Heads of School
Table of contents
A board leads the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. This board comprises the deans of the faculties of Architecture and Landscape, Civil Engineering Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Transportation and Traffic Sciences, and Business and Economics. The head of the board is the speaker. The speaker is elected out of the range of professors of the four faculties. The board is responsible for all matters of the school, which are not allocated by law or otherwise to other entities.
Members of the board
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Stamm (Chairperson), Director of the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Technical Hydromechanics and Chair of Hydraulic Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Regine Gerike (Deputy Chairperson), Dean of the Faculty of Transportation and Traffic Sciences "Friedrich List" and Chair of Integrated Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gesine Marquardt, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape, Chair of Social and Health Care Buildings and Design
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Beckmann, Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Concrete Structures under Specific Load / Research Area Carbon-reinforced Concrete and Impact
Prof. Dr. Peter Krebs, Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Director of the Institute of Urban and Industrial Water Management and Chair of Urban Water Management
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Michael Schefczyk, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics and Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Compliance Coordinator of the School
School CDIO
The school CDIO advises the board members on the implementation of the digitization strategy and, with the support of the school's IT advisor, ensures the provision of IT-based services.
Prof. Dr. Niels Schütze, Chair of Hydrology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Counceling Committee
The board is supported by a counceling committee, that takes a stand on fundamental issues of the school. It is composed of the members of the faculty councils of the school and is convened at least once a year by the speaker. On request, it can also be called by 2/3 of its members.
School Administration
The school administration is headed by a school manager. The school manager manages the school within the provisions of the board in the assigned area of responsibility.
The school's controller is the counterpart for the faculties in cases of controlling the budget, and the cost and performance accounting. The management also ensures a coordinated approach with the ideas of the range of the administration of the university through regular coordination meetings (principle of subsidiarity).
The administration of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering is a signatory of the SDG Accord by the Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education (EAUC) as a supporting unit.
Managing Director
NameMr Dr. rer. nat. André Lindner
& Advisor Internationalisation
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School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Visitors' Address:
Hülsse-Bau, south wing, room 595 Helmholtzstr. 10
01069 Dresden
Controller for the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
NameMs Peggy Kaiser Dipl.-Kffr. M.A.
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School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Visitors' Address:
Hülsse-Bau, south wing, room 596 Helmholtzstr. 10
01069 Dresden
Head of Academic Affairs Office
NameDr. rer. nat. Carsten Brackhage
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School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Visitors' Address:
Hülsse-Bau, north-wing, 1st floor, room 116 Helmholtzstr. 10
01069 Dresden
IT Advisor
NameMr Dr.-Ing. Andreas Andris
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School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Visitors' Address:
Hülsse-Bau, south wing, room 597 Helmholtzstr. 10
01069 Dresden
Communication and Monitoring, Organizational Management Advisor
NameMs Dipl.-Kffr. Claudia Seiler M.A.
maternity/parental leave representation
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School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Visitors' Address:
Hülsse-Bau, south wing, room 594 Helmholtzstr. 10
01069 Dresden
Communication and Monitoring, Organizational Management Advisor
NameMs Kristin Heine M.Sc.
on maternity/parental leave
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School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Equal Opportunities Officer
Ms Franziska Walther (at the Chair of Planning and Design of Railway Infrastructure)
Gender Equality Commissioner and Women's Representative of TU Dresden
The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering supports and advises its member faculties on all issues relating to controlling, IT, international, public relations, study counseling and research:
- Promote synergies in the field of study counseling and testing Affairs (Student Services),
- Support for research projects, particularly in project management, and technology transfer,
- Preparation and support in personnel matters (service personnel), Budget, Controlling and Procurement,
- Coordination of public relations,
- Coordination of international activities,
- Ensuring IT support.
- Support in digital learning and teaching (contact person in the Centre for interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching - ZiLL: Ms Claudia Böhm, claudia.boehm2@tu-dresden.de)
Here, the scope and the responsibilities of the School are adressed to an efficent use of resources.
Heike Marschner
Phone: +49 351 4677 904
E-Mail: Heike.Marschner@slub-dresden.de
The knowledge manager of the SLUB supports the following cross-faculty activities:
- Research Data Management
- Bibliometry
- Library Work / Open Access
In addition, she is the main contact person for Architecture, Civil Engineering, Geo- und Hydrosciences, e.g. for training courses on research work and scientific publishing.