schedules summer term 2025
The schedules published here can change. Please also inform yourself about the details in OPAL.
2nd semester
group 01 | group 02 | group 03 | group 04 | group 05 |
4th semester
group 01 | group 02 | group 03 | group 04 | group 05 |
6th semester
8th semester
KI | BB 01 | BB 02 | SV | WU | CE | GEM
The schedules for the specialization in construction management is partially changed by the Institute for Construction Management and courses are blocked. Therefore, please make sure to also pay attention to the information on the institute's website (Studies => Notes and Dates).
Further module offers of the 4th year of study
Here please find further offered modules of the 4th year of study that are not anchored in any recommended module combination and are therefore not included in the schedules.
The schedules published here can change. Please also inform yourself about the details in OPAL. Modul AC-O-07 "Building Physics" cannot be offered in summer semester 2025 (continuation in the future currently unclear).
2nd semester schedule
The schedules published here can change. Please also inform yourself about the details in OPAL.
2nd semester schedule
Lesson times (see schedule):
1. DS 07:30 am - 09:00 am
2. DS 09:20 am - 10:50 am
3. DS 11:10 am - 12:40 pm
4. DS 01:00 pm - 02:30 pm
5. DS 02:50 pm - 04:20 pm
6. DS 04:40 pm - 06:10 pm
7. DS 06:30 pm - 08:00 pm
1. WO = odd weeks
2. WO = even weeks
VO/ÜO = compulsory lecture/exercise
VW/ÜW = elective compulsory lecture/exercise
VF/ÜF = optional lecture/exercise