Akademische Erfolge – Institut für Bauinformatik, TU Dresden (2024)
Wir freuen uns, den erfolgreichen Abschluss unserer Master- und Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden im Jahr 2024 bekannt zu geben. Ihr Engagement und ihre Beiträge haben die Forschung im Bereich Building Information Modeling (BIM), digitale Zwillinge und verwandte Bereiche erheblich vorangetrieben.
Master-Absolventen (2024)
Die folgenden Mitarbeiter unseres Instituts haben erfolgreich ihren Masterabschluss erreicht:
Mukta Rajan Nisal (Sep 2024)
Spezialisierung: Anwendung von Deep-Learning-Techniken in BIM.
Programm: Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies (ACCESS)
Veröffentlichung: X. Wang, M. R. Nisal, S. Han & K. Menzel. "Developing a Workflow for Construction Site Safety Management: Real-Time Hazard Detection Using Deep Learning and BIM Integration." ECPPM 2024 Proceedings.
Hanwen Hu (Jun 2024)
Spezialisierung: XR-Entwickler mit Fokus auf immersive VR-Lösungen für BIM und digitale Zwillinge.
Programm: Computational Modeling and Simulation (Visual Computing)
Veröffentlichung: Hu, H., Zheng, Q., Menzel, K. "Semantic Segmentation and Reconstruction of Historical Building Combined with IFC." ECPPM 2024 Proceedings. Zheng, Q., Han, S., Hu, H. "Enhancing Architectural Heritage Preservation through AI and HBIM: A Case Study on the Bayer Building in Dresden." ECPPM 2024 Proceedings.
Rameez Malik (Apr 2024)
Spezialisierung: KI-gesteuerte regulatorische Automatisierung im Bauwesen.
Programm: Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies (ACCESS)
Veröffentlichung: Malik, R., Sheikh, M. D. Z., Menzel, K. "Automated Multidimensional Classification of Rules and Standards in the AEC Sector Using NLP." ECPPM 2024 Proceedings.
Gadha Narayanan (Mrz 2024)
Spezialisierung: Predictive Maintenance und Gebäudeautomation.
Programm: Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies (ACCESS)
Veröffentlichung: Narayanan, G., Valluru, P. "Predictive Maintenance Techniques for Heating Systems in Buildings." ECPPM 2024 Proceedings.
Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden (2024)
Wir gratulieren auch den folgenden Forschern zum erfolgreichen Abschluss ihrer Doktoratsstudien:
Dr.-Ing. Elisabeth Eckstädt (Dec 2024)
Topic: Simulation of building systems engineering in the BIM-based planning of energy-efficient buildings Dr.-Ing. Elisabeth Eckstädt spezialisierte sich auf die Simulation gebäudetechnischer Systeme und die BIM-basierte energieeffiziente Planung. Ihre Forschung fördert die Integration von Ingenieursimulationen in digitale Gebäudemodelle.
Dr.-Ing. Michael Polter (Apr 2024)
Topic: Conception of a framework for digital twins for system identification and behavioral simulation of engineering systems Dr.-Ing. Michael Polter konzentriert sich auf Frameworks für digitale Zwillinge zur Systemidentifikation und Verhaltenssimulation von Ingenieursystemen. Seine Forschung trägt zur Weiterentwicklung intelligenter, adaptiver digitaler Zwillinge bei.
Wir gratulieren allen unseren Absolventen und freuen uns auf ihre zukünftigen Beiträge im Fachbereich!
English version below:
We are pleased to announce the successful completion of our Master’s and PhD graduates in 2024. Their dedication and contributions have significantly advanced research in the field of Building Information Modeling (BIM), digital twins, and related areas.
Master's Graduates (2024)
The following employees of our institute have successfully completed their Master's degrees:
Mukta Rajan Nisal (Sep 2024)
Specialization: Application of deep learning techniques in BIM.
Program: Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies (ACCESS)
Publication: X. Wang, M. R. Nisal, S. Han & K. Menzel. "Developing a Workflow for Construction Site Safety Management: Real-Time Hazard Detection Using Deep Learning and BIM Integration." ECPPM 2024 Proceedings.
Hanwen Hu (Jun 2024)
Specialization: XR developer focusing on immersive VR solutions for BIM and digital twins.
Program: Computational Modeling and Simulation (Visual Computing)
Publications: Hu, H., Zheng, Q., Menzel, K. "Semantic Segmentation and Reconstruction of Historical Building Combined with IFC." ECPPM 2024 Proceedings. Zheng, Q., Han, S., Hu, H. "Enhancing Architectural Heritage Preservation through AI and HBIM: A Case Study on the Bayer Building in Dresden." ECPPM 2024 Proceedings.
Rameez Malik (Apr 2024)
Specialization: AI-driven regulatory automation in construction.
Program: Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies (ACCESS)
Publication: Malik, R., Sheikh, M. D. Z., Menzel, K. "Automated Multidimensional Classification of Rules and Standards in the AEC Sector Using NLP." ECPPM 2024 Proceedings.
Gadha Narayanan (Mar 2024)
Specialization: Predictive maintenance and building automation.
Program: Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies (ACCESS)
Publication: Narayanan, G., Valluru, P. "Predictive Maintenance Techniques for Heating Systems in Buildings." ECPPM 2024 Proceedings.
PhD Graduates (2024)
We also congratulate the following researchers on the successful completion of their PhD studies:
Dr.-Ing. Elisabeth Eckstädt (Dec 2024)
Topic: Simulation of building systems engineering in the BIM-based planning of energy-efficient buildings Dr.-Ing. Elisabeth Eckstädt specialized in the simulation of building technology systems and BIM-based energy-efficient planning. Her research promotes the integration of engineering simulations into digital building models.
Dr.-Ing. Michael Polter (Apr 2024)
Topic: Conception of a framework for digital twins for system identification and behavioral simulation of engineering systems Dr.-Ing. Michael Polter focuses on digital twin frameworks for system identification and behavior simulation of engineering systems. His research contributes to the further development of intelligent, adaptive digital twins.
We congratulate all our graduates and look forward to their future contributions to the field!