Mar 19, 2024 - Nov 07, 2024; Event Series
Export control risks and dual use in international scientific collaborations
Key learning content:
International scientific collaborations offer a wide range of opportunities for scientific institutions and researchers. At the same time, however, they are subject to a range of export control provisions and regulations. Compliance with these is often associated with uncertainties and risks in the practical implementation in the context of academia. The lecture is intended to sensitise participants to the risks associated with export law by explaining the basics of export control law with special consideration of the academic context:
- Export control in the context of research security
- Introduction to export control (connecting factors, objective, significance, legal framework, control scheme)
- EU Dual Use Regulation
- Technical support (especially relevant for visiting scientists)
- Exceptional circumstances relevant to science
- International cooperation, country embargoes, dealing with China
- Personal liability and responsibility
- Overview of US export control law
Jochen Kuck (19.03.24 and 07.11.24):
Has worked for several years as in-house counsel in the field of export control at a major research institution and as an independent lawyer; particularly experienced in the specialised context of export control and science, also in the field of research security, especially with regard to cooperation with China.
Nicolas Lunz (24.09.24):
Has been working as a customs consultant for companies, universities and research institutions since 2016; practical experience through previous position as Head of Customs and Foreign Trade Law at RWTH Aachen University; has been leading seminars and training courses on all topics relating to foreign trade, export control and customs for years; in the further training events, e.g. also as a lecturer for renowned further training institutes such as the Münster Foreign Trade Academy, Mr Lunz combines his theoretical knowledge with practical experience; network with customs offices, lawyers and customs software specialists
To participate in one of the dates, please register in the course module "Enrolment".
Please note that the Zoom link will be made available to you two weeks before the lecture takes place in the learning group of your appointment under "Information".
Mar 19, 2024; Continuing Education
Export control risks and dual use in international scientific collaborations
Sep 24, 2024; Continuing Education
Export control risks and dual use in international scientific collaborations
Nov 07, 2024; Continuing Education