xiaoping Xie (Anrechnungsbeauftragte Architektur)
01062 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 09:00 - 12:00
- Building BZW, B-Section, Room B305
Further office hours by appointment.
► Advice on recognition of academic achievements landscape architecture

wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
NameMs Dr.-Ing. Romy Hanke
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).