Projekt: Design4energy - Building life-cycle evolutionary Design methodology able to create Energy-efficient Buildings flexibly connected with the neighborhood energy system
Projektlaufzeit: 01.10.2013 - 01.10.2017
Budget/Finanzierung: 6,49 Mio / 4,94 Mio (total), 0,37 Mio (CIB)
17 partners from11 countries covering all building life cycle will develop an innovative Integrated Evolutionary Design Methodology that can allow the stakeholders to predict the current and future energy efficiency of buildings (both at individual level and neighbourhood level) and make better informed decision in optimising the energy performance at building life cycle level, including operation and maintenance.
“If we want to create long term energy efficient building we must not only consider the present building life cycle scenario but also VISUALIZE THE FUTURE”. Visualizing the future will help us to design energy efficient building not only for the present but also for the future, ensuring an Energy Efficient Life Cycle of the building. Design4energy project will take this into consideration and will develop tools and methodologies that can help designing energy efficient buildings that can consider both short term performance as well as future scenarios, considering important factors such as deterioration curves, technology evolution, climate change effect, users, energy neighbourhood configuration, continuous commissioning alternatives while evaluating their impact in the Building Life Energy Performance. The continuous commissioning will include strategies as preventive maintenance,renovation of energy systems technologies (HVAC, RES, .) etc, including deep retrofitting strategies.
The proposed methodology will be based on a sophisticated technology platform that will make use of energy attributes of building components, deterioration of building components and systems, neighborhood energy systems, energy related parameters, energy simulation tools and current usage parameters of the tenants , derived from maintenance and operation data. The technology platform developed within the Design4energy project will allow the stakeholders to explore various design options and make validated and qualified choices as early as possible.