Current Projects:
The motivation for the project stems from the need for digitalization and automation of work in the commercial sector of the construction industry identified by the Dresden Chamber of Crafts in cooperation with the company Dittrich. The motivation to introduce modular robot technology for the construction industry is derived from the importance of the construction industry as a key sector for Germany.
Work in the construction industry is strongly characterized by manual services. The aging society and the shortage of skilled workers make structural changes necessary to replace heavy, monotonous or dangerous work with (autonomously acting) robots. Additional requirements arise in quality management and require additional, extensive documentation tasks. Flexibly configurable robot platforms can address the above-mentioned challenges by, on the one hand, relieving construction site personnel of heavy loads during lifting, transporting and assembly and, on the other hand, documenting the execution of the work using various sensors promptly, accurately and with minimal additional effort.
The aim of the project is to develop a methodology for planning, robot-supported execution and automatic documentation of selected process chains in the construction sector. To this end, modularly combinable components (modules) are to be developed for a mobile robot platform. The platform is based on a universally applicable "equipment carrier", which can act as autonomously as possible. Different working modules (also with each other) should be able to be installed on this equipment carrier. These will be supplemented by quality management modules and safety modules. In the project, the robot hardware of the work, quality management and safety modules and the algorithms for their control are to be developed.
01.04.2021 - 31.03.2023
Working Packages:
- Requirements and concepts
- Prototype 1st generation
- Test plan and test of prototype 1st generation
- Prototype 2nd generation
- Test of the 2nd generation prototype
- Public relations & transfer
Workshop 18.11.2021
The planned workshop Roboter im Bauhandwerk at Handwerkskammer Dresden will be postponed due to current situation regarding COVID-19.
Dachdecker Dittrich GmbH & Co. KG |
BEAS Technology GmbH |
Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Bauinformatik |
Associated Partner: Handwerkskammer Dresden, Kompetenzzentrum Robotik im Handwerk |
KMU-Innovativ Verbundprojekt:
Modulare Roboterplattform für das Bauhandwerk