Kursjahr 2019-2020
Die Themen der International Short Courses im Kursjahr 2019/2020 waren Ökosystemmanagement - Erhaltung der biologischen Vielfalt und Ökosystemdienstleistungen (SC77) , Boden- und Landressourcen für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SC78) sowie Ressourceneffizienz: Kreislaufwirtschaft und Abfallwirtschaft (SC79). Darüber hinaus fand der 43rd International Postgraduate Course on Environmental Management (EM43) statt.
Im Kursjahr 2019/2020 haben Umweltfachleute aus einer Vielzahl von Ländern am UNEP/UNESCO/BMU-Kursprogramm an der TU Dresden teilgenommen. Neugierig, wer sie sind? Im folgenden Abschnitt finden Sie ihre Fachgebiete.
Duration: 09 January - 10 July 2020
Represented countries of origin in the course:
Armenia | Belize | Bolivia | China | Ecuador | India |
Indonesia | Jamaica | Kenya | Madagascar | Mauritius | Nigeria |
Pakistan | Peru | Seychelles | Sierra Leone | Sri Lanka | Tajikistan |
Uganda | Ukraine |
Mr Farooq Ahmad
Mr Farooq Ahmad
Position while attending the course: Senior Project Officer (local NGO)
Academic background: Agricultural Engineering (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Execution and implementation of project activities, training of farmers and capacity building of institutes like Agriculture Department regarding water saving technology and Best Water Management Practices (BWMPs) to meet the challenge of climate change and food security".
Mr Rajarshi Chakraborty
![Mr Rajarshi Chakraborty](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Chakraborty.jpg/@@images/86ee33c2-a9e7-442e-9981-00cc7a5a79db.jpeg)
Mr Rajarshi Chakraborty
Country of origin: India
Position while attending the course: Environment Officer (reg. admin.)
Academic background: Botany (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities: "As Environment Officer, I have to provide technical inputs in administrative work and assist in project appraisal for environmental clearance. As Technical Officer of Biodiversity Board and East Kolkata Wetlands Management Authority, I work towards biodiversity and wetlands conservation, respectively".
Ms Upendra Arjeewani Weerathunga Don Merenchige
![Ms Upendra Arjeewani Weerathunga Don Merenchige](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/DonMerenchige.JPG/@@images/23bfa82e-c512-4b18-ad04-3f4250cadeaa.jpeg)
Ms Upendra Arjeewani Weerathunga Don Merenchige
Country of origin: Sri Lanka
Position while attending the course: RECP Expert (fed./nat. company)
Academic background: Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "National Coordinator - The project on Consumer Information for SCP (CI-SCP), Trust fund one plant network of programme by UNEP (2017-2019), National Coordinator - National LCA database road map development Project by UNEP (2019), Visiting lecturer in Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka from 2016".
Mr Mukhibullo Dzhunaidov
![Mr Mukhibullo Dzhunaidov](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Dzhunaidov.jpg/@@images/30843fdd-67a0-4a7d-9eca-2c74fdedb3e7.jpeg)
Mr Mukhibullo Dzhunaidov
Position while attending the course: Deputy Project Manager for Reconnection to the CAPS project (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Electrical Engineering (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Project management according to the agreed milestones with international financial institutions and international standards; Project planning, design, specification, technical documentation; Related project administration, test witness participation, make proposal to the contractor".
Ms Yara Carolina Fernández Valdez
![Ms Yara Carolina Fernández Valdez](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/FernandezValdez.jpeg/@@images/da2f8f83-58fb-456e-baf6-cfa0270128be.jpeg)
Ms Yara Carolina Fernández Valdez
Country of origin: Bolivia
Position while attending the course: Technical Advisor (local admin.)
Academic background: Biology (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "To assist the Commission and the Secretariat in environmental issues, urban ecology policies, environmental pollution, urban agriculture, climate resilience, guidance on the native plants of the city, and urban school gardens".
Ms Gulshani Jamansing
![Ms Gulshani Jamansing](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Jamansing.jpg/@@images/664ceb2f-cbca-4cc7-aa9a-1e2510808dfd.jpeg)
Ms Gulshani Jamansing
Country of origin: Mauritius
Position while attending the course: Environment Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Sustainable Energy Engineering with Environmental Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "To carry out impact assessment on environmental projects, to provide information and attend cases in court and tribunal or any other environmental Institutions set up by law, whenever required".
Mr Martin Luther Kagimu
![Mr Martin Luther Kagimu](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Kagimu.jpg/@@images/02ce4f00-5f09-4c84-9f5b-a0e8c42da005.jpeg)
Mr Martin Luther Kagimu
Country of origin: Uganda
Position while attending the course: Environment Officer (local admin.)
Academic background: Forestry (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "The positions ensures sustainable exploitation of the environment with an aim of conserving natural resources, monitoring their depletion and initiating environment programs leading to sustainable social economic development".
Mr Idowu Olagoke Kunlere
![Mr Idowu Olagoke Kunlere](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Kunlere.jpg/@@images/e5b63b1a-46a9-4ba8-af2b-79d725f30ade.jpeg)
Mr Idowu Olagoke Kunlere
Country of origin: Nigeria
Position while attending the course: Environmental Enforcement Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Environmental Microbiology (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Develop effective environmental compliance monitoring methods; design and implement innovative environmental public awareness; facilitate hands on sustainability, leadership and capacity building training; conduct environmental assessment and investigate and resolve public complaints".
Ms Deidra Simone Mahler
![Ms Deidra Simone Mahler](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Mahler.jpg/@@images/c9e48ad6-a807-41b1-b864-3c850ca52f8b.jpeg)
Ms Deidra Simone Mahler
Country of origin: Belize
Position while attending the course: Education and Outreach Manager (local NGO)
Academic background: Natural Resource Management (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Strategic planning and execution of SEA's visibility and outreach activities as well as the preparation of technical and grant reports. I also stand as a member of SEA's senior management team which oversees and provides recommendations for operational activities".
Ms Nusa Mashita
![Ms Nusa Mashita](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Mashita.jpg/@@images/c6dc9824-9b11-45de-8a2e-8e7040cb974c.jpeg)
Ms Nusa Mashita
Country of origin: Indonesia
Position while attending the course: Junior Policy Analyst (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Geodesy and Geomatic Engineering (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Handling research study and policy analysis, formulating policy recommendation and evaluating policy implementation. Another daily task including field work for reclamation feasibility study, evaluating report from the feasibility study, and geo-spatial analysis".
Mr Tamba Emmanuel Nyaka
![Mr Tamba Emmanuel Nyaka](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Nyaka.jpg/@@images/b60c8147-62bc-407f-b28f-35200c296cf5.jpeg)
Mr Tamba Emmanuel Nyaka
Country of origin: Sierra Leone
Position while attending the course: Head Of Department Climate Change Adaptation National Ozone Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Environmental Management and Quality Control (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Perform duties and responsibilities related to the climate change adaptation. Coordinate and undertake research, data collection on the state of the environment. Liaise with sectoral agencies at national level for identifying priorities and mechanisms to implement national environmental policies".
Mr Jeremy Antoine Raguain
![Mr Jeremy Antoine Raguain](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Raguain.jpeg/@@images/a2636269-f4ca-4358-bbbf-6ec507caccca.jpeg)
Mr Jeremy Antoine Raguain
Country of origin: Seychelles
Position while attending the course: Project Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: International Relations (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "I have served as a coordinator for SIF’s projects on both Aldabra and the Vallée de Mai, playing key leadership roles in the Aldabra Clean-Up Project (Seychelles co-lead), Inva’Ziles project (coordinator, and the 2018 black parrot census (coordinator)".
Ms Toni-Ann Annishka Reid
![Ms Toni-Ann Annishka Reid](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Reid.jpg/@@images/96b33110-e2e2-4297-8961-387bd6124ad7.jpeg)
Ms Toni-Ann Annishka Reid
Country of origin: Jamaica
Position while attending the course: Applications Processing Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Urban and Regional Planning (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Review, guide, process and make concise recommendations (acceptance or refusal) for proposed development projects requiring planning permission, subdivision approval, environmental permits or licenses for the country".
Mr Seraphin Remisy
![Mr Seraphin Remisy](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Remisy.jpg/@@images/f5064bf3-3484-4a20-bc8d-58611001a6e9.jpeg)
Mr Seraphin Remisy
Country of origin: Madagascar
Position while attending the course: Chief of Inter-Regional Service of Sustainable Development (reg. admin.)
Academic background: Environmental and Life Science (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Coordinating the interventions of the different sectors towards the achievement of the SDGs. Coordination of different activities relating to sustainable financing mechanism and payments for ecological service, green and blue economy and the integration of sustainable development".
Ms Nune Sakanyan
![Ms Nune Sakanyan](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Sakanyan.jpg/@@images/5eef7335-257e-44e5-aa08-a097f712ab4f.jpeg)
Ms Nune Sakanyan
Country of origin: Armenia
Position while attending the course: President (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background: Economics (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Assist and support women working in energy sector to accelerate progress towards sustainable and prosperous future. As a member of governing board involve CSOs in coalition for sustainable and transparent energy development, initate constructive dialogs with government, suggest legislation".
Ms Maritza Maribel Satama
![Ms Maritza Maribel Satama](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Satama.jpeg/@@images/a05e3759-c269-4ef2-8210-72277cb95e96.jpeg)
Ms Maritza Maribel Satama
Country of origin: Ecuador
Position while attending the course: Socio-economical Consultant (local NGO)
Academic background: Agrarian Economy, Food and the Natural Resources (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Actually I am an external consultant on socio-economic analysis, I coordinate the research “Social capital and collective action in the Biocorridors of Well-Being”. We work with two academic institutions: Technical University of Madrid and National Polytechnic School".
Ms Viktoriia Shevchuk
Ms Viktoriia Shevchuk
Country of origin: Ukraine
Position while attending the course: Project Leader (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background: Administrative Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Currently, I work on the position of the Project Leader "Carpathian Primeval Forest Conservation". My primary role is lobbying the expansion of the existing large Protected Areas by primeval and old forest areas and improvement the conservation management of these Protected Areas".
Ms Imelda Pachomius Ukugani
![Ms Imelda Pachomius Ukugani](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Ukugani.jpg/@@images/b44a640c-8c7b-453d-98ef-355b520fd111.jpeg)
Ms Imelda Pachomius Ukugani
Country of origin: Tanzania
Position while attending the course: Economist I (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Economics and Geography (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "I am currently work as an economist. My jobs are monitoring and evaluation of environmental projects under the Vice President's Office, analyzing and reviewing sector policies, participating in reviewing environmental strategies and preparation of Vice Presidents Office budget and action plans".
Mr Pablo Rafael Urbina Aviles
![Mr Pablo Rafael Urbina Aviles](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/UrbinaAviles.jpg/@@images/61353b95-4ba6-46af-9321-535d170ea881.jpeg)
Mr Pablo Rafael Urbina Aviles
Country of origin: Peru
Position while attending the course: Local Organic Certification Advisor (local NGO)
Academic background: Environmental Quality Engineering (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "I have designed and implemented a participatory certification system for urban areas focused on social, environmental and economic aspects. Through workshops and training, I have taught urban farmers on how to adopt environmental friendly agricultural practices".
Mr Peter Wangai Wakahora
![Mr Peter Wangai Wakahora](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Wakahora.jpg/@@images/7484f511-b193-4eba-b12f-d5575384ed2a.jpeg)
Mr Peter Wangai Wakahora
Country of origin: Kenya
Position while attending the course: Deputy Director, Natural Resources (local admin.)
Academic background: Environmental Science (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Project design, implementation and monitoring, resource mobilization, collaboration with stakeholders and partners".
Mr Zhou Rui
![Mr Zhou Rui](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/alumniprofilfotos/copy_of_em42/Zhou.jpg/@@images/ba739cb7-2fc9-4bcf-99f6-e18e7f302e87.jpeg)
Mr Zhou Rui
Country of origin: China
Position while attending the course: Programme Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Ecology (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Communicate with people who report the environmental pollution. Formulate the national work plan for public tip-offs".
Duration: 18 November - 11 December
The use of limited natural resources has increased significantly around the globe during the last decades – and so has waste generation. This kind of resource consumption, as well as the production, management, treatment and disposal of waste, contribute to the degradation of land and water resources and endanger human health as well as the functionality of ecosystems. Moreover, the careless handling of limited resources is restricting economic growth in its present form as well as sustainable development. This course aims to demonstrate ways for achieving resource efficiency as well as more sustainable forms of production and consumption.
The concept of a circular economy addresses the importance of enhancing resource use efficiency, thereby drastically reducing the introduction of new raw materials and minimising the disposal of non-usable residue. This can be achieved, for example, by creating products and systems that enable longer lifespans and optimal use, by reusing and recycling. Waste produced by one resource sector can become raw material for another resource sector. Many UN member states view the circular economy concept as a mechanism to support the Agenda 2030 with its 17 integrated and indivisible Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, this course looks also into how a transition to sustainability along with the imperative restructuring can be achieved, on the basis of a social contract for innovation.
Embedded in the concepts of green economy and circular economy, cleaner production through conserving resources, reuse and recycling is geared towards the reduction of pollution and waste production per unit output. At the same time, competitiveness and productivity increase. In this manner, the course approaches a goal crucial for sustainable development: to uncouple economic and social development from increasing resource consumption and progressive environmental degradation.
Waste, which we cannot avoid, should be considered as a resource and should be used with as few adverse effects as possible. In this course, waste management encompasses management of all processes and resources for proper handling of waste materials: from facilities to transport, dump and treat waste to related health codes and environmental regulations. The course covers strategic approaches as well as specific mechanical and biological treatment steps to recover recyclables as well as waste-to-energy technologies.
![Resource efficiency within the SDGs](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/pictures-in-course-descriptions/Waste1_coursedescr.png/@@images/52a76ac2-d6be-455c-ab07-f8f076281e19.png)
Fig. 1: The Sustainable Development Goal 12 of the United Nations captures many vital dimensions of resource efficiency (Quelle: UN Environment)
This interdisciplinary short course provides a solid background knowledge combined with workshops, participatory teaching methods and on-site inspections. The participants receive an overview of the social, economic and technical aspects of a circular economy and sustainable waste management.
After completion of the course, the participants will be better able to consider “waste” as a raw material and contribute actively to the development or advancement of sustainable resource management in their home countries. The entire production process and life cycle of products are taken into account to reduce consumption of raw material, reuse and recycle (3Rs).
This interdisciplinary training offers solid background knowledge combined with workshops, participatory teaching methods and site visits. Participants receive an overview of the social, economic and technical aspects of a circular economy and sustainable waste management. The course will cover technical-scientific knowledge but also policies and institutional frameworks as well as awareness raising and professional education.
Participants also develop an action plan for a challenge in their field of work, applying the course contents and taking into consideration inspiration received from facilitators and fellows during the course. This plan shall be implemented autonomously upon return and thus facilitate the transfer of the newly acquired knowledge into the day-to-day activities.
Represented countries of origin in the course:
Albania | Bhutan | Cambodia | Cuba | Egypt | India |
Jamaica | Jordan | Laos | Mongolia | Mozambique | Nepal |
Nigeria (x2) | Philippines | Sri Lanka (x2) | Tanzania |
Mr Mousa Abdul Kareem Mousa Abu Saleh
Country of origin: Jordan
Workfield: Local administration
Position while attending the course: Site Engineer at Greater Amman Municipality, Directorate of Environment
and Solid Waste Management, Amman
Academic background: Water and Environmental Engineering (M.Sc.)
Management and implementation of environmental projects and
preparation of studies
Ms Ojoma Julie Amama
Country of origin: Nigeria
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: PhD Senior Scientific Officer at National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA), Garki II, Abuja FCT
Academic background: Applied Chemistry (B.Sc.)
Responsibilities: Waste control division, department of Inspection and Enforcement,
Maintain and developed a contact list of recyclers and collectors and
ensure their involvement in the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
Programme and In charge of E-waste recycling
Ms Olamide Idowu Ayeni
Country of origin: Nigeria
Workfield: fed./nat. comp.
Position while attending the course: Chief Design Strategist at Pearl Recycling Lagos
Academic background: Computer Engineering (B.Sc.)
Responsibilities: Advocacy and Consultation on Environmental Practices, Environmental Policy Creation and evaluation, Negotiation and Collaboration Skills for impact scale-up, Local Content Evaluation and Design for solving local environmental problems, Training and Engagement of undeserved local communities
Ms Camila Arango Perez
Country of origin: Cuba
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Specialist in Control, Regulation and Safety at Office of Regulation and Environmental Safety La Habana
Academic background: Chemical Engineering (B.Sc.)
Responsibilities: Waste and chemicals control; carry out environmental licenses for projects in the country and submitting declarations to the Organization for the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Also I carry out projects related with International Conventions and I work in environmental impacts assessment
Mr Batbaatar Batkhuu
Country of origin: Mongolia
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Officer of the Department of Green Development Policy and Planning at Department of Green Development Policy and Planning Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Ulaanbaatar
Academic background: Public Policy and Management (M.Sc.)
Responsibilities: Officer in charge of green financing, management of green economy related projects, collaboration between the Ministry and international development
organizations and also responsible for development of policy and regulations
in the field of reduction of environmental pollution including waste
Mr Dawa Chogyel
Country of origin: Bhutan
Workfield: fed./nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Environment Analyst at Department of Industry, Ministry of Economic Affairs
Academic background: Environmental Engineering (M.Sc.)
I am Heading the Environment Unit of the Department of Industry, Ministry of
Economic Affairs. Carry out environmental assessment of Industrial Project proposals
and issue Environmental Clearance as per Environmental laws, and conduct
monitoring and inspection of industries for environmental compliance
Ms Holta Copani
Country of origin: Albania
Workfield: fed./nat. admin
Position while attending the course: Project specialist at National Agency of Protected Areas, Tirana
Academic background: Environmental Science and Technology (M.Sc.)
Monitoring the implementation of projects in cooperation with RAPAs, Amending and controlling the progress and final projects reports, Organize, coordinate and facilitate the implementation of internal procedures on designing the priorities, evaluation of relevant project proposals
Mr Nimesh Dhakal
Country of origin: Nepal
Workfield: local admin.
Position while attending the course: Project Coordinator at Output Based Aid for Municipal Solid Waste Management Practices
Project Environment Section, Lalitpur Metropolitan City
Academic background: Environmental Science (M.Sc.)
Responsibilities: Assist the project focal person in various activity involved in project: Lead the overall activities of the project, Coordination with focal person for daily implementation of the project, Coordination and communication with Project Focal Person, Local organizations
Mr Prasad Pramod Gangane
Country of origin: India
Workfield: Fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Associate Counsellor at Confederation of Indian Industry Hyderabad
Academic background: Engineering (B.Sc.)
Responsibilities: Sustainability expert responsible for the implementation of resource efficiency projects in Indian Industry, Carry out resource efficiency audits/assessments, environment audits, energy audits, GHG inventorization studies, Life Cycle Assessment studies in industry
Ms Uthpala Sankalpani Gangoda Gamachchige
Country of origin: Sri Lanka
Workfield: Fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course: Consultant at National Cleaner Production Centre Nugegoda
Academic background: Business Administration (M.Sc.)
Responsibilities: Conceptualize and designed projects for potential funding (Including technical, operation aspects; co-financing; partnerships; co-benefits etc.), Provide technical inputs for policy development and project implementation on SCP, Low carbon, Climate resilient, Resource Efficient and circular economy
Mr Lakshitha Chathuranga Paranagamage
Country of origin: Sri Lanka
Workfield: Fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course: Assistant Manager at Janathakshan Gte Ltd. Colombo
Academic background: Green Technology (B.Sc.)
Responsibilities: Management support for the Municipal waste recycling program which is aiming to reduce the use of plastic usage of the western coast of Sri Lanka, Overall management support for the waste management team of the organization, Coordinate and implement multiple project portfolios and budgets
Mr Phonesavanh Latmany
Country of origin: Laos
Workfield: fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course: Program Officer - Cities and Climate Change at Global Green Growth Institute - Lao Country Program Vientiane Capital
Academic background: Environmental Management (M.Sc.)
Responsibilities: Leading program work on Green Cities portfolio including solid waste and wastewater management, green mobility and providing technical support
on climate change (MRV, NDC and climate finance), engaging with key stakeholders including private sector and in development of new project
Mr Pedro Horacio Massinga Junior
Country of origin: Mozambique
Workfield: fed./nat. univ.
Position while attending the course: Director R&D Centre at Zambeze University Main Campus Matacuane, Beira, Sofala
Academic background: Chemistry (Ph.D.)
Responsibilities: Conduct and Coordinate research programs, Projects and post-graduate courses, Programs, Assist and support development of research plans and budgets, Monitor and evaluate R&D projects, ensuring there are
completed on time and within budget
Ms Johnil Anna-Kay Morgan
Country of origin: Jamaica
Workfield: local admin.
Position while attending the course: Environmental Management Systems Officer at National Environment and Planning Agency Kingston
Academic background: Environmental Biology (B.Sc.)
To promote the adoption of pollution prevention measures in the private and public sector particularly through the promotion of environmental management
programmes and stewardship practices, Facilitate the implementation of conventions governing Hazardous wastes and other wastes in Jamaica
Ms Crisensia Gerald Mwasanga
Country of origin: Tanzania
Workfield: reg. NGO
Position while attending the course: Chemical Engineer at The Cleaner Production Center of Tanzania Dar Es Salaam
Academic background: Project Management (M.Sc.)
Responsibilities: I have been employed as a chemical engineer with responsibilities in undertaking the environmental impact assessments (EIA) and environmental audits (EA) ,Conducting Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) assessments and Technical report writing
Ms Dalia Ahmed Amin Mohammed Ahmed Nagati
Country of origin: Egypt
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: National Programme Coordinator at National Solid Waste Management Programme Affiliated to the Egyptian Ministry of Environment, Cairo
Academic background: Political Science - English Section (B.Sc.)
Responsibilities: Mainly overseeing the implementation of the programme activities on the national and governorates level as per the agreements and contracts signed between the government, our development partners and implementing partners as well as advising on best methods to enhance the implementation
Mr Raphaelo James Descaya Villavicencio
Country of origin: Philippines
Workfield: fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course: Program Manager at For Love of Mother Earth, Inc. a.k.a. Mother Earth Foundation Quezon City
Academic background: Sociology (B.Sc.)
Responsibilities: Overall coordination and project management to ensure proper implementation of Mother Earth Foundation’s (MEF's) Community-based Ecological Solid Waste Management Programs in the country, as well as coordinate other activities that will advance MEF’s National Zero Waste
Ms Chansreynuch Yim
Country of origin: Cambodia
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Technical Officer at Ministry of Environment, General Directorate of Environmental Protection
Academic background: Environmental Science (B.Sc.)
Responsibilities: I work for SWMD in the office of the landfill and waste incinerator management, The tasks in the office including data management of disposal waste, permitting solid waste license to private sectors monitoring and evaluating the proposed construction project of the landfill and incinerator
Duration: 10 October - 05 November
Soils and land form the basis for agricultural development, essential ecosystem functions, food security and hence are vital to terrestrial life on Earth. Soil is, in the time scale of a human lifespan, a non-renewable natural resource.
![The significance of soils and soil science for the SDGs](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem/ressourcen/bilder/pictures-in-course-descriptions/Soils1_coursedescription.png/@@images/e2c88d59-ae06-44bc-a315-09d5f74ca1c9.png)
Fig. 1: The importance of soils and soil science for realising the global goals for sustainable development of the United Nations (Keesstra et al., SOIL, 2, 111-128, 2016)
This resource does not receive enough attention, even though with the current rate of soil degradation future generations might be unable to meet their needs. Already now at least a quarter of the usable Earth surface is adversely affected by strong degradation to an extent which is substantially reducing its capacity for providing products and services that are vital for human wellbeing. While the world population in the past four decades grew from 3 to over 7.4 billion people and is expected to exceed 9 billion in 2050, the agricultural area increased by only 8%, mainly through the transformation of forest into arable land. The pressure on land resources is escalated by urbanisation and changing climate patterns.
At the international level, for example in the UN Agenda 2030, the FAO and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, the connected challenges of soil degradation, land scarcity and food security have been recognised as global development and environment issues. To face the threat, we need to take concerted actions towards sustainable land use and management practices in each country.
This short course addresses the main concepts of land resources and soil management and their importance for securing the provision of goods and services for people and ecosystems. The training addresses concepts for sustainable land management, taking the water, energy and food security nexus into consideration.
Internationally experienced facilitators will shed light on minimising land degradation, rehabilitating degraded land, and increasing resilience, for instance, when facing climate variability and change.
Complementary to analysing local levels, complex regional and global processes will be presented. Participants will deal intensively with the connections between land use and nutrient cycles in the context of watersheds and at a global level, including the interdependencies with energy generation and waste management.
Practical case studies and the cross-sectoral dialogue between scientists, practicing land managers and policymakers will empower participants to develop new approaches for their areas of responsibility and provides opportunities for expanding a helpful professional network beyond the course duration.
Represented countries of origin in the course:
Afghanistan | Argentina | Bolivia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | China | Ethiopia |
India | Indonesia | Lebanon | Lesotho | Madagascar | Malawi |
Nepal | Nigeria | Serbia | Sri Lanka | Turkmenistan | Uganda |
Uzbekistan | Zimbabwe |
Mr Demis Norman Anandrade Foronda
Country of origin: Bolivia
Workfield: reg. university
Position while attending the course: Ag. Researcher at Facultad de Ciencias Agricolas, Pecuarias y Forestales
Academic background: Agronomy and Bioengineering (M.Sc.)
Coordinate the sub-program of Research on Soil Degradation and Restoration, Supervise master degree and undergraduate students, Formulate and manage research projects on sustainable soil management with regional entities, Participate in Doctoral Program aiming the Ph.D.
Ms Marie Aoun
Country of origin: Lebanon
Workfield: Fed-/nat. administration
Position while attending the course: Head of “Maten, Baabda, Aley and Chouf” regional Green Plan offices
in Mount Lebanon at Green Plan Office, Beirut
Academic background: Food Quality Management and Chemistry of Natural Products (M.Sc.)
Agricultural engineer, works directly with farmers,give them subsidies. To build water irrigation concrete tanks, earth reservoirs that help them in facing water shortage in drought seasons 2-to restore degraded soils by terracing and land reclamation to ensure more productive lands
Ms Gozel Atamyradova
Country of origin: Turkmenistan
Workfield: Local
Position while attending the course: Land Management Specialist at Joint Project of UNDP Turkmenistan and Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat
Academic background: Engineering Management (M.Sc.)
Develop procedures and processes for sustainable land use methods and its adaptation to climate change impacts and further application of elaborated recommendations on the local and national levels
Ms Jovana Ćulibrk
Country of origin: Serbia
Workfield: reg. NGO
Position while attending the course: Project Coordinator at NGO Forestry and Environmental Action – fea Belgrade
Academic background: Economist (M.Sc.)
Stakeholder analysis, consultations with stakeholders and project partners, awareness raising, capacity building and education activities, coordination
of experts and their outputs, event planning, project reporting, monitoring
of projects' budgets, administrative and financial support
Mr Hasika Jeewan Kumara Keerthirathne Dharmakeerthige
Country of origin: Sri Lanka
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Assistant Director of Agriculture at National Agriculture Information and Communication Center Gannoruwa, Peradeniya
Academic background: Development Communication and Extension (M.Sc.)
Responsibilities: Examining and monitoring ,Providing relevant advice, conduct extension programs and trainings, guidance and support to Local Authorities, Farmer organizations and individual investors, Supervision, training and facilitating in soil and water management projects
Mr Adane Buni Irkiso
Country of origin: Ethiopia
Workfield: fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course: Land Land PKS Country Coordinator for Ethiopia at ICRAF Ethiopia Office
Addis Ababa
Academic background: Soil Science (M.Sc.)
Coordinates LandPKS activities at the National Level to roll out LandPKS Mobile app throughout Ethiopia, Prepares trainings for Land Use experts on how to use LandPKS (Land Potential Knowledge System) smartphone application for Local Level Participatory Land Use Planning Program
Ms Marijana Kapovic Solomun
Country of origin: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Workfield: fed./nat. univ.
Position while attending the course: Vice Dean for Scientific Research at Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Luka
Academic background: Soil Science (Ph.D.)
Management, Research, Training, International collaboration, Networking
Mr Shovkat Kholdorov
Country of origin: Uzbekistan
Workfield: fed./nat. comp.
Position while attending the course: Leading Soil Scientist Engineer at Subsidiary Enterprise "Tuproq bonitirovkasi" of the State Committee of Uzbekistan on Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre Tashkent City
Academic background: Soil Science (M.Sc.)
Helps to organize soil expedition , Soil sampling for analysis, Analyzes of soil chemical, biological, physical and other significant properties of soil, Creating digital soil map
Mr Henry Luutu
Country of origin: Uganda
Workfield: reg. admin.
Position while attending the course: Acting Principal Agricultural Officer, Soil and Water at Department of Agricultural Production and Marketing Gomba District Local Government, Mpigi
Academic background: Science in Horticulture (B.Sc.)
Decision making and senior management according to the public service standard of Uganda, The position is responsible for overall planning, management and technical guidance in areas of crop enhancement, soil and land management under the agriculture sub-sector of Gomba
Ms Menuka Maharjan
Country of origin: Nepal
Workfield: fed./nat. univ.
Position while attending the course: Assistant Professor at Institute of Forestry, Tribhuvan University Hetauda, Makwanpur
Academic background: Watershed Management (M.Sc.)
Teaching course on land degradation, soil conservation, climate change, and watershed management for undergraduate /graduate students. Beside teaching course, I have to supervise undergraduate /graduate students who are working on towards their bachelor/master thesis
Ms Mampionona Chantal Olga Mamisoa
Country of origin: Madagascar
Workfield: local admin.
Position while attending the course: Technical Collaborator in Charge of the Integration of the Environmental
Dimension in Non-State Sect at Ministry of Environnement and Sustainable Development General Direction of Sustainable Development, Antananarivo
Academic background: Environment and Society (M.Sc.)
Contribute to the design of integration or animation tools to encourage and generate an ecological reflex that induces behavioral change among REC memberssettlement
Ms Nteboheleng Regina Mating
Country of origin: Lesotho
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Principal Range Management Officer / Acting Director at Ministry of Forestry Range and Soil Conservation Lesotho
Academic background: Agriculture (M.Sc.)
Spearheading rangeland rehabilitation and development activities and overseeing all other activities in Department of Range Resources Management under the Ministry of Forestry Range and Soil Conservation Lesotho
Ms Aula Muntasyarah
Country of origin: Indonesia
Workfield: Local admin.
Position while attending the course: Forestry Facilitator and Trainer at Agriculture and Plantation Training Centre
Narmada, Lombok Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat
Academic background: Forest Science and Management (M.Sc.)
To train agriculture and forestry officers, extensions officers, and local
farmers in all districts in West Nusa Tenggara province, To support my
main duty, I have to build study materials, guidelines, and conduct small
researches and publish it to deliver the knowledge
Mr Ajibola Joseph Ogunsola
Country of origin: Nigeria
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Senior Research Officer at Department of Forest Economics and Extension Services Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan, Oyo State
Academic background: Agricultural Extension (M.Sc.)
Responsibilities: To conduct research in the field of forest extension, environment, climate change adaptation, rural development etc. creating public awareness /dissemination of the institute’s breakthroughs to the end- users through the print and electronic media, through community, village and school outreach
Mr Roberto Emanuel Ontivero
Country of origin: Argentina
Workfield: local admin.
Position while attending the course: Doctoral research fellow at Instituto Multidisciplinario de Investigaciones Biológicas de San Luis
Ciudad de San Luis
Academic background: Biology (B.Sc.)
PhD student in biology, Currently working with the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, soil health and ecosystem services in a land use gradient, Seeks to generate guidelines for sustainable soil management in the region
Mr Mihla Phiri
Country of origin: Malawi
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Senior Land Resources Conservation Officer at Land Resources Conservation Department Lilongwe
Academic background: Agricultural Engineering (B.Sc.)
Training and advising officers in the field on better ways of managing
agricultural land, Generating and dissemination of land resources
information data, Conducting soil surveys, topographic surveys, perimeter
surveys and thematic surveys, Conducting soil loss assessment studies
Mr Abdul Saboor Rahmany
Country of origin: Afghanistan
Workfield: Reg. admin.
Position while attending the course: Provincial Director of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock at Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock Herat
Academic background: Environmental Science and Technology (M.Sc.)
Agriculture extension, research, plant protection, agriculture land use,
Irrigation infrastructure and water management, watershed management,
Animal health and livestock, Natural Resources Management (Pasture,
forestry, watershed), Seed certificat
Mr Navin Rai
Country of origin: India
Workfield: Urban Infrastructural Project Planning and Execution, Policy Planning and framing, Environmental Planning, Tactical Urbanism, Urban Design, Sustainable Urban Infrastructural Design, Corporate Governance and Compliance
Position while attending the course: Civil Servant (Class-I) - Joint Chief Town Planner, Nodal Officer-Smart Cities Mission, Sikkim, Director (BoD-NSCL)
Academic background: M.Sc. (Cities)-LSE,UK | M.Plan(Env)-SPA, N.Delhi |B.Arch (Hons) NITP
Oversees that projects under the mission get executed as per the mandate
and protocols, Advising and assisting regional govt. for the preparation
and implementation of the structure plan for the region and state
I am a senior Civil servant with the regional the government in the State of Sikkim, India under the Urban Development Department (UDD) as a Joint Chief Town Planner having additional responsibilities as Nodal Officer (Smart Cities Mission-NMC) and Director in the Board of the Directors (BoD), Namchi Smart City Limited (a Special Purpose Vehicle of the Govt. of Sikkim). Having worked as a Nodal officer for “100 Smart Cities Mission” of the incumbent federal govt. of India, I led a team of consultants and submitted the smart cities proposal of the two cities from the state of Sikkim to compete in All India City Challenge Competition. Both the cities manage to win the competition ensuring the financial grant of INR 10 bn from the federal government over a period of four years. Currently, I am overseeing the Smart cities mission of one of the City of the South-Sikkim which encompasses managing Project Management Consultant (PMC), Technical and HR verticals. Further, my responsibilities also include crucial decision-making pertaining to Project formulation, compliances as per the international standards and project protocols, Statutory compliances of the SPV, procurement and project execution.
The fellowship program of such repute always provides the best of the opportunities to learn the criticalities of the land use in general and also share the perspective of the land use and management in the sustainable urban development context. This course would provide me a deep understanding of the soil functions and the same knowledge can be applied while formulating the land use plan for the city. Finally, it is an opportunity to expand the professional networks and create a parallel knowledge platform.
In the past, I have been selected as a fellow participant for several international programs and trainings organised by the organization having association with the UN or other national government. I was part of the cohorts of Academy of Sustainable Urban Mobility (AoSUM), Vienna, 2017 organized by UN-Habitat, Nairobi, Kenya, selected as participants for Singapore Cooperation Programme (SCP) jointly organized by JICA, JAPAN, and Ministry of National Development (MND), Govt, of Singapore. I was awarded the Bloomberg fellowship for Public Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science-LSE, UK in the year 2016
Ms Jing Ren
Country of origin: China
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Investigator at Ministry of Ecology and Environment Beijing
Academic background: Water Resources Engineering and Management (M.Sc.)
Examining major development projects (e.g Smart Cities). Providing views
to be submitted by this Ministry on international treaties and protocols.
Act as focal point of the Ministry on steering committees on
implementation of SDGs; ISO:Smart and Sustainable Communities;
National Biodiversity Strategy
Ms Evelyn Tatire
Country of origin: Zimbabwe
Workfield: Fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Irrigation Training Engineer at Department of Irrigation, Zimbabwe Irrigation Technology Centre (ZITC) Harare
Academic background: Agricultural Engineering (B.Sc.)
Development of standards for irrigation equipment in Zimbabwe, irrigation
technology development, irrigation research, system technical performance
evaluation, technology demonstration, irrigation training (farmer and irrigation practitioner)
Duration: 29 August 2019 - 25 September 2019
In the past four decades, the world has lost more than half of its biological diversity. This is a global, human-induced process, described as the Holocene extinction. The primary mechanisms driving this rapid decrease in biodiversity are habitat and ecosystem destruction and degradation, chemical pollution, the introduction of non-native species and over-exploitation of natural resources, to mention the most important ones. As climate change and growing human populations further exacerbate the problem, the adverse effects on the well-being of vulnerable populations are felt all around the globe.
This challenge is, among others, reflected in the efforts of institutions and programmes like the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity 2010-2020, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to name a few.Biodiversity is the resource upon which families, communities, nations and future generations depend. It accounts for all life on the planet, forming interdependent ecosystems, and providing resilient ecological communities. The individual and collective actions taken today – including businesses and governments – are critical for securing the conservation of ecosystems, their biodiversity and their provision of services. This 77th UNEP/UNESCO/BMU International Short Course on Ecosystem Management –Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Services (SC77), in accordance with SDG 15, contributes to “taking urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species” and works towards the overarching target to “ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services.”The course will cover important ecosystem assessments, introduce participants to a range of different methodologies from the natural and social sciences of assessing and valuing ecosystems services in different societal contexts and convey basics of biodiversity and ecosystem governance. This knowledge is fundamental for involving relevant actors in the transformational path needed for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, ecological restoration, and the continued provision of ecosystem services for human well-being.
This 77th UNEP/UNESCO/BMU International Short Course on Ecosystem Management –Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Services (SC77) will train participants in essential concepts and methods relevant to the interrelationship between biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services as well as in different approaches of defining and categorising them. Participants will be familiar with important concepts and methods in the field of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services research and governance. The combination of participatory methods, expert knowledge and techniques to design, implement and monitor sound management strategies at different scales are presented in this course to provide the necessary tools to approach the impacts of biodiversity loss in the context of ecosystems and the services they provide. The participants will be introduced to state-of-the-art ecological theory and learn to apply this knowledge within a socio-economic framework.
Represented countries of origin in the course:
Argentina | Armenia | Bhutan | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Brazil | Cameroon |
El Salvador | Georgia | Ghana | Guatemala | Haiti | Lesotho |
Indonesia | Malaysia | Mexico | Rwanda | Tanzania | Turkmenistan |
Vietnam | Zimbabwe |
Ms Džana Bordanić
Country of origin:Bosnia and Herzegovina
Workfield: ed./nat. comp.
Position while attending the course: Young Researcher at Center for Energy, Environment and Resources (CENER21)
71 000 Sarajevo
Academic background: Ecology (M.Sc.)
Preparing Environmental Impact Assessment (for B&H) and ESA (World
Bank), Reports on Marine Plastic Pollution, Preparing Action Plan for ECO
KARST project "Ecosystem services of karst protected areas - driving force
of local sustainable development", translating, writing project proposals
Ms Nona Budoyan
Country of origin: Armenia
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Chief Specialist of Biodiversity & Forest Policy Department at Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia
Academic background: Chemistry and Environment Protection (M.Sc.)
resp.: Drafting of state biodiversity protection policy, the activities directed
to the implementation of the obligations of Armenia under the international
environmental conventions( CBD, CMS, Bern conv.), the development of strategic plans and policy trends to the present demands
Mr Josue Celiscar
Country of origin: Haiti
Workfield:fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course: Field Operations Director at Fondation Pour la Protection de la Biodiversité Marine Caracol
Academic background: Agronomy (B.Sc.)
Makes sure that the activities are properly done on the field, I help with the proposal and budget writing, Helps put in place and conceiving research methodology, Reports directly to the Director of the NGO
Mr Tuấn Minh Thành Đoàn
Country of origin:Vietnam
Workfield: fed./nat. admin
Position while attending the course: Technical Staff of MBFP and Pernament Staff of KfW8 Project at Management Board for Forestry Projects Hanoi
Academic background: Silviculture (M.Sc.)
Guiding and facilitating the implementation of biodiversity protection and monitoring at protected areas together with national and international experts and other agencies
Mr Ngawang Dorji
Country of origin: Bhutan
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Forestry Officer at Organisation at Jigme Khesar Strict Nature Reserve Haa
Academic background:Forestry (B.Sc.)
Organize and conduct anti-poaching activities, Compounding of cases, Conduct EIAs for forest land clearance, Resource management and biodiversity Conservation, Wildlife rescue programs, Organize forest felling against infections, Follow up on forest legal
Mr Faisal Elias
Country of origin: Ghana
Workfield: fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course: Policy and Advocacy Officer at Ghana Wildlife Society, Accra Conservation Education Centre Accra
Academic background: Integrated Water Management (M.Sc.)
Tasked with spearheading the organisation’s policy and advocacy effort, at the national and local level, in the areas of biodiversity conservation, natural resources management, land-use management and related fields
Ms María Inés Hernández de la Peña
Country of origin:Mexico
Workfield:reg. NGO
Position while attending the course: Coordinator and Public Policy Analyst at Reforestamos México Ciudad de México
Academic background: Political Science and Public Administration (B.Sc.)
Responsibilities: Research and development of pertinent information to assist decision making processes regarding urban trees in the region, national political analysis, monitoring and positioning the subject in the public agenda, development of sensibilization campaigns for civil society and work in field projects
Mr José Guillermo López Funes
Country of origin: El Salvador
Workfield: Local NGO
Position while attending the course: Biologist at Paso Pacifico Ventura
Academic background: Biology (B.Sc.)
Gather data about the biology of the Critically Endangered Yellow-naped Parrot. I also collaborate to contact local members of the surroundings communities where this species lives, to identify allies that help to the protection of the parrot.
Ms Tsitsi Sithandiwe Maponga
Country of origin: Zimbabwe
Workfield:Fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Assistant Curator of Mammals at Natural History Museum Bulawayo
Academic background: Sustainability (Environment and Development) (M.Sc.)
Curation of the mammalogy specimens, this includes accession and documentation, conducting biodiversity research, giving talks to university students
Mr Noel Latiaeli Mbise
Country of origin: Tanzania
Workfield:Environmental Conservation
Position while attending the course: Ecologist and Head of Research and Monitoring (reg. NGO at Grumeti Fund
Mugumu, Serengeti, Mara
Academic background: MBA with a focus on Conservation Leadership (M.Sc.)
Serves the Head Ecologist, and manages all ecological/conservation monitoring and research aspects of the Grumeti Fund, including setting research priority agenda for more effective conservation in collaboration with professional, governmental and community stakeholders
Mr Richard Niyomugabo
Country of origin: Rwanda
Position while attending the course: Intern- Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism at FAO Headquarters Rome, Italy
Academic background: Biology, Specialisation Human Ecology (M.Sc.)
Support the research of relevant information and analysis of surveys related to FLR activities by CPF members at country level in 10 African countries,
Elaboration of a report analysing on FLR efforts and coordination modalities
across CPF members are;present the results to the Global Landscape Forum
Ms Kristina Orlova
Country of origin: Turkmenistan
Position while attending the course: Specialist of Scientific-Information Center of the Interstate Commission for Sustainable Development at Scientific, Ashgabat
Academic background: International Relations, Political Sciences and Human Rights (B.Sc.)
Provides consultancy services for the activities on regional environmental
cooperation, Position requires the multitasking and performing duties of
administrative assistant, as well as specialist on the digital networking
platform K-link nursery activities
Mr Simon Ndibnuh Patamaken Aneck
Country of origin: Cameroon
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Head of Service and Project Assistant at Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development, Yaounde
Academic background: Environmental Engineering (M.Sc.)
As a Head of Service, I plan, manage and follow-up the execution by my staffs of our annual work plan relating to technically orientating hierarchy in decision making, As a Project Assistant, I assist the National IPBES and the Convention on Biological Diversity Focal Point in her projects
Mr Yew Aun Quek
Country of origin:Malaysia
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Administrative and Diplomatic Officer / Assistant Secretary at Biodiversity and Forestry Management Division Putrajaya
Academic background: Biodiversity, Conservation and Management (M.Sc.)
Managing all matters related to the Convention on Biological Diversity,
Monitoring progress and executing the National Policy on Biological
Diversity 2016-2025
Ms Moselantja Rahlao
Country of origin:Lesotho
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Principal Range Management Officer at Department of Range Resources Management, Maseru
Academic background: Biodiversity and Conservation Biology (B.Sc.)
This is a managerial position working directly with the chief range management
officer, departmental manager director and relevant stakeholders, It is tasked with national biodiversity management through policy formulation and review as well as supervising executiin of biodiversity programmes
Ms Fitria Rinawati
Country of origin: Indonesia
Workfield: fed./nat. NGO
Position while attending the course: Sub-national Senior Coordinator of Eastern Indonesia at Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Bogor, Jawa Barat
Academic background: Tropical Forestry and Management (M.Sc.)
Support provincial and national government to design and implement sustainable economic development plans that incorporate conservation priorities, with a focus on reforms in governance, policy and spatial and development planning
Ms Issa Daniela Secaira Mancia
Country of origin: Guatemala
Workfield:Climate Change and Protected Areas (Ramsar Site)
Position while attending the course: General Manager of CEDRACC and Agroecology Coordinator at Asociación Vivamos Mejor Guatemala Panajachel, Sololá
Academic background: Food Studies (M.Sc.)
Manage CEDRACC’s education, research, and biodiversity pillars, Manage the Field School, lead knowledge-exchange activities, and coordinate native plant nursery production for restoration, Coordinate capacity-building and counseling regarding agroecology to prevent chronic malnutrition
Ms Natia Tskhovrebadze
Country of origin: Georgia
Workfield: fed./nat. admin.
Position while attending the course: Senior Specialist of Forestry Policy at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia Tbilisi
Academic background: Natural Resources Management (M.Sc.)
Development the national forest policy, strategies, and action plans, improvement national legislation taking into consideration international priorities, directives, and obligations of the country; Donor coordination in order to enhance the effectiveness of activities related to the SFM
Mr Alejandro Eduardo Jorge Valenzuela
Country of origin: Argentina
Workfield: fed./nat. university
Position while attending the course: Assistant Professor and Member of the Board of Directors of the University at Institute of Polar Sciences, Environment and Natural Resources National University of Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia
Academic background: Biological Sciences (Ph.D.)
Teaches and researchs about Biological Conservation at the UNTDF, As member of the Board of Directors, defines policies at national/local levels, represents UNTDF in different management governmental councils related to environment, protected areas, and management plans, Coordinator for IUCN
Ms Mariana Yankous Gonçalves Fialho
Country of origin: Brazil
Workfield: reg. admin.
Position while attending the course: Environmental Manager at Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável (SEMAD)
Superintendência Regional de Meio Ambiente, Belo Horizonte
Academic background: Applied Ecology (Ph.D.)
Works in the environmental agency of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil,
Analyzes the viability of activities and constructions that can cause significant
environmental impacts (such as miners, dams, roads), especially focused
on impacts on biodiversity (terrestrial and subterranean animals)