Distance learning
Bachelor of Civil Engineering
The Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Dresden University of Technology offers the bachelor's degree program in Civil Engineering as a university-based technical distance learning program.
The prerequisite for enrollment is the general university entrance qualification (Abitur) or a qualification recognized as equivalent in the form of a corresponding subject-related university entrance qualification (not a technical college entrance qualification) for the Civil Engineering degree program. Applicants with a master craftsman's certificate in the main construction trade or a state-recognized construction technician's degree can also be admitted to the study program. The program is completed with the academic degree of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.).
The standard duration of study, including the time required to complete the Bachelor's thesis, is twelve semesters (part-time distance learning). A study schedule is recommended, which can, however, be adapted to individual requirements; a minimum duration is not prescribed. Approximately 20 hours of self-study per week should be planned.
Diploma postgraduate program in civil engineering
The Faculty of Civil Engineering offers postgraduate studies for graduates of a bachelor's degree with at least 180 credit points from the field of civil engineering or of a university of applied sciences with at least eight semesters of regular study time from the field of civil engineering.
The standard duration of study for this is 8 semesters including the processing time for the project and diploma thesis. A strict time limit applies, but a minimum duration is not prescribed. Approximately 20 hours of self-study per week should be expected. The postgraduate program is completed with the academic degree of Diplom-Ingenieur (Dipl.-Ing.).Detailed information
Further information: AG Fernstudium.