Specialization Construction Management
The students specializing in construction management are the generalists, who build and implement the construction measures. The studies focus on the project management and the construction process. In order to coordinate the large number of participants in a construction process, they need a broad knowledge in all building processes and construction technologies. This way, they can connect the contextual, economic and temporal correlations of an overall project. The most important target while realizing a project is optimizing the factors costs, time and quality.
In the field of construction management, students acquire not only technical knowledge, but also business and legal knowledge. This enables them to develop, manage, monitor and manage complex construction projects in construction companies, engineering firms, public authorities, developers, investors or even banks. With this knowledge they are especially qualified for jobs as site supervisors, project managers, project controllers or project developers. As a part of the facility management, construction managers are also active in the management and maintenance of construction projects during the period of use.
For further information:
Information flyer specialization Construction Management (German)
Presentation of the last information event on the specialization Construction Management (German)
Why Construction Management? (German)
Your contact for the specialization construction management
NameMs Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Katharina Kleinschrot
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Nürnberger Ei Nürnberger Straße 31A
01187 Dresden
The entrance to the office floors is accessible from the Bernhardstraße.