Jun 02, 2022; Interactive Event
Panel discussion: Between "Follow the Science!" and "Fake Science!"
- Michael Kobel (Prorektor Bildung, TU Dresden)
- Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger (Rektorin des Wissenschaftskollegs zu Berlin)
Alexandra Gerlach (freie Journalistin und Moderatorin)
Dear members of TU Dresden,
We would like to cordially invite you to join our panel discussion that will take place on June 2 at 6.30 pm in the Klemperer Hall of the SLUB. The focus will be on the increasingly precarious function of ”science” in the public battle of opinion. “Science communication” is usually understood as the conveying scientific content to a broad public through media, often combined with the claim to enlighten and educate wide sections of the population. But aren't the complex processes and the complicated analyses of science, its rules for cultivated dispute and controversy fought out with arguments, increasingly being threatened to fail due to the polarization logic of media communication? Is science perhaps ultimately dismantling itself by acting within a system that follows a different logic - not least the logic of disparagement?
Panel discussion: Science - Public - Invectivity: Between "Follow the Science!" and "Fake Science!"
- Heiner Fangerau (Professor for the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf),
- Michael Kobel (Vice-Rector Academic Affairs, TU Dresden)
- Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger (Rector of the Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin)
Alexandra Gerlach (Freelance journalist and moderator)
Admission is free of charge. The event takes place as part of the final conference of the Collaborative Research Center 1285 "Invectivity. Constellations and Dynamics of Disparagement"
Please register via: https://tud.link/6voz.