Year of 2016 - 2017
The topics of the International Short Courses in the course year 2016/2017 have been Water Resource Management and Health (SC68), Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (SC69), as well as Sustainable Cities (SC70). Furthermore in CIPSEM's anniversary year, the 40th International Postgraduate Course on Environmental Management (EM40) took place.
During the 2016/2017 course year, environmental experts originating from 48 different countries have participated in the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course programme at TU Dresden:
Argentina, Bangladesh, Botswana, Brazil (x5), Burkina Faso, Cambodia (x2), Chile, China (x6), Colombia (x2), Costa Rica (x2), Ecuador (x4), Egypt, Ethiopia (x4), Fiji, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India (x3), Indonesia (x3), Iran, Jamaica (x2), Jordan, Kenya (x4), Kyrgyzstan (x2), Lesotho, Mauritius (x2), Mexico, Myanmar, Nepal (x2), Niger, Nigeria (x2), Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Philippines, Peru (x2), Samoa, Sierra Leone, St. Lucia, Sudan, Tanzania (x2), Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, Vietnam (x3), Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Curious, who they are? Find their fields of expertise in the section below.
(10 January - 12 July 2017) Test
Represented countries of origin in the course:
Botswana | Brazil | China | Colombia | ||
Vietnam |
Ms Kebaabetswe Keoagile

Ms Kebaabetswe Keoagile
Country of origin: Botswana
Workfield: Environmental Management
Position while attending the course: Senior Natural Resources Officer at Department of Environmental Affairs
Academic background: B.A. Humanities - Environmental Science and Sociology
►Coordinating the formulation and
monitoring of policies and strategies for environmental conservation and protection in accordance with sustainable development objectives within the framework of the
national development plan.
Kebaabetswe Keoagile is currently employed in the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) at the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism as a Senior Natural Resources Officer in Gaborone, Botswana. The mandate of the department are among others monitoring of policies and strategies for environmental conservation and protection in accordance with sustainable development objectives within the framework of the National Development Plan (NDP), Districts Development Plans (DDPs) and Urban Development Plans (UDPs) processes, coordination of the implementation of obligations under Multi-Lateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), dissemination of environmental information to stakeholders, implementation and providng professional advice to central government, local authorities and the public on the preparation of environmental impact statements. Kebaabetswe is currently a secondary National Focal Point for the Convention on Biological Diversity and Nagoya protocol and had opportunities to represent her country in different international conferences. She considered studying in the postgraduate course on Environmental management for developing countries as the best way to gain deeper theoretical and practical knowledge, for achieving her career goals, and for taking a step forward for her professional development in this particular field.
Ms Fernanda Silva Martinelli

Ms Fernanda Silva Martinelli
Country of origin: Brazil
Workfield: Development & Poverty; Sustainable Development Goals; Urban Development; Sustainable Landscapes
Position while attending the course: Project Officer, Solutions Initiatives (SDSN-Youth)
Academic background: M.Sc. in Sustainable Development Practices; B.Sc. in Biology - Major in Ecology and Botany
► Identifying and supporting youth-led innovations which address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
► Allowing young change makers to have access to multiple opportunities for funding, technical assistance, mentoring, and networking.
Fernanda Silva Martinelli is a sustainable development scientist passionate about generating data and easy-to-understand information to empower society to make responsible decisions about the environment. For the last five years, Fernanda has led science-based projects regarding poverty, deforestation, and urban challenges in Rio de Janeiro and the Amazon region - three years of which she was working for the global NGO Conservation International (CI). She holds a Master from the Global Master Development Program (MDP/UFRRJ) and a postgraduate certificate in Environmental Management from TU Dresden/BMUB (Germany). With SDSN-Youth, she is currently on charge of identifying oportunities of publication, dissemination and exploitation of the yearly Youth Solutions Report, from organizing events to engaging with local SDSN-Y representatives.
Mr Haibo Liu

Mr Haibo Liu
Country of origin: China
Workfield: Environmental management
Position while attending the course: Consultant at Ministry of Environmental Protection of China
Academic background: M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering
► Formulating the national environmental technology development plan;
► Acting as a coordinator of the key research and development programme carried out by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China.
Ms Natalia Jimenez Contento

Ms Natalia Jimenez Contento
Country of origin: Colombia
Workfield: Water management
Position while attending the course: Water Specialist at Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
Academic background: M.Sc. Chemistry with specialty in water treatment
► Develop policy and regulation for water management;
► Technical support to regional environmental authorities in the implementation of policy and regulation for water management .
Convinced that water is the central axis of life, after graduating from environmental engineering in Colombia, Natalia Jimenez Contento did a Master of Chemistry, Water Treatment in Lille, France. There she acquired the technical knowledge necessary to provide quality water to people and in general to protect this vital liquid and human health. Later, Natalia worked in one of the largest water treatment companies in France developing new technologies and then with this same company she worked in Santiago de Chile, which allowed her to enrich her technical knowledge in these two countries with different political, socioeconomic and environmental situations and Water Resources Management models.
Based on the technical knowledge acquired at the beginning of her professional career, Natalia is currently developing policy and regulations for the Water Resources Management –WRM in the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia. Among the national regulations that she has developed within interdisciplinary groups are: the wastewater disposal standards, the wastewater reuse standard, and the water resource management legislation.
At the time of applying to the course Natalia was working on the development of wastewater disposal policy and the reuse and efficient use and saving of water regulations. Her objective of participating in the course was to connect water management with other natural components (soil, air, non-renewable resources, etc.) as well as the political, cultural, social and economic spheres. She also aimed to learn about the German experience in these environmental issues.
Ms Andrea Amelia Vera Arabe

Ms Andrea Amelia Vera Arabe
Country of origin: Peru (Colombia)
Workfield: Climate Change and Carbon Adviser
Position while attending the course: Forest and Land Use Expert
Academic background: B.Sc. Forestry engineering
►Implementation of the global
assigned projects: development of REDD+ projects and AFOLU (agriculture, forestry
and other land use) projects under VCS, CCBS standards and gold standard;
►Development of local stakeholders consultations, Climate change and carbon advisory.
Andrea Amelia Vera Arabe is a Forestry Engineer specialized in social development, land use planning and management of natural resources and an expert on forestry carbon projects and payments for ecosystem services, with experience in international carbon markets and projects under different standards such as VCS, CCBS and Gold Standard. Her experience includes the implementation and development of REDD+ and AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use) projects, assessment of carbon methodologies, coordination of carbon projects and Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) mechanisms.
Due to her previous work and social focus, Andrea has developed the stakeholder consultation for several carbon projects as well as the analysis of the agents and causes of deforestation, which have served for the project’s baseline establishment and the validation of the projects.
Key skills: CDM/VER Project Implementation. REDD+ and AFOLU Project Implementation. PoA Implementation. CDM/VER Methodologies. Climate Change and Carbon Advisory.
Mr Ahmed Said Sulaiman

Mr Ahmed Said Sulaiman
Country of origin: Ethiopia
Workfield: Environmental Protection (Regional administration)
Position while attending the course: Core-Process owner at Environmental Protection, Mines and Energy Development Agency
Academic background: B.Sc. Natural Resource Management
► Overseeing planning, implementation and monitoring of projects under environmental protection branch;
► Coordinating private, civil and public projects so as to ensure that they comply with regional environmental standards and regulations ;
► Lead the climate resilient green economy (CRGE) unit and ensure a close collaboration with similar units from other sectors.
Ms Marle Patricia Aguilar Ponce

Ms Marle Patricia Aguilar Ponce
Country of origin: Honduras
Workfield: Governmental Institution: Ministry of Energy, Natural Resource, Environment and Mines
Position while attending the course: Environmental Analyst
Academic background: M.Sc. in Water Engineering; Bachelor in Biology with aquatic orientation
► National Focal Point of Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization from the Convention on Biological Diversity;
► Technical responsible in department of biodiversity to supporting the implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity, working with the national focal point of the Agriculture and livestock Ministry ;
► As well as the participant of the processes of FPIC of indigenous peoples and community protocols, according to the Convention No.169 and ABS measures;
► As technician participant and support, in the process of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the execution of public or private projects potentially polluting or degrading; Participating in biological monitoring of species .
Ms Jaya Upadhyay

Ms Jaya Upadhyay
Country of origin: India
Workfield: Community based Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods
Position while attending the course: Project officer
Academic background: M.Sc. in Forestry
► Prepare and Implement natural resource management plans in Community based forests and in High-altitude wetland areas;
► Improve and Implement sustainable livelihoods programmes in conservation areas;
► Network, liaison and organize capacity building programmes with CBOs, Government agencies and relevant stakeholders.
Ms Yulia Mariska

Ms Yulia Mariska
Country of origin: Indonesia
Workfield: City Government
Position while attending the course: Staff of Planning Division
Academic background: M.Sc. Water Science Engineering
► Supporting my head section to set up programs related to the jobs and functions of public work and spatial planning office such as to construct and to do operation and maintenance of streets and roads, flood control structures (urban drainage, retention ponds, pumping station.etc).
Ms Ramshid Rashidpour

Ms Ramshid Rashidpour
Country of origin: Iran
Workfield: Organic farming
and waste management
Position while attending the course: Founding member and member of board directors at Women Association of Clean Food( regional NGO)
Academic background: B.Sc. in Marine Biology
► Decision with other board members
about priorities, and planning projects;
►Planning and coordinating raising awareness and environmental
education program for the public.
Ramshid Rashidpour is working as a board member of a regional NGO regarding waste management, education, and sustainable development. She is involved in planning and coordinating raising awareness and environmental education programs for the public. In 2015, Ramshid has been awarded a CrossCulture scholarship by ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) to do a three months internship regarding biodiversity and habitat conservation with the NABU International office in Berlin.
As an environmentalist who is involved in local community empowerment and its administrations, Ramshid feels the necessity to study how physical and biological processes maintain life, and how humans affect nature which requires a broad interdisciplinary perspective. This motivated her to apply for the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course with the aim of deepen her knowledge, gain skills and build technical capacity in environmental management. Since environmental management is an interdisciplinary study, the course helped her a lot to gain knowledge in a very broad scope from solar energy to soil, and from waste management to marine ecosystems, and project management; it covered all aspects which are needed for environment management.
Mr Sean Everard Townsend

Mr Sean Everard Townsend
Country of origin: Jamaica
Workfield: Natural Resources Management and Environmental Planning (NRMEP)
Position while attending the course: Manager at Urban Development Corporation
Academic background: PhD Marine Sciences
►Manage the day to day operations of the NRMEP Department at the UDC;
►The work of the department ensure sustainable development and environmental compliance.
Ms Joyce Wamaitha Kiruri

Ms Joyce Wamaitha Kiruri
Country of origin: Kenya
Workfield: Environmental Management / Sustainable Tourism
Position while attending the course: Eco-rating Program Officer at Ecotourism Kenya
Academic background: B.Sc. Environmental Studies - Community Development
► Project management and team lead in managing Ecotourism Kenya’s (EK) Eco-rating & Tour Operators’ Certification schemes for tourism accommodation facilities and tour operators aiming at promoting sustainable tourism;
► Conducting environmental audit assessments countrywide in accordance with globally recognized ecotourism standards;
► Monitoring and evaluation of all EK’s certified facilities and tour operators within the country and periodical training of EK’s external environmental auditors; ;
► Implementing community-based tourism projects.
Joyce Kiruri is working as an Eco-rating Program Officer for Ecotourism Kenya, a Non-governmental organization whose mandate is to promote responsible tourism in Kenya through its mission-linking communities, tourism and conservation. To achieve this Ecotourism Kenya (EK) works with government bodies, private sector, civil society, tourism facilities and communities living within conservation and protected areas. Core to EK’s work is stakeholder liaison, more so through the Standards and Best Practice Program in which Joyce serves. Part of her roles include project management of EK’s certification schemes aimed at promoting responsible tourism, conducting environmental audit assessments, and other activities related to ecotourism development.
Joyce applied to the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course with the aim to improve her knowledge, gain skills and build her technical capacity in environmental management issues which is within her career and professional interests. In retrospect, she gained a great deal of knowledge and skills on various environmental topics and issues through the lectures, case studies and shared experiences with fellow participants, which she is confident that the lessons learned will be quite practical in addressing challenges, as well as being applicable towards environmental conservation in the Kenyan context.
Ms Aliia Orozakunova

Ms Aliia Orozakunova
Country of origin: Kyrgyzstan
Workfield: Environmental Protection
Position while attending the course: Specialist of International Cooperation Department of the State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry of the Kyrgyz Republic
Academic background: M.Sc. in International Relations
► Organization and carrying out missions of international organizations;
► Assistance to the Working Group in the practical implementation of environmental conventions of UNECE;
► Maintenance activities in the field of environment within the framework of cooperation between countries;
► Implementation of the agreements reached during the official visit of heads of State and heads of Government to foreign countries;
► Conducting negotiations on the preparation of joint projects with partners and participation in the negotiation process, protocol records of meetings;
► Preparation of meetings of the Coordination Group for monitoring of environmental projects and conventions;
► Provide reports on the plans of the State agency in the field of foreign policy and environmental projects to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Mr Augusto Mosqueda Solis

Mr Augusto Mosqueda Solis
Country of origin: Mexcio
Workfield: Renewable energy
Position while attending the course: Associate of UNDEEX A.C. (Local NGO)
Academic background: M.Sc. International Management of Resources and Environment
► Preparation of project proposals for the development of renewable energy projects of isolated and marginalized communities;
►Monitor and advise developers on the preparation of environmental assessments and audits, the environmental management plans for infrastructure projects in the energy sector, prior to their submission to MINEPDED.
Augusto Mosqueda Solis has been working on the field of renewable energy projects since 2009 and has a vast experience in the fields of incorporating such technologies in isolated and marginalized regions. He is co-founder of a local NGO in Mexico. Since 2015 the fund raising and preparation of proposals are his main tasks. Moreover, with tonámix renovables (local renewable energy consultancy) has been working since 2012 and has participated in diverse kind of projects such as: water drinking provision for isolated communities, powering of eco-touristic centers with solar modules, development of energy innovation projects and providing services also to private householders and industry. Through his participation at the EM40th course he was able to share international experiences with other experts from developing countries and acquired the tools for developing future projects related to the environmental management. The course provided him with additional and valuable knowledge related to the fields ranging from conservation and restoration ecology to sustainable urban and regional development.
Mr Moussa Lamine

Mr Moussa Lamine
Country of origin: Niger
Workfield: Implementation of international conventions of chemicals, organic persistent pollutants, Environmental Impact Assessment, Climate change
Position while attending the course: Programme officer in the Direction of environement and risks prevention
Academic background: Master in Development (Environmental Management); B.Eng. Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
► Contributing to the promotion environmentally sound management and the monitoring of wastes and chemicals;
► Define and ensure the application of environmental standards and sustainable development;
► Support public and private institutions for the appropriation of best available techniques (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP);
Moussa Lamine is working in the direction of environment and risk prevention of the General Directorate of the Environment and Sustainable Development as a programme officier. The General Directorate of the Environment and Sustainable Development is under the authority of the Secretary General of the ministry of environment and sustainable development. It is charged of the implementation of policies, strategies , conventions and environmental and multilateral agreements and action plans for environmental conservation, climate change, urban sanitation, environmental economics, sustainable development, environmental standards, pollution and nuisances and disasters risks . Moussa applied for the CIPSEM Course to learn more about environmental issues, to build his capacity in order to understand how environmental problems are handled at international level through excursions, lectures by lecturers from different universities and institutions. At the end of the course Moussa was really satisfied because the course was able to cover his expectations.
Mr Adrian Lauer

Mr Adrian Lauer
Country of origin: Peru
Workfield: Federal/National administration
Position while attending the course: Assistant, Climate Change and International Agenda
Academic background: B.Sc. in Political Science and Government
►Assisting the Climate Change Division in the work on markets and climate finance;
► Organising the overseas agenda of the Minister of Environment of Peru
Ms Benrina Demoh Kanu

Ms Benrina Demoh Kanu
Country of origin: Sierra Leone
Workfield: Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Government of Sierra Leone
Position while attending the course: Deputy Head Fish Processing and Control Unit
Academic background: Bsc. Marine Biology and Oceanography
► Ensure relevant fisheries laws and regulations are obeyed,
Inspect fishing gears and processing establishment to ensure compliance;
► Provide assistance in research programmes;
► Promote marine management programmes and policies.
Ms Reem Gasim Omer Fadlelseed

Ms Reem Gasim Omer Fadlelseed
Country of origin: Sudan
Workfield: Environment
Position while attending the course: Projects Coordinator assistant at the Sudanese Environment Conservation Society (SECS)
Academic background: M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences
► Develop a filing system to keep records of previous and ongoing projects;
► Monitor ongoing projects;
► Coordinate training programs targeting Volunteers at SECS.
Mr Bendicto Kabiito

Mr Bendicto Kabiito
Country of origin: Uganda
Workfield: Teaching and community Environmental work
Position while attending the course: Assistant Lecturer (Uganda Martyrs University) and Partner in charge of environmental justice and social development (The Eco-earth Environment for Peace- Initiative)
Academic background: M.A. Sustainable Peace and Conflict Management
► Teaching;
► Research in conflict and natural resource management
► Tree propagation and planting
► Coordination of environmental rehabilitation and awareness activities
Mr Anh Le Hoang

Mr Anh Le Hoang
Country of origin: Vietnam
Workfield: Air pollution; Air quality monitoring and modeling; Emission inventory; Bioaerosol; Catalyst
Position while attending the course: Head of Department of Environmental Management; Lecturer in Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Academic background: Ph.D. Environmental System Engineering
► Giving lectures on environmental field such as: environmental science, environmental monitoring, EIA;
► Implementing and taking part
in some scientific projects mostly air pollution topics.
Dr. HOANG Anh Le obtained his Master degree at VNU University of Science (Hanoi, Vietnam) in 2002 and another one at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT, Bangkok, Thailand) in 2007 on Environmental Engineering Management. He went on to earn his Ph.D. in Environmental System Engineering from the Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST, Seoul, Korea) in 2012. Recently he is working as a lecturer, holding the Head position at the Department of Environmental Management at Faculty of Environmental Science, VNU University of Science, the largest member of Vietnam National University (VNU) in Hanoi. His research interests include atmospheric pollution, air quality monitoring and modeling, emission inventory, climate change, catalyst synthesis, and indoor air quality.
(17 November – 13 December 2016)
Represented countries of origin in the course:
Argentina | Bangladesh | Brazil(x2) | Costa Rica (x2) | Chile | China |
Ecuador | Ethiopia | Guyana | India | Indonesia | Jamaica |
Lesotho | Mauritius | Nigeria | Papua New Guinea | Tanzania | Vietnam |
Mr Moses Jaiyeola Asa

Mr Moses Jaiyeola Asa
Country of origin: Nigeria
Workfield: Fed./nat. government
Position while attending the course: Assistant Chief Town Planning Officer at Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Federal Capital Development Authority
Academic background: M.Sc. Applied Geospatial Technology
►Organizing and
supervising research studies for the development of Abuja city;
►Assist in the formulation of urban development policies and strategy;
►Involved in development plan preparation and supervision as well as urban management activities
Mr Freddy Bolaños Céspedes

Mr Freddy Bolaños Céspedes
Country of origin: Costa Rica
Workfield: Fed./ nat.
Position while attending the course: Director of Professional Exercise at Colegio Federado de Ingenieros y de Arquiectos de Costa Rica
Academic background: M.Sc. in Sanitary Engineering
► Implementing all procedures to
control professional practice of engineering and architecture including project design
and construction;
► Urban design and development through the application of conflicts
resolution processes, inspections and enforcement.
Ms Laura Zumbado Ramos

Ms Laura Zumbado Ramos
Country of origin: Costa Rica
Workfield: Regional administration
Position while attending the course: Coordinator of Environmental Management Department at Municipality of Garabito
Academic background: B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering
► Leads the sustainability programs and strategies of the region of Garabito;
► Coordinates with internal and external stakeholders in order to eliminate, reduce or mitigate environmental issues in the area.
Ms Gisela Vanesa Cappari

Ms Gisela Vanesa Cappari
Country of origin: Argentina
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Technical Assistant of the Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Office at the Environmental Protection Agency of Buenos Aires City Government
Academic background: B.Sc. in Environmental Analysis
► Involvement in the implementation and monitoring of action measures on mitigation and adaptation of Buenos Aires City to the impacts of climate change;
► Communication and information exchange with other government offices and with international organisms.
Mr Ron N Eastman

Mr Ron N Eastman
Country of origin: Guyana
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Deputy City Engineer at Georgetown Mayor and City Council Engineer's Department
Academic background: B.Sc. Civil Engineering
► Implement the organising and coordination of the day to day operations for the engineer’s department, Mechanical department, Building inspectors department, General works department (roads, drainage, plumbing, building works).
Ms Pratiksha Gogoi

Ms Pratiksha Gogoi
Country of origin: India
Workfield: Fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course: Project Manager at Ecosan Services Foundation
Academic background: M.Sc. Urban Management
►CSR activities, content development, trainings, program designing, monitoring, documentation and reporting, acquisition of projects.
Mr Ezra Yakobo Guya

Mr Ezra Yakobo Guya
Country of origin: Tanzania
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Municipal Environmental Management Officer at Kinondoni Municipal Council
Academic background: M.Sc. Integrated Sanitation Management
► Formulating municipal environmental management plans as well as managing environmental activities;
► Committee member for Dar Es Salaam city metropolitan development project (DMDP), a project which prepares the city to meet its future basic infrastructure.
Ms Parvatee Kanhye

Ms Parvatee Kanhye
Country of origin: Mauritius
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Environment Officer at Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development, Disaster and Beach Management
Academic background: B.Sc. in Biology
► Posted in the environmental assessment division and processes applications for environmental impact assessment.
Ms Siva Eriphylle Kima

Ms Siva Eriphylle Kima
Country of origin: Papua New Guinea
Workfield: Fed./National administration
Position while attending the course: Policy officer at National Capital District Commision - City Hall, Policy Planning Division
Academic background: M.Sc. in Public Policy and Leadership
► Assisting in the development of relevant sound policy for the National Capital District Commission that produces practical efficient and achievable outcomes;
► Supporting the forumulation and implementation of workable policies and
Mr Lazuardi

Mr Lazuardi
Country of origin: Indonesia
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Head of Social Culture Division at Regional Planning and Development Board of Musi Rawas Government
Academic background: M.Sc.
► Coordinate the activities of planning and development in the fields of education, health, environment, sustainable development (MDG's), communication and information, demographic and welfare in Musi Rawas Regency.
Ms Chunyan Liu

Ms Chunyan Liu
Country of origin: China
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Deputy Division Director at Ministry of Environmental Protection of China
Academic background: M.Sc. Environmental Science
► Assistance in drafting and implementing national environmental planning and zoning;
►Reviewing the environment content of the major city planning and zoning.
► Work closely with other ministries, provincial and major urban environmental protection officials, experts
Mr Abdullah Al Mamun

Mr Abdullah Al Mamun
Country of origin: Bangladesh
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Deputy Director - Monitoring and Evaluation at Urban Resilience Project: Project Coordination and Monitoring Unit, Planning Commision
Academic background: M.Sc. International Development Studies
►Assist in monitoring and evaluation activities of URP project and prepare a draft monitoring and evaluation plan;
►Process procurement plan and conduct all procurement activities of the project;
► Data collection for preparing quarterly/annual progress report and liaison with the World Bank.
Mr Aman Daud Mohammed

Mr Aman Daud Mohammed
Country of origin: Ethiopia
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Urban Plan Land Use Management Department Head at Harari Region Land Development and Management
Academic background: M.Sc. Regional and Local Development
► To suggest and develop policy ideas for the executive for the sustainable management of land resources;
► To improve and strengthen planning, management and evaluation systems for land an and land resources;
► To create systems for the interpretation and integrated analysis of data.
Ms Thi Bich Ngoc Nguyen

Ms Thi Bich Ngoc Nguyen
Country of origin: Vietnam
Workfield: Regional administration
Position while attending the course: Profect Officer at Viet Nam Institute for Rural and Urban Planning
Academic background: M.Sc. Climate Change
► Involved in designing drainage for residence, high-rise building, private house;
►Participated in projects to assess the impact of climate change and sea level rise to infrastructure at urban areas;
►Identification of potential environmental impacts and suggested adequate mitigation measure.
Ms Jutarporn Noulyai

Ms Jutarporn Noulyai
Country of origin: Thailand
Workfield: Regional administration
Position while attending the course: City Planner at Nakhon Si Thammarat Office of Public Works and Town and Country Planning
Academic background: M.Sc. in Urban and Regional Planning
► Direct and ensure compliance with town and country planning act, Building contral act;
► Formulate another kind of town and country planning;
► Introduce land readjustment for area development;
► Study and analyses data to formulate Town and Country Plan.
Mr Winston Donnovan Dane Quest

Mr Winston Donnovan Dane Quest
Country of origin: Jamaica
Workfield: Federal/National administration
Position while attending the course: Architect Planner at National Environment and Planning Agency
Academic background: B.Sc. in Architecture
►Providing architectural advice for the
►Conduct research and assist in the drafting of various plans and orders;
►Prepare/review feasibility studies, conduct site inspections and review
various development proposals.
Ms Mariana Moutinho Monteiro de Messas

Ms Mariana Moutinho Monteiro de Messas
Country of origin: Brazil
Workfield: Regional administration
Position while attending the course: Director of Technical Division at Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo - Secretaria de Infraestrutura Urbana e Obras
Academic background: M.Sc. in Civil Construction - Constructive Excellence and Anomalies
► Management and supervision of installation of infrastructure net services (as water, energy, gas, telephony, optical fibres) in public ways;
► Development of technical regulations and legislations on infrastructure planning and projects;
► Cooperation on georeferencing developments between departments.
Ms Larissa Cassia Ribeiro da Cruz Godoy

Ms Larissa Cassia Ribeiro da Cruz Godoy
Country of origin: Brazil
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Environmental Analyst at Ministry of Environment / Territorial Zoning Department
Academic background: M.Sc. Law and Public Policies
► Coordination and implementation of
international projects on territorial planning;
► Institutional articulation to cooperation
among public policies;
► Analysis of environmental law projects, mainly related to land planning;
► Formulation of environmental policies in national level.
Ms Elena Haydée Robles Martínez

Ms Elena Haydée Robles Martínez
Country of origin: Chile
Workfield: Local
Position while attending the course: Teacher and Curriculum Adviser at Foundation of the University of Playa Ancha
Academic background: M.Sc. in Regional and Environmental Development
► Works as teacher aiming to generate social skills through focus citizenship, human rights and sustainability;
► Curriculum advisor to the Foundation;
► Creating plans and teaching methodologies for cross trades
Mr Mzwandile Ivory Thokoane

Mr Mzwandile Ivory Thokoane
Country of origin: Lesotho
Workfield: Regional administration
Position while attending the course: District Physical Planner at Berea District Council
Academic background: B.Sc. Urban and Regional Planning
► Processing planning applications;
► Providing appropriate planning advise that is in compliance with the legislation;
► Management and promotion of orderly and planned environment;
► Preparing local plans, structure plans, regional plans and national plans.
Mr Mauricio Javier Vargas Mantilla

Mr Mauricio Javier Vargas Mantilla
Country of origin: Ecuador
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Environmental Professional Technician at Decentralized Autonomous Municipal Government of Ambato
Academic background: M.Sc. Management and Conservation of Species in Trade
► Control of architecture and urbanism regulations in economic activities;
► Management of the natural protected
areas of Ambato;
► Responsible of the biodiversity inventory of the remaining ecosystem;
► Control of exploitation of arid and petreus material.
(October 5th - November 2nd 2016)
Represented countries of origin in the course:
Brazil | China (x2) | Ecuador(x2) | |||
Kenya (x2) |
Ms Ayanne De Oliveira Maciel

Ms Ayanne De Oliveira Maciel
Country of origin: Brazil
Workfield: Fed./nat. company
Position while attending the course: Engineering Coordinator at Futura Energia SA
Academic background: B.Sc. Chemical Engineering
► Coordinating engineering activities in
biomass-to-energy projects, such as power units and cogenerations units,
► Development of conceptual projects, energy and mass balances, suppliers negotiation and evaluation of new technologies,
► Discussion and approval of outsourced engineering studies.
Mr Sarasy Chiphong

Mr Sarasy Chiphong
Country of origin: Cambodia
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Officer for Energy Efficiency at Ministry of Mines and Energy
Academic background: M.Sc. International Energy Policy Program (IEPP)
► Designing energy efficiency
sign (called standard and labelling for refrigerator),
► Draft energy efficiency policy and
Ms Yihong Qi

Ms Yihong Qi
Country of origin: China
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Deputy Director at Ministry of Environmental Protection of China
Academic background: M.Sc. Pattern Recognition and Smart System
► Reviewing all the documents of Ministry of Environmental Protection of China (MEP) and managing the stamps of MEP;
► Guiding
and managing the running of the document publishing system of MEP;
► Guiding the documents development of the affiliated departments of MEP.
Ms Yunwen Bai

Ms Yunwen Bai
Country of origin: China
Workfield: Fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course: Director at Greenovation Hub
Academic background: M.Sc. Environamental Science / Environmental Policy and Management
► Directing G:HUB’s evidence-based research and policy;
► Expertise focuses on international financial flows, and climate and energy
Mr Mauricio Alberto Masache Heredia

Mr Mauricio Alberto Masache Heredia
Country of origin: Ecuador
Workfield: Regional company
Position while attending the course: Head of the Department of Human Settlements at Ecoglobal Solutions
Academic background: M.Sc. Energy Efficiency Modellung and Implementation
►Managing solutionsfor developing policies and governance to promote resilient and sustainable habitats;
►Designing, modelling and building ecological sensitive systems for households, offices and neighbourhoods, incl. energy efficiency and renewable energies as one of the main assets.
Mr Leonardo Santiago Moncada Cuenca

Mr Leonardo Santiago Moncada Cuenca
Country of origin: Ecuador
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Advisor at Control and REgulation Agency - ARCONEL
Academic background: B.Sc. Electrical Engineering
► Contributing to establishment of electricity prices;
► Managing the data validation for subsidies and other economics studies;
► In charge of statistics about compensations and subsidies that the
government gives to the final customers..
Ms Rania Bassiouny Shehata Badr

Ms Rania Bassiouny Shehata Badr
Country of origin: Egypt
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Environmental Researcher at Egyptian Ministry of Environment
Academic background: B.Sc. Chemistry and Physics Science
► Researching, mapping and follow
up mitigation of greenhouse gases opportunities in all sectors;
► Identify energy development and technology needs for mitigation.
Mr Kindie Asmamaw Tagele

Mr Kindie Asmamaw Tagele
Country of origin: Ethiopia
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Senior Small Hydro and Geothermal Energy Expert at Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity
Academic background: M.Sc. in Sustainable Energy Engineering
► Conducting feasibility studies on small hydropower projects;
► preparing project proposals for funding
and providing constructive comments and suggestions on incoming hydropower and
geothermal projects from developers.
Kindie Asmamaw is working as Senior Small Hydro and Geothermal Energy Expert at the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. His duties and responsibilities include the following major activities:
- Conduct pre-feasibility and feasibility studies of small hydropower and geothermal projects
- Design, review and follow up hydropower and geothermal projects
- Provide training to hydropower operators and regional experts
- Preparation of training modules, leaflets and provision of data for project developers
- Conduct research activities on hydropower and climate change issues
- Promoting the development of indigenous clean renewable energy sources in the country
Kindie has been working in the energy sector since 2013. During the last three years, he has developed a 20 kW micro-hydropower plant located in south-east of the country’s capital, Addis Ababa and two hydropower plants are in the pipeline. He has also taken part in various overseas training courses. He was excited for getting this valuable opportunity to attend the SC69-UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SC69) course in Dresden. The course was the best opportunity for him to deepen his knowledge and skills on various renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency practices and also to create networks among participants.
Ms Alisi Adi Kamaiwaqa Nailovolovo

Ms Alisi Adi Kamaiwaqa Nailovolovo
Country of origin: Fiji
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Environment -Ozone Depleting Substances- Project Assistant at Ministry of Local Government, Housing and Environment, Department of Environment
Academic background: B.Sc. Environmental Science
► Works under the supervision of the ODS Project officer to implement projects within the unit that's approved by the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund;
► undertake day-to- day work to assist the unit in the enforcement of the Ozone depleting substances
Mr Leonidas Pierre Davoust

Mr Leonidas Pierre Davoust
Country of origin: Haiti
Workfield: Energy & Project M & E
Position while attending the course: Renewable Energy Consultant & Project assistant coordinator at Ministry for Public Work, Transport and Communication (Energy Cell)
Academic background: M.Sc. in Project Management
► Definition of the planning aspect of implementation for the use of renewable energy program and efficient use of energy;
► Assist on the definition of the renewable aspect of energy use on the proposition of the new regulatory frame in the energy sector;
► Project management.
Leonidas Pierre Davoust is working as internal Consultant in the Cell Energy of the ministry of public works, transportation and communications of Haiti. As the entity in charge of coordinating the energy sector, his duties are to assist international experts recruited to help the Cell Energy MTPTC for the development of energy projects from renewable sources, Contribute to the preparation of technical reports on Renewable Energies and produce the report of the meetings held, and to assist in the supervision of all projects of the Cell Energy in connection with the Renewable Energy.
Leonidas spent about 10 years working in the private sector as electromechanical engineer (in a construction company with the duties of providing efficient use of equipments and managing associated resources (human, materials and finance). Since 2011, he is working for the public sector managing and implementing projects (procurement aspects) with a 3 years experience in implementing solar projects (Public lightning, productive use of energy in the Ministry of Energy office (BMSE). Teaching Mathematics, physics, solar systems training are parts of his additional fields.
Mr Mithun John Varghese

Mr Mithun John Varghese
Country of origin: India
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Project Engineer and Certified Energy Auditor at Kerala Industrial Technical Consultancy Organization (KITCO Ltd)
Academic background: M.Sc. Technology (Energy Management)
► Renewable energy projects;
► Energy management activities across various governmental agencies
in India.
Ms Nataliawati Siahaan

Ms Nataliawati Siahaan
Country of origin: Indonesia
Workfield: Energy Economics
Position while attending the course: Research Manager at Foundation of Indonesian Institute for Energy Economics (IIEE)
Academic background: M.Sc. Management
► Leading the research projects included collecting, analysing and synthesizing data to obtain relevant information;
► Communicating with the
related parties in terms of the implementation of research activities;
► monitoring and
evaluating research activities.
Nataliawati Siahaan is currently working as a research manager with the Indonesian Institute for Energy Economics (IIEE). She works closely with the executive director and program development manager to plan, coordinate and execute assigned research projects. Her current work environment enables her to collaborate with a wide range of Indonesian and international energy stakeholders. Along with her research, Nataliawati is also involved in coordinating seminars/focus group discussions/workshops. She chose to apply for the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course because the SC69 on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency is in line with her current professional work environment which has a concern on building the capacity of communities to enable them to participate actively in the management and utilization of energy resources in a sustainable manner. Nataliawati perceives the Fellowship Program as the best opportunity to increase her knowledge, skills and to build a network of international energy stakeholders. In addition to receiving the CIPSEM Fellowship award, in 2013 and 2015, she had the opportunity to attend the Pre-Seminar and ISO meeting on “Sustainability Criteria for Bioenergy” in Stockholm, Sweden and in Berlin, Germany. Moreover, Natalia has contributed to a chapter in the book entitled “Climate Change Policies and Challenges in Indonesia” which was published by Springer in 2016.
Mr James Paul Irungu Mwangi

Mr James Paul Irungu Mwangi
Country of origin: Kenya
Workfield: Fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course: Programmes Manager at INTASAVE Africa
Academic background: M.Sc. in Environmental Planning and Management
► Programme management and coordination of a portfolio of projects relating to renewable energy, climate change adaptation mainstreaming, and biodiversity conservation;
► Coordination of proposal development,
log frames, budgets, and donor narrative and financial reporting, and partnership building.
Mr Aloys Mosima Osano

Mr Aloys Mosima Osano
Country of origin: Kenya
Workfield: Fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Chair of the Centre for Innovation, New and Renewable Energy at Maasai Mara University
Academic background: Ph.D. Chemistry
► Chair of departmental board meetings;
► Develop new and renewable energy policy,
innovations policy and intellectual property policy;
► Implement energy and innovations policies in the university, mobilise resources for the centre;
► Coordinate patents/rights.
Ms Gulnara Anapiiaeva

Ms Gulnara Anapiiaeva
Country of origin: Kyrgyzstan
Workfield: Electricity Distribution
Position while attending the course: Project Assistant at Severelectro (fed./nat. company)
Academic background: M.A. in Communication and Sustainable Development
► Coordinates the RE & EE projects within
JSC Severelectro;
► Liaises with other departments as well as governmental authorities on sustainable development projects;
► Responds to extensive and diverse external/internal inquiries and general requests by drafting, and formatting reports.
Gulnara Anapiiaeva is working as project assistant for electricity renovation projects (financed by KfW and World Bank) at state-owned electricity distribution company Severelectro in Kyrgyzstan. She assists among others in contract administration from the beginning of the project to final completion, manages project scope, cost and timeline, communicates with Contractors and Sub-Contractors on project implementation, and offers technical and logistical support to the company's other departments. One of the most important issues of electricity scarcity in her country is hazardous loss of glacier mass in Central Asia. Electricity generation in the Kyrgyz Republic relies on hydropower and there are only a few actions towards diversification of renewable energy sources. Gulnaras goal and passion is the integration of energy efficiency and renewable energy in the Kyrgyz Republic. She focuses on developing communication actions on energy efficiency with Severelectro in order to raise customers' awareness about the energy-conservation benefits of house insulation. In this context, the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SC69) course was the possibility to start research on diversification of electricity production from renewable energy at the single-citizen level and the state level by engaging key proponents in the private business and public government sectors.
Gulnara has been awarded a Scholarship for Master studies at the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis by Open Society Institute in 2012. After her studies, she utilized her newly gained knowledge and experience for implementing a project on corporate responsibility. This project allowed to recycle office papers at each department office at Severelectro as well as to lobby the Procurement Department to provide energy-saving lamps. In December 2016, Gulnara was awarded with Certificate of Honor by her company.
Ms Mo Aung Nay Chi

Ms Mo Aung Nay Chi
Country of origin: Myanmar
Workfield: Fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course: Program Officer - Environmental Programme at Advancing Life and Regenerating Motherland
Academic background: M.Sc. Environmental Engineering and Management
►Program, projects, activities management and implementation, producing policy papers, recommendations, reports and advocacy related with sustainable development, responsible investment, clean energy, env. assessments, climate change, env. governance, urban env. quality enhancement, etc.
Mr Subash Dhakal

Mr Subash Dhakal
Country of origin: Nepal
Workfield: Fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course: Renewable Energy Advisor - Project Manager at SNV Netherlands Development Organization
Academic background: M.Sc. Sociology
► Lead and manage the planning, inception, implementation of the Renewable Energy projects (Pico-hydro and
micro enterprises developments in rural communities) within scope, timeline and accept quality levels along the commitments specified with the donor, in line with org. standards
Mr Adedoyin Adebodun Adeleke

Mr Adedoyin Adebodun Adeleke
Country of origin: Nigeria
Workfield: Local
Position while attending the course: Assistant Coordinator at Centre for Petroleum, Energy Economics and Law, University of Ibadan
Academic background: M.Sc. in Energy Studies
► Works with a research group on Energy
Consumption Profile of Ajibode Community
Ms Anne Clarisse Baga

Ms Anne Clarisse Baga
Country of origin: Philippines
Workfield: Fed./nat.
Position while attending the course: Trade Promotion Officer at German- Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc.
Academic background: B.Sc. International Studies
► Provides support services in the areas of
business development, market entry consulting, research, and sector working groups
Ms Souhir Hammami

Ms Souhir Hammami
Country of origin: Tunisia
Workfield: Regional NGO
Position while attending the course: Junior Analyst at Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Academic background: M.Sc. Electric and Automation Engineer
► To enable and increase the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency practices in the Arab region, RCREEE teams with regional governments and global organizations to initiate and lead clean energy policy dialogues and strategies.
Ms Iryna Krymus

Ms Iryna Krymus
Country of origin: Ukraine
Workfield: Renewable Energy
Position while attending the course: Advisor, Ukrainian Association of Renewable Energy
Academic background: M.Sc. in International economy
► Advising the members about the legal, governance, accounting and tax implications of proposed policies;
► Monitoring changes in relevant
legislation and the regulatory environment;
► Providing legislative drafting assistance, Media support for events dealing with RES-sector.
Iryna Krymus is working as an Advisor in Ukrainian Association of Renewable Energy. She is involved in the following activities: collecting information and writing reports/articles; participating in round tables on the relevant topic/conferences etc.; media coverage and support for events and decisions dealing with RES-sector; monitoring changes in relevant legislation and the regulatory environment; providing legislative drafting assistance; liaising with external regulators and advisers, such as lawyers and auditors.
In this context, Iryna says, the Fellowship Programme was the best opportunity for her to deepen her knowledge on renewable energy technologies, their implementation, and engineering, social, economic and legal aspects and to see hands-on examples that demonstrate the potential and feasibility of a sustainable energy supply, based on “renewables”.
(31 August – 23 September 2016)
Represented countries of origin in the course:
Brazil | Burkina Faso | Cambodia | China (x2) | Colombia |
Ecuador | Ethiopia | Jordan | Kenya | Mauritius |
Nepal | Panama | Pakistan | Paraguay | Samoa |
St. Lucia | Tanzania | Vietnam | Zambia | Zimbabwe |
Ms Kalkidan Asnake Attafir

Ms Kalkidan Asnake Attafir
Country of origin: Ethiopia
Workfield: Federal/National administration
Position while attending the course: Lecturer and PhD Candidate at Ethiopian Institute of Architecture Field of Study: Environmental Planning Building Construction and City (EP) and Landscape Design Development (EiABC)
Academic Background: M. Sc. Environmental Planning and Landscape Design
► Teaching courses for master and undergraduate students
► Advising students in their term papers focusing on urban rivers
► PhD thesis with focus on developing planning tools and methods for sustainable urban rivers and riverside development
Ms Laize Maite Barranco Pacheco

Ms Laize Maite Barranco Pacheco
Country of origin: Panama
Workfield: Wastewater Treatment Plant
Operation and Maintenance Inspection
Position while attending the course: Engineer in Charge
Academic Background: M.Sc. Project Management
►Engineer in Charge of Operation and Maintenance at Wastewater Treatment Plant of Panama City (local company)
►Supervisor: In the areas of safety,
environmental, lab. control, O&M, rehabilitation works, environmental national standards comply (water, air, noise, security), Discharge Permits management
Laize Maite Barranco Pacheco currently works as a Supervisor of the Operation and Maintenance in the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Panama City, the capital of Panama. It belongs to the Panama Sanitation Program which one of its objectives is to expand the collection systems and to build wastewater treatment plants.
Being awarded with the Water Course Fellowship was very important for Laize. As sanitation is upgrading in Panama she was very interested to gain a worldwide view and experience to exchange knowledge with colleagues and get to know the best ways for handling water issues. At this moment Panama does not have specializations in sanitation issues. In order to improve as a professional it was necessary for Laize to look abroad. The UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course on water management covered her needs successfully.
During the O&M Laize also managed the Clean Development Mechanism Certification of the plant. This certifies that the WWTP currently cogenerates the biogas into electricity which is used again in the installation. This cogeneration helps reducing the greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.
Ms Patinde Marie Louise Eleonore Belemlilga

Ms Patinde Marie Louise Eleonore Belemlilga
Country of origin: Burkina Faso
Workfield: Regional administration
Position while attending the course: Head of the Legal Unit at Volta Basin Authority
Academic Background: M. Sc. Environmental Law
► Developing a water charter for the Volta River Basin (with a focus on infrastructure development, stakeholders participation, regulations,
exchange of data...)
► Developing regulations for the development of common interest infrastructures and planned projects
Mr Keeran Kumar Buluck

Mr Keeran Kumar Buluck
Country of origin: Mauritius
Workfield: Federal/National Administration
Position while attending the course: Environment Officer at Ministry of Environment
Academic Background: M. Sc. Industrial Engineering and Management
► Enforcement of the industrial waste audit regulation.
► Attending to Environmental complaints.
► Advise industrialists and the public on pollution abatement measures including sustainable use of water, energy and natural resources.
► Develop, review and update environment-related policies and legislations.
Ms Diana Carolina Callejas Moncaleano

Ms Diana Carolina Callejas Moncaleano
Country of origin: Colombia
Workfield: Water Resources Management
Position while attending the course: Specialized Professional, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
Academic Background: M.Sc. in Civil Engineering – Environmental Engineering and Water Resources Management
►Promote and support the implementation of integrated water resource management policy related to management of water resources, specifically to water use efficiency, underground water and water management
► Development of policies, instruments, plans and projects of water conservation
Diana Carolina Callejas Moncaleano graduated from Los Andes University in 2007 with a degree in Environmental Engineering. In 2011 she obtained a Master degree in Civil Engineering in the field of Environmental and Water Resources Management at the same University. Her work experience is mainly focused on sustainable management of natural resources namely water, in the academic, private and public sectors. In 2012 Carolina began to work at the Water Resources Management Division (DGIRH) of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADS), and has since then been working in the water resource management group until now; her commitments are related to do policies and regulation for water conservation and protection. Specifically she has been advanced in the construction of national water use efficiency regulation and programs to promote it within the framework of the National Policy for Integrated Water Resources Management (PNGIRH).
Carolina applied for the Course because she is interested in exchange experiences and knowledge about water resources management. Furthermore she is keen to acquire knowledge from academic experts and found it an interesting experience to go to a developed country and learn about advances in water resources management. Another motivation was to experience cultural exchange and learn about German culture. Carolina values the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB course as an amazing experience in professional and personal aspects.
Mr Rubens Franco Mittag

Mr Rubens Franco Mittag
Country of origin: Brazil
Workfield: Federal/National Company
Position while attending the course: Environmental Engineer/Administrative Officer at ARBO Consultoria e Engenharia Ambiental Ltda
Academic Background: MBA Sustainable Construction
► Project management of environmental licensing, auditing, reports and consultancy
Mr Eulampius Edgar Frederick

Mr Eulampius Edgar Frederick
Country of origin: St. Lucia
Workfield: Federal/national Administration
Position while attending the course: Policy and Programme Officer at Ministry of Social Transformation, Local Government and Community Empowerment
Academic Background: M.Sc. Water and Environmental Management
► Manages and coordinates all activities related to the establishment of policy positions and the formulation and review of policy instruments pertinent to the Ministry’s programmes,
►Collaborates with and responds to heads of department, agencies and other key stakeholders for policy
Mr Osama Mohd Najeeb Gazal

Mr Osama Moh'd Najeeb Gazal
Country of origin: Jordan
Workfield: Federal/National Administration
Position while attending the course: Head of Environment and Climate Change Division at Ministry of Water and Irrigation
Academic Background: M. Sc. Land and Water Resources Management
► Following all the environmental and climate change projects that are related to water resources.
► Cooperation with the ministry of environment.
Mr Zafar Hussain

Mr Zafar Hussain
Country of origin: Pakistan
Workfield: Federal/National Administration
Position while attending the course: Research Officer at Water Resources Section Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform
Academic Background: M.Sc. Agricultural Engineering
► Preparation of drafts of annual, mid-term and five year plans for water sector of Pakistan. ► Technical appraisal and analysis of water related development projects.
► Policy related research on water sector issues.
► Preparation of working papers for apex technical forum of Pakistan CDWP.
Ms Vicheka Keo

Ms Vicheka Keo
Country of origin: Cambodia
Workfield: Local NGO
Position while attending the course: Program Coordinator at RainWater Cambodia (RWC)
Academic Background: B. Sc. English Literature
► Management and planning for project officer to conduct the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) triggering
► conduct CLTS triggering in target projects to spread key messages for change to the people in the community
Mr Sihui Liao

Mr Sihui Liao
Country of origin: China
Workfield: Federal/National Administration
Position while attending the course: Senior engineer at Development Research Center of the Ministry of Water Resources
Academic Background: Ph.D. Hydraulic Engineering
► Research on overall issues in respect of water resources development strategy, policy and laws with special focus on Integrated River Basin Management and Sustainable Development of Water Resources.
Ms Shuqiong Shi

Ms Shuqiong Shi
Country of origin: China
Workfield: Federal/National Administration
Position while attending the course: Programme Officer at Department of Water Environment Management, Ministry of Environmental Protection of China
Academic Background: M.Sc. Environmental Science and Engineering
► Works with the Division of Stationary WaterPollution Source Environment Management of the Department of Water Environment Management of the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
►Takes part in the formulation and implementation of water pollution prevention and control management policies.
Ms Emelyn Nia Maiava-Papalii

Ms Emelyn Nia Maiava-Papalii
Country of origin: Samoa
Workfield: Federal/National Administration
Position while attending the course: Senior Water Policy and Regulatory Officer at Water Resources Division, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Academic Background: B.Sc. Environmental Studies
► Monitoring and enforcement of water policies,
► Review and issueing water abstraction
►River ecosystem health monitoring of Apia rivers
► engagement in community and stakeholder meetings and consultations
Ms Isabela Thomas Mkude

Ms Isabela Thomas Mkude
Country of origin: Tanzania
Workfield: Education
Position while attending the course: Lecturer at Open University of Tanzania
Academic Background: M.Sc. Urban Environmental Management
► Lecturer for undergraduate studies of the course BSc.Environmental Studies,
► Course coordinator of OEV 317-Water resources developmentand management.
► Head of department of environmental studies.
Ms Louisa Chinyavu Mwenda

Ms Louisa Chinyavu Mwenda
Country of origin: Kenya
Workfield: Environmental management
Position while attending the course: Program and Operations Assistant (local NGO)
Academic Background: M.Sc. in Environment and Natural Resources Management
► Administrative tasks which involves
managing accounting tasks for the Nairobi office and overseeing all Nairobi office operations
► Programme management which involves supporting implementation of project as needed such data cleaning and mapping of locations where Aquaya has projects.
Louisa Chinyavu Mwenda has a Bachelors degree in Environmental Sciences from Kenyatta University and majored in Environment and Natural Resources Management at the Africa Nazarene University for her graduate studies, both in Nairobi, Kenya. She has previously worked with the Kenya Wildlife Service, Ecoplan Limited, Community Action for Nature Conservation (CANCO) and the Aquaya Institute addressing environmental issues mainly on wildlife and nature conservation, environmental impact assessments, water and wetlands resources, climate change issues and sustainable development. Louisa volunteered with where she is involved in climate change awareness campaigns. She is now involved in environmental awareness, conservation projects and management of natural resources through her working group, TLC4Environment. Also, through TLC4Environment, She has been actively involved in planning and organizing for youth-led activities in Kenya, especially those pertaining to environmental conservation, climate change, sustainable development and youth leadership. The CIPSEM course on Integrated Water Management and Health was an opportunity to learn concepts in water management and also it enabled her to share experiences, gain knowledge and skills with regards to water management. Other than that, it opened up opportunities for networks and contacts with whom Louisa can see potential collaboration with TLC4Environment towards ecofriendly solutions.
Mr Luis Antonio Ocampos Diaz

Mr Luis Antonio Ocampos Diaz
Country of origin: Paraguay
Workfield: Federal/National Administration
Position while attending the course: Water Project Manager at Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios del Paraguay
Academic Background: M.Sc.
► Prepare, verify and approve watersupply projects providing technical specifications, guidelines and standards to be adopted by the company.
► Develop, evaluate and program water networks newfacilities.
► Analyse and update project budgets, goods and services for new systems.
Mr Doan Thanh Binh Pham

Mr Doan Thanh Binh Pham
Country of origin: Vietnam
Workfield: Infrastructure, wastewater treatment plan designing, environmental impact and strategy assessment planning
Position while attending the course: Senior water supply and sanitation engineer
Academic Background: B. Sc. Water supply and sanitation engineering
► Calculating and drawing of master plans, system diagrams, profiles, installation detail drawings, making equipment list for water supply and drainage systems and wastewater treatment plants.
► Writing of environmental impact assessment reports for project planning
Binh Pham Doan Thanh is a senior engineer. His responsibility is to design water systems to provide adequate water or design wastewater systems and clean water/wastewater treatment plants for specific areas. He usually designs water supply systems and drainage systems in all types of areas, from large cities or provinces to specific urban areas or industrial zones. Besides, he draws up environmental impact assessment reports and environmental strategy assessment reports in planning projects.
Through his empirical research and projects, Binh has recognized that Vietnam needs significantly new infrastructure and educational investments to strengthen sustainable development across sectors of its economy as well as to have better solutions for environmental issues. Only by doing so, it will be possible to reduce damaging effects from economic growth on the national environment.
To address Vietnamese social-environmental challenges, Binh feels that he needs strong environmental engineering knowledge and management skills to coordinate activities across government agencies as well as private sectors. In his opinion the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB Course equipped him with essential skills to work as an expert on environmental technology and management or as a consultant for abatement of water pollution.
Mr Sydney Simute

Mr Sydney Simute
Country of origin: Zambia
Workfield: Fed./Nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Provincial Senior Engineer at Ministry of Local Government and Housing, Department of Housing and Infrastructure Development
Academic Background: B.Sc. Environmental Engineering
► Provides technical advice to all local authorities and communities.
►Monitors and supervises water, sanitation and waste management projects and facilities to ensure they meet the performance standards.
Ms Makaita Isabella Soniye

Ms Makaita Isabella Soniye
Country of origin: Zimbabwe
Workfield: Fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Water / Irrigation Specialist at Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development, Department of Irrigation Development
Academic Background: M.Sc. Integrated Water Resources Management
Irrigation water management, irrigation water quality monitoring, design of smallholder irrigation projects, farmertraining in integrated water resources management and health issues
Mr Angel Alberto Valdiviezo Ajila

Mr Angel Alberto Valdiviezo Ajila
Country of origin: Ecuador
Workfield: Environmental Geology and Risk Management
Position while attending the course: Technical Analyst Risk Management, Municipality of Duran
Academic Background: Bsc. Engineering Geology
► Analysis of the potential
natural and anthropomorphic hazards that affect the city in order to develop policies,
protocols and ordinances for the proper development of the city
Angel Alberto Valdiviezo Ajila is working as a Technical Analyst in the General Department of Risk Management in the Municipality of the city of Durán. He is involved in the coordination of activities in order to enhance an effective scientific community-base to improve assessment, mapping, analysis and monitoring of natural disasters and anthropogenic threats in the city and in rural areas. Furthermore he is responsible for the development and implementation of comprehensive master plans for preparedness and response policies and systems, the generation of directives for the management of disaster and climate change, the building guidelines for increasing the resilience of infrastructures and communities, and also strengthening the partnership and coordination among all key players and stakeholders and the preparation of physical, social, economic and environmental vulnerability indicators.
Integrated water resource management and health (IWRMH) is a main global issue especially for developing countries and the city of Durán is not an exception. For that reason Angel applied to the UNEP/UNESCE/BMUB program in order to learn about the experiences and lessons learned in Germany as a strong country in development of technology and environmental research.
During his early career Angel has been involved in many projects related to reduce disaster risk, mining and urban development. At the present he is actively involved in the assessment of vulnerability and risk reduction of the hazards that can affect the city of Duran and find ways to guide the city to a sustainable development.
Mr Bikesh Wadhanthachhya

Mr Bikesh Wadhanthachhya
Country of origin: Nepal
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Division Chief - Senior Divisional Engineer at Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Academic Background: M.Sc. Sustainable Water, Sanitation, Health and Development
► Planning and policymaking, procurement, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
► Preparationof strategic plans of district and its implementation.