Cooperative study
Have you obtained a high school diploma? Are you practically inclined? You are wavering between the decision to study or to do vocational training?
Then the cooperative study of civil engineering at the TU Dresden represents the optimal combination of your personal interests and professional goals for you!
On the basis of the vocational training contract with a corresponding company, you are also financially secured. The training allowance is between approx. 510 euros in the first year of training and approx. 890 euros in the third year of training.
Ansprechpartnerin und Bewerbung Kooperatives Studium
NameMs Janet Herzog
Visiting address:
Neuländer Str. 29
01129 Dresden
A cooperative study program - also often called a dual study program - combines two successful components of the German education system: the practice-oriented industrial-technical training in a construction trade with the scientific study of civil engineering at the university.
The vocational training takes place under the umbrella of Bau Bildung Sachsen e. V. in various construction companies in Central Germany, while the graduate engineering studies take place at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the TU Dresden.