Feb 14, 2017
SHCC4 Conference
Dresden, 18.-20.09.2017
SHCC4 Conference is the follow-up of three previous successful international events in Stellenbosch (South Africa, 2005), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil, 2011) and Dordrecht (The Netherlands, 2014), all of them focusing on strain-hardening cement-based composites and other types of advanced fibre-reinforced concrete materials such as textile reinforced concrete (TRC) and high-performance fibre-reinforced cement-based composites (HPFRCC). All these new materials exhibit pseudo-ductile behavior resulting from the formation of multiple, fine cracks when subject to tensile loading. The use of such types of fibre-reinforced concrete could revolutionise the planning, development, dimensioning, structural and architectural design, construction of new and strengthening and repair of existing buildings and structures in many areas of application.