Current research projects at the IfB
Table of contents
GRK 2250/3

Mineralisch gebundene Verbundwerkstoffe für verbesserte strukturelle Impaktsicherheit (gefördert durch die DFG)
- A3/III - Influence of ageing and environmental conditions on the impact resistance of mineral-bonded reinforcing materials with hybrid fibre reinforcement
A4/III - Fully automated reinforcement with mineral-bonded fibre composites
- Duration: 11/2021 to 02/2026
DFG SPP 2005

Opus Fluidum Futurum - Rheologie reaktiver, mehrskaliger, mehrphasiger Baumaterialien (gefördert durch die DFG)
- Central project - coordination and synergetic research in the Priority Program 2005 (until 08/2025)
- FLOWcomplex - Multiphase granular suspension flow during pumping in complex geometries (08/2021 to 12/2024)

Konstruktionsstrategien für materialminimierte Carbonbetonstrukturen – Grundlagen für eine neue Art zu bauen (gefördert durch die DFG)
- B05 - Low to neutral CO2 binders for material-minimized carbon-reinforced concrete structures
- D01 - Fabrication of complex shell elements through robotically depositing concrete layers on multicurved carbon reinforcement structures (07/2024 to 06/2028)
- E02 - Circular carbon fiber reinforcement

Digitaler Zwilling Straße – Physikalisch-informatorische Abbildung des Systems „Straße der Zukunft“ (gefördert durch die DFG)
- A05 - Jointless concrete base layer - Sustainable, durable, functionalised concrete base layer(01/2022 to 12/2025)
SPP 2187

Adaptive Modulbauweisen mit Fließfertigungsmethoden (gefördert durch die DFG)
- ACDC (Adaptive Concrete Diamond Construction) - Formwork-free flow manufacturing processes of adaptive load-bearing structures based on variable frame elements (04/2023 to 03/2026)

Förderprogram HORIZON-CL4-2024-TWIN-TRANSITION01-38 "Hubs for circularity for industrialised urban peripheral areas" (gefördert von der Europäischen Union
- THESEUS - Sub-project within the funding program HORIZON-CL4-2024-TWIN-TRANSITION01-38 " Hubs for circularity for industrialized urban peripheral areas " (01/2025 to 12/2030)
AiF Forschungsnetzwerk Mittelstand
- Increasing the bond strength between the layers of additively manufactured concrete components (01/2024 to 04/2026)
- RAPIDO clay board - Development and characterization of a clay board and process for its large-scale production (01/2024 to 04/2026)
3DIMBA - stwa - Development of a manufacturing technology for the production of special angle supports based on 3D concrete printing (07/2022 to 10/2024)
iGF Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung
- Sensor concept and AI-supported assistance system for safe and efficient concrete delivery (01/2025 to 12/2027) | Cooperation with Leibniz University Hannover - Prof. Haist
Further Projects
- KOBEKA - Concepts for measuring the hydraulic permeability of construction joints (09/2021 to 05/2025) (funded by the BMBF)
- Spitzenforschung - CO2-neutral and circular building materials for additive manufacturing processes (10/2021 to 12/2024) (funded by the SMWK)
- 3D printing with concrete - numerical and experimental description of the sub-processes extrusion, deposition and layer-by-layer construction (01/2025 to 12/2027) ( funded by the DFG) | Cooperation with Ruhr-University Bochum - Prof. Meschke
- DAAD program of the project-related exchange of persons with Australia and Hong Kong (2024 to 2025)