IFIP 17th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management
Janakiram Karlapudi, MSc nahm an der "IFIP 17th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management", einer Konferenz organisiert von der Hochschule für Technick Rapperswill teil. Die Konferenz fand dieses Jahr virtuell statt.
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Janakirams Präsentation war Teil von Topic 2.1:
Special session on BIM
Der Titel seiner Präsentation war:
Enhancement of BIM Data Representation in Product-Process Modelling for Building Renovation
Die Konferenz Paper werden bald von Springer veröffentlicht.
Abstract (Englisch):
Building Information Modelling (BIM) has the potential to become a technology which will help to use a holistic information repository to generate and represent relevant information in different building life-cycle stages (BLCS) to dedicated groups of stakeholders. However, the scope of model components of BIM data (e.g., IFC meta-data) is limited and some parts of it are not modelled in a manner that supports the diversity of engineering use cases. This paper aims to address this deficit by identifying the capability to formulate inference rules as one of the major benefits in the ontology-based information modelling approach. The outcome of this research is an established 6-dimensional intercommunication framework (LOD, BLS, Scenarios, Stakeholders, Use Cases, BIM model data) based on the Linked Building Data approach and focusing on renovation processes optimization. Based on the framework, a renovation Product-Process Modelling ontology is developed to connect existing components and to support new interoperable applications.

Product-Process ontology framework (Karlapudi, 2020)