Apr 21, 2020
NEXUS Seminar 27.04.2020
The NEXUS Seminar, the seminar series born out of the collaboration between TU Dresden and the Dresden based Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources at the United Nations University (UNU-FLORES), goes into the next round. Since 2015, the NEXUS Seminar offers scientific contributions relating to the subject of sustainable soil, water and waste management. The seminar is not only a platform for scientific exchange and cooperation between UNU-FLORES and TU Dresden but also a medium for researchers to present their research and discuss it with a broader audience.
- 27.04.2020, 14:50-16:20 Uhr
Dr. Serena Caucci (UNU-FLORES): „The second life of water: Harnessing trade-offs and synergies“ (Please register to receive the link to the webinar here.)
Please reserve the date for the next presentation:
- 18.05.2020, 14:50-16:20
Prof. Dr. Marc Wolfram (TU Dresden Chair of Spatial Development and Director Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER):
„Urban sustainability transformations: Shaping deep system change for a good Anthropocene”