Dec 01, 2021
New literature - Java
The Institute for Construction Informatics is pleased to announce new literature. Among others, the following books are now available:
Ullenboom, Christian (2018): Java SE 9-Standard-Bibliothek.
An island always first choice. No experiments. The second island complements the first perfectly. You are not a Java novice, know object-oriented concepts and the syntax of the languages and want more. As usual, detailed, comprehensive and always practice-oriented, you will learn everything worth knowing about the Java SE9 libraries. In short: Your handbook for everyday professional life!
Ullenboom, Christian (2018): Java ist auch eine Insel: Einführung, Ausbildung, Praxis.
This Java book teaches everything worth knowing about classes, objects, generics and lambda expressions in a clear and practice-oriented way. Compact introductions to special topics round off the book. The island is particularly suitable for readers with basic knowledge of programming, students and those switching from other languages.
Please contact our office for availability.