The institute introduces itself
The current trend in the building and construction industry is characterized by a multitude of actors and interests: new building materials reach market maturity, digitalization and the automation of building processes promise visionary changes. On the other hand, the intricacy of construction projects and construction technologies increase, just as much as the aspirations on building sustainable and cooperative on a timely and costly basis. In spite of the partly deviating interests of the participants in the construction sector, the common goal is to build conventional buildings, skyscrapers, bridges, highways and tunnels in due time and as described in the contract. As part of this environment, the institute represents all topics of construction management in research, academic teaching and practical application.

The institute introduces itself
The Institute for Construction Management offers construction-based as well as interdisciplinary lectures and learning opportunities. The broad curriculum also applies for distance students. Students of civil engineering can either deepen their knowledge in the fields of Construction Management or Building Energy Management. Furthermore the institute provides courses for students of architecture, business and education science. The Institutes most significant fields of education involve the construction industry, business management, construction related law, construction technology, project development, project management and real estate management. In average 500 students a year are taking lectures the institute provides. Also approximately 40 students take the opportunity to finalize their diplomas through a thesis mentored by our scientific employees in the abovementioned fields. Also the Institute for Construction Management offers further training and qualification for external clients. If you are interested in further Information, please visit our study page.
The principal focus of research activities is on current developments in the construction industry, multi-complex, long-term economic analyzes, the development of innovations in construction process technology and in the field of real estate management. Changes in standardized contracts in the construction industry, laws and guidelines in their preparation and amendment are scientifically monitored. We also work on the research tasks together with other research partners in interdisciplinary projects. Particularly promising are cooperation projects with medium-sized construction companies or companies from construction-related industries. The institute independently coordinates or is involved in the application for and execution of national and international collaborative research projects with several practice partners. Further details on current and completed research projects as well as on individual topics can be found under research.
With a scope reaching from industrial research to expert reports, the Institute of Construction Management supports companies, institutions and external clients in solving and implementing questions and developments relating to construction operations as well as in enforcing claims of various contractual relationships based on construction operations. In addition, knowledge transfer is offered within the framework of further training events under events, for example on key construction related topics, the distance learning course for SiGe coordinators or the forum for construction and real estate management.
The institute has its own specialist library and computer pool with distinct software applications for construction operations, e.g. for scheduling and cost planning, digitalization or for assessing the effects of construction activities on the surrounding area. These facilities are used for the education of students as well as for further education and research.
The Institute is represented by the following professorships:
Chair of Construction Management
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing Jens Otto
Chair of Construction Technology and Circular Value
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Katharina Kleinschrot
visiting professorship
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Alexei Bulgakov