MHSE06 Hydraulic Engineering
Professor in Charge

NameHerr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Stamm
Institutsdirektor, Professur Wasserbau, Bereichssprecher
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Haus 116, Raum 04-22 August-Bebel-Straße 30
01219 Dresden
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Module Description
Contents and qualification aims
for flood protection (levees, water retention reservoirs) and for use of water (weirs, dams, water power stations) are discussed with respect to water management, ecological and economic aspects. Environmentally friendly structures, sustainability and renewable energies are dealt with emphasis. In addition navigation engineering systems are introduced. The students have knowledge about the design, operation and calculation of hydraulic structures.
Module character
2 hours of lectures per week
1 hour of tutorial per week
1 hour of practical training and self-study per week
Prerequisite of attendance
Knowledge in physics and higher mathematics
The module is compulsory for the Master Course Hydro Science and Engineering for students with a degree in natural sciences as hydrology, meteorology, geography, geology, chemistry, biology, and physics.
The content of the module is linked to module MHSE05 - Hydromechanics.
Prerequisite to achieve credit points
Having passed the module exam. The module exam is a written examination (90 minutes). A positively evaluated term paper (30 hours) has to be handed-in.
Credit points and grades
The module earns 5 cr.
The grade for the written examination equals the module grade.
Frequency of the module
The module is offered annually in winter term.
Work load
The work load is 150 hours.
Duration of the module
The module takes one term.
Content of Teaching
Lecture Topics
- introduction to river engineering
- hydrology and flow measurement
- open channel hydraulics
- sediment transport principles
- river engineering measures
- revitalization
- fish migration
- hydraulic structures
- hydro power stations
- introduction to hydraulic models
Tutorial Topics
- discharge calculation
- open channel flow
- river hydraulics
- fixed weir hydraulics
- seepage and dam stability
Practical Training
- current measurement
- pressure on weir
- design of stilling basin

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
NameHerr Dr.-Ing. Muhammad Adnan Khan
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Haus 116, Raum 04-012 August-Bebel-Straße 30
01219 Dresden
Tutorial and Practical Training

Technischer Angestellter
NameHerr Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas Mathias
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Haus 116, Raum 03-26 August-Bebel-Straße 30
01219 Dresden
Dates and Places in Winter Term
Thursday, 2nd DP, 9:20 - 10:50
room: HSZ/304
Tuesday, 4th DP, 13:00 - 14.30
only in odd weeks
room: SCH/A215/H
Practical training
1st group
Tuesday, 1st DP, 7:30 - 9:00
only in odd weeks
room: hydraulic labratory (S7A E20)
2nd group
Tuesday, 3th DP, 11:10 - 12:40
only in odd weeks
room: hydraulic labratory (S7A E20)
3rd group
Friday, 3rd DP, 11:10 - 12:40
only in odd weeks
room: hydraulic labratory (S7A E20)
4th group
Friday, 4th DP, 13:00 - 14:30
only in odd weeks
room: hydraulic labratory (S7A E20)
Course Notes
The lecture notes and other documents (e.g. lecture slides, solutions to exercises) can be found at the learning platform OPAL in the catalogue of our institute (Lernresourcen > Katalog > Technische Universität Dresden > Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen > Institut für Wasserbau und Technische Hydromechanik). The access is password-protected with your ZIH login information and will be granted to participants of the course after a single registration. After the period of self registration you can direct your requests in this regard to a lecturer of this course. Once you have logged in you also can use the following link for direct access: download area for notes of lectures, tutorials and trainings (OPAL platform)