Year of 2021 - 2022
In addition to the 45th International Postgraduate Course on Environmental Management (EM45) currently underway, two International Short Courses on Integrated Water Resources Management (SC82) and Ecosystem Restoration Towards a Green Recovery (SC83) have been held so far in the 2021/2022 course year.
During the 2021/2022 course year, environmental experts originating from a multitude of countries have participated in the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUV course programme at TU Dresden. Curious, who they are? Find their fields of expertise in the section below.
Duration: 12 January - 14 July 2022
Represented countries of origin in this course :
Armenia | Bhutan | Bolivia (2x) | Brazil | Cameroon | Ethiopia |
Ghana | Indonesia | Jamaica | Malawi | Mozambique | Nepal |
Pakistan | Sudan (2x) | Tanzania | Uganda | Ukraine | Zimbabwe |
Ms. Alkhansaa Saber Abdalrheem

Alkhansaa Saber Abdalrheem
Country of origin: Sudan
Position while attending the course: Environmental Inspector (local admin.)
Academic background: Environmental Engineering (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Head department of strategic planing, Administration of strategy and information."
Mr. Martin Bartels Awortwe

Martin Bartels Awortwe
Country of origin: Ghana
Position while attending the course: Management Information System Officer / Crops Officer (local admin.)
Academic background: Natural Resources Management (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Assistant Agriculture Officer is my rank per my appointment into the service. MISO and Crops Officer are my designation due to my duties in the department, I collate and write reports on Agriculture Activities. I ensure sustainable and Conservation Agriculture in the district."
Mr. Nondas Ferreira da Silva

Nondas Ferreira da Silva
Country of origin: Brazil
Position while attending the course: Technical Consultant Specialized in Restoration of Env. Services (reg. admin.)
Academic background: Forest Engineering (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "I have been developing capacities courses on ecosystem restoration and sustainable use of the Cerrado (savannah) Biome in Brazil, protecting and restoring the environment and welfare of rural groups with development of local capabilities of traditional communities, local students and institutions."
Mr. Mustika Aji Hertanto

Mustika Aji Hertanto
Country of origin: Indonesia
Position while attending the course: Vice Director for Finance, Planning and Development (reg. univ.)
Academic background: Education (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Directorate of Finance, Directorate of Resources Planning,
Directorate of University Development, Procurement Unit."
Mr. Abdulshekur Ahmed Husen

Abdulshekur Ahmed Husen
Country of origin: Ethiopia
Position while attending the course: Associate Researcher (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Environmental Science (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "My Duties and Responsibilities are conducting research and development in the area of environmental Managements including Waste water Treatments, Municipal Solid Waste managements, Climate change Adaptation and mitigations and delivering the solution to the end user through publication and workshop."
Ms. Syeda Hadika Jamshaid

Syeda Hadika Jamshaid
Country of origin: Pakistan
Position while attending the course: National Consultant (fed./nat.)
Academic background: Political Analysis and Public Policy (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Working as a Climate Change Policy Expert full time with the Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC), after completing the project done directly with MoCC and hired on Government Position for on year. This position is funded by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)."
Mr. Jolly Kayiita

Jolly Kayiita
Country of origin: Uganda
Position while attending the course: Program Officer-Environment and Natural Resources (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background: Environmental Science (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "As the Environment focal person in the organization, I am responsible for implementing and coordinating all projects, engagements in the Environment sector which involve steering advocacy for sustainable management of natural resources, representing CSOs at high level policy dialogues among others."
Mr. Anoj Khanal

Anoj Khanal
Country of origin: Nepal
Position while attending the course: Hydrogeologist - Research Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Geology (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Responsible for conducting various R and D projects related with groundwater regulations, management and governance."
Ms. Ulemu Diana Makumba

Ulemu Diana Makumba
Country of origin: Malawi
Position while attending the course: Agricultural Extension Development Officer (local admin.)
Academic background: Water Resources Management and Development (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Planning, implementation, coordination and monitoring of Agricultural Extension programs and activities in a section."
Mr. Mamerto Fernando Massirela

Mamerto Fernando Massirela
Country of origin: Mozambique
Position while attending the course: Tourism, Environment and Development Specialist (local admin.)
Academic background: Development and Environment (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Specialist/Expert of Tourism, Development and Environment;
Coordinator of the Project Unit for Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and 2030 Agenda; Responsible for the sector of Economic and Social Analysis."
Mr. Peter Ernest Mkilindi

Peter Ernest Mkilindi
Country of origin: Tanzania
Position while attending the course: Research Assistant (local NGO)
Academic background: Environmental Studies (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Ecological Data Collection, Environmental and Conservation Education, Lion Monitoring, Data analysis, presentation, and reporting."
Mr. Nkanyiso Ndlovu

Nkanyiso Ndlovu
Country of origin: Zimbabwe
Position while attending the course: Cleansing Superintendent (local admin.)
Academic background: Public Health (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "The position is responsible for providing guidance and leadership in solid waste management, public sanitary convenience and dog control services for the protection of the public health and the environment."
Ms. Relindis Chi Ngum

Relindis Chi Ngum
Country of origin: Cameroon
Position while attending the course: The Bamenda Environmental Project Manager (local NGO)
Academic background: Environmental Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Preparing reports and work plans, site investigations, Collecting, processing and evaluating data, working on the fields with the locals teaching them how to perform sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices such as farming across slopes, using compost manure, stop poaching."
Ms. Arely Neisa Palabral Aguilera

Arely Neisa Palabral Aguilera
Country of origin: Bolivia
Position while attending the course: Associate Researcher (fed./nat.)
Academic background: Natural Environment, Global Change and Socio-ecological Sustainability (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "I have the institutional endorsement to work on projects related to the environment, mainly with ecosystems, vegetation and biodiversity conservation."
Ms. Sonam Yangkee Phurba

Sonam Yangkee Phurba
Country of origin: Bhutan
Position while attending the course: Assistant Environment Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Environment and Climate Studies (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Taking lead in coordinating, formulation and monitoring of Annual Work Plans. Assist in formulation of the FYPs; Preparation of National and International reports and Coordinating projects. Also, assist in coordinating the activities of the agency. Prepare and submit yearly APA achievement to GPMD."
Ms. Ganna Proskura

Ganna Proskura
Country of origin: Ukraine
Position while attending the course: Junior Research Fellow (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background: Environmental and Information Law (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities: "Scientific research of innovation projects (аnalysis of legal documentation, writing of scientific works), participation in project work in the ecological direction (International and national projects for biological treatment of water from pollution), and ecological assessment of projects."
Ms. Adriana Valeria Ramos Roncal

Adriana Valeria Ramos Roncal
Country of origin: Bolivia
Position while attending the course: Coordinator of the Environmental Education and Awareness Area (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background: Environmental Management and Natural Resources (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Coordinate education and awareness activities on environmental issues. Coordinate research activities in aquatic ecosystems."
Ms. Rehab Ahmed Selman Tayfor

Rehab Ahmed Selman Tayfor
Country of origin: Sudan
Position while attending the course: Manager of Department (local admin.)
Academic background: Chemical Engineering (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities: "Classification of the project, Encouraging and giving consent for
ecofriendly project, and decide that some project will need EIA study according to their classification, Assessing the old project, Revision of the EIA studies."
Ms. Marine Voskanyan

Marine Voskanyan
Country of origin: Armenia
Position while attending the course: Environmental Adviser, Member of Public Council
attached to the Ministry of the Environment (local NGO)
Academic background: Environmental Chemistry (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Environmental impact assessments and environmental monitoring, Processing Mitigation Action plans."
Ms. Cheva-Gaye Wright

Cheva-Gaye Wright
Country of origin: Jamaica
Position while attending the course: Forest Ranger (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Environmental Studies (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Patrol lands managed by the Forestry Department in accordance with patrolling plans and work plans provided, enforce the legislative framework of the Forest Act of 1996 and Forest Regulations 2001 and attend court hearings to give evidence in connection with offences detected and/or investigated."
Duration: 01 November - 10 December 2021 (online)
Represented countries of origin in this course :
Armenia | Bangladesh | Bhutan | Brazil (2x) | Cameroon | Ethiopia |
Georgia | Guinea | India | Kiribati | Myanmar | Nigeria (4x) |
Rwanda | Turkmenistan (2x) | Zambia | Zimbabwe (2x) |
Mr. Timothy Olugbenga Adedotun Adeyemi
Country of origin: Nigeria
Position while attending the course: Senior Lecturer / Principal Research Fellow (fed./nat.)
Academic background: Agronomy (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Besides heading the Agricultural Technology Department, Federal College of Forest Resources Management, in an acting capacity, I am also a Principal Research Fellow at the Moist Forest Research Fellow. Summarily, I conduct research and lecture students in Agronomy and Ecology related disciplines."
Ms. Aben Melvis Anep
Country of origin: Cameroon
Position while attending the course: Project Manager (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background: Environmental Sciences (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Planning, monitoring, managing, and evaluating the different projects, Delivering a project on time, on budget, and on scope as well as the needs
of a wide range of stakeholders, managing risks and costs, Designing and conceiving new models, strategies of projects management."
Mr. Lado Basilidze
Country of origin: Georgia
Position while attending the course: Project Manager (reg. company)
Academic background: Forestry (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Maintenance and monitoring of scientific project budget, plans and
expenditures; Development of project strategy; Undertaking project tasks; Monitoring project progress; Overseeing project procurement management; Maintenance of comprehensive project documentation, plans and reports."
Mr. Berdi Berdiyev
Country of origin: Turkmenistan
Position while attending the course: Head of Department (nat. admin.)
Academic background: Philology (Higher Education Diploma)
My Responsibilities: "Coordination of the international relations in the field of environment protection, coordinate activities of the joint projects implemented with international organizations."
Ms. Madhulika Bhati
Country of origin: India
Position while attending the course: Principal Scientist (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Inorganic Chemistry (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities: "My work involve socio- economic impact analysis of environmental
technologies, Systematic review analysis of environmental related Projects, Data driven approach in policy making (scientometric, visualization tools and statistical methods)."
Mr. Aaron Tawedzerwa Chinofunga
Country of origin: Zimbabwe
Position while attending the course: District Forest Extension Officer (reg. admin.)
Academic background: Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sustainability (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Enforcing forest legislation within the district, Trainings in nursery
management, woodland management and forest legislation, Tree planting initiatives, Establishment of nurseries and woodlots, Advice stakeholders on forest issues."
Mr. Faqrul Islam Chowdhury
Country of origin: Bangladesh
Position while attending the course: Lecturer (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background: Forestry and Environmental Science (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "My teaching assignment centered on GIS and Remote Sensing, and
Computer applications in Forestry courses, while my research interest focused on forest ecology, conservation, and community involvement."
Ms. Lhaka Dem
Country of origin: Bhutan
Position while attending the course: Assistant Environment Officer (local admin.)
Academic background: Environmental Management (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Assessment of development related proposals for environmental
impacts and recommending the decision making body on either issuance or rejection of an environmental clearance to the project."
Mr. Saulo Eduardo Xavier Franco de Souza
Country of origin: Brazil
Position while attending the course: Researcher (reg. NGO)
Academic background: Silviculture and Forest Management (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities: "To conduct research on the ecological and socioeconomic outcomes of different types of agroforestry systems for the purposes of both forest restoration and production. In addition, I provide assistance to fund-raising activities."
Mr. Abdoul Karim Diallo
Country of origin: Guinea
Position while attending the course: Coordinator (local NGO)
Academic background: Environmental Science (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Coordinating activities, team field, collecting data, writing project, fund raising."
Mr. Otávio Gadiani Ferrarini
Country of origin: Brazil
Position while attending the course: Project Coordinator (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Applied Ecology (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Coordinate the implementation of projects related to conservation, restoration and sustainable use of ecosystems, with a focus on promoting sustainable
value chains; environmental regularization; conservation of biodiversity; climate change adaptation; ecosystems and landscapes restoration."
Mr. Oluwatoyin Opeyemi Joseph
Country of origin: Nigeria
Position while attending the course: Principal Consultant (reg. company)
Academic background: Agriculture (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Drafted 5 Integrated Pest Management strategies for rops to combat various pests at 90% success rate. Macro and micro propagated plantlets and suckers of Plantain (10,000). Produced 240 egg crates per hour daily in 6 hours of operation of saw dust recycling. Ran active Bio-fumigation."
Ms. Raeterenga Kiaitoka
Country of origin: Kiribati
Position while attending the course: Acting Climate Change Mitigation Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Art (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Coordinating and facilitating Biennial Update Report (BUR) project activities with heads of technical working groups; Liaising and facilitating collaboration and technical assistance with Government Ministries and international environment agencies like UNEP, IPCC, UNFCCC secretariat, GEF and national institutions."
Mr. Raymond Makhanda
Country of origin: Zimbabwe
Position while attending the course: Senior Research Scientist (fed./nat.)
Academic background: Ecological Resource Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Mainstream natural resource management and green practices strategies into state and private sector projects, Research and development on environmental and ecosystem rehabilitation, Support Zimbabwean industry with practical
environmental solutions, Train stakeholders on best environmental practice."
Mr. Sudi Dawud Musa
Country of origin: Ethiopia
Position while attending the course: Bee Botany Research and Team Leader of Apiculture Case Team (reg.)
Academic background: Botany (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "I am researcher of bee botany and team leader of the team. I conducted many research on honey bees plant diversity and its distribution in west Hararghe of Oromia region and establishments of honey bees flora of flowering time
tables and its potentiality for honey bees production and productivity."
Ms. Funmilayo Taiwo Omosebi
Country of origin: Nigeria
Position while attending the course: Principal / Head of Department (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Forestry (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities: "Head of department overseeing several units and sectors. It is a managerial position involved in day-to-day running affairs of the organization at the state level."
Ms. Karine Petrosyan
Country of origin: Armenia
Position while attending the course: Leading Specialist (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Public Administration (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Leading Specialist of the Risk Analysis Division of the Risk Assessment and Analysis Department analyzes, evaluates, classifies and prevents the Risk according to the Republic of Armenia law."
Mr. Murad Sazakov
Country of origin: Turkmenistan
Position while attending the course: Business Development Manager (local company)
Academic background: Chemical Technology (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Company's Representative, implementation of modern technologies, establishing relations with international companies / organizations, searching and developing promising projects, attracting investments, participating in public / specialized events."
Ms. Mwaka Luguru Sinyinza
Country of origin: Zambia
Position while attending the course: Senior Community Development Officer (local admin.)
Academic background: Transformative Community Development (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "My work requires supervision of site officers, Facilitation and Community engagements, Networking / coordinating activities with Civil society and stakeholders, I also engage in Research and collection of data with academia like the University of Zambia, and Coordinate activities with area Councillors."
Mr. Bukola Paul Sowande
Country of origin: Nigeria
Position while attending the course: Research Officer (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background: African History (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Develop research work plans according to programs activities and project needs. Identify potential grantees and build strong relationship with them. Develop grant proposals and assist in grant completion and submission processes. Act as primary contact for research team for any questions and concern."
Mr. Aung Si Thu Thein
Country of origin: Myanmar
Position while attending the course: Assistant Consultant (fed./nat. company)
Academic background: Natural Resources Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "To lead as a Lead Consultant and participate as team members for various types of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) projects to assess environmental
and social impacts of many development projects in Myanmar for balancing development and environmental and ecosystem conservation."
Mr. Jean Pierre Tuyizere
Country of origin: Rwanda
Position while attending the course: Agriculture and Natural Resources Officer / Agronomist (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background: Agriculture (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "I am Agriculture and Natural resources officer / Agronomist at Sector level. My main responsibility is to provide extension services to farmers, assisting them in good agricultural practices, diseases and pest management and Post harvest handling."
Duration: 06 September - 15 October 2021 (online)
Represented countries of origin in this course:
Bhutan (2x) | D. R. Congo | Ecuador | Haiti | India (3x) | Kenya (5x) |
Kiribati (2x) | Myanmar | Nepal (2x) | Pakistan (2x) | Philippines | Rwanda |
Sierra Leone | Thailand | Ukraine (2x) | Zimbabwe | ||
Mr. Rinchen Dorji

Mr. Rinchen Dorji
Country of origin: Bhutan
Position while attending the course:
Assistant Environment Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Environmental Science (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "I have worked closely with hydropower developers, industrialists, miners and others development partners to create environment friendly society. Further, I am responsible to review project hydropower plants, Industries and mines and issue Environmental Clearance."
Mr. Rinzin Dorji

Mr. Rinzin Dorji
Country of origin: Bhutan Position while attending the course: Assistant Environment Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Environmental Science (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Mainstream environment into the country’s developmental policies, plans and programmes, Promote environmental awareness amongst all levels of Bhutanese society."
Mr. Tomple Byamungu Mayange

Mr. Tomple Byamungu Mayange
Country of origin: D. R. Congo
Position while attending the course:
Senior Researcher (reg. company)
Academic background:
Natural Resources Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Identify the environments likely to constitute research and propose types
of studies to be carried out, Initiate research projects, Supervise young
researchers and new researchers at the Center. Used physics and geological
knowledge in exploration for oil, gas, minerals, or underground water."
Mr. Luis David Lopez

Mr. Luis David Lopez
Country of origin: Ecuador Position while attending the course: Environmental Specialist (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Environmental Engineering (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Evaluation of the Management of the provision of drinking water and sewerage services in the Municipalities of Northern Ecuador, Development of mitigation and adaptation projects to climate change, Environmental
evaluation of development projects for municipalities."
Mr. Johnny Jean

Mr. Johnny Jean
Country of origin: Haiti
Position while attending the course:
Vice-President (local NGO)
Academic background:
Agriculture Sciences (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Coordinate activities of the organization in the fields, Control all implemented projects, Elaborate diagnostic of the work areas and
purpose some plans of mitigation, Submit monthly report."
Ms. Apoorva Bamal

Ms. Apoorva Bamal
Country of origin: India
Position while attending the course: Project Associate (reg. company) Academic background:
Environmental Studies and Resource Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Researcher with expertise in environmental science and resource management and experience in water, agriculture and community engagement sector."
Mr. S. Vasantha Kumar

Mr. S. Vasantha Kumar
Country of origin: India
Position while attending the course:
Project Officer
Academic background:
Civil Engineering (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Investigating the problems like erosion, flooding, breaching, closure of river mouths, islands being disconnected, breaking of land masses, discontinuity in coastal highways, submergence of structures of archaeological importance, flooding of coastal villages and Coastal data collection."
Mr. P. Vengadesan

Mr. P. Vengadesan
Country of origin: India
Position while attending the course: Project Officer and Research Scholar Academic background:
Coastal Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Project Coordination, Management and Research."
Mr. Enock Senteu Kiminta

Mr. Enock Senteu Kiminta
Country of origin: Kenya Position while attending the course: Chairman (local NGO)
Academic background:
Environmental Studies (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "I manage and run day to day activities of the Association on behalf of the members which mostly touch on Water resources conservation and management. I also chair annual general meetings and conferences of all stakeholders in the lake Naivasha basin."
Mr. Mutisya Mutua

Mr. Mutisya Mutua
Country of origin: Kenya Position while attending the course: Inspector of Mines (fed./nat. admin.) Academic background:
Mineral Exploration (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "My work involves ; Licensing of the mining operators and auditing to check the production levels of mining operators for purposes of royalty payments. Inspections are also done to check for compliance to the environmental
health and safety regulations. This position also involves making of policies."
Mr. Zuher Abud Said

Mr. Zuher Abud Said
Country of origin: Kenya
Position while attending the course:
Software Engineer Intern (reg. NGO)
Academic background:
Software Engineering (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "I maintain the security of the database network and other technological infrastructure."
Ms. Rose Jebet Teigut

Ms. Rose Jebet Teigut
Country of origin: Kenya Position while attending the course: Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Expert (fed./nat. admin.) Academic background:
Environmental Science (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "I work as a Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Expert giving technical advice to service providers and companies on issues to deal with material and solid waste management, waste water and water management, energy and GHG emissions management and Industrial Symbiosis."
Ms. Anastasia Wanjiku Wanjohi

Ms. Anastasia Wanjiku Wanjohi
Country of origin: Kenya
Position while attending the course:
Manager, Natural Resources Management (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Applied Geophysics (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Maintain good relations and advice National and County governments on issues energy, water and natural resources revenue allocation. Provide technical advice on, and oversee the implementation of strategies on effective natural resource exploitation and revenue and benefit sharing."
Ms. Tibwe Taraua

Ms. Tibwe Taraua
Country of origin: Kiribati
Position while attending the course:
Water Engineer
Academic background:
Environmental Engineering (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Managing of design and installation including supervision, oversee and coordinate of construction of new water and sanitation projects including
those in the pipeline, Management, Coordination and Supervision as part support to the role for the Senior Water and Sanitation Engineer."
Ms. Taina Temakei

Ms. Taina Temakei
Country of origin: Kiribati
Position while attending the course:
Water Quality Monitoring Officer / Sanitation Engineer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Environmental Science (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Preservation and protection of the water reserves involves the monitoring of the quality of the water resources, these often comes in the form of individual household wells and the water reserves. These are the main responsibility of a water quality monitoring officer."
Ms. Wai Soe Zin

Ms. Wai Soe Zin
Country of origin: Myanmar
Position while attending the course:
Staff Officer - Environmental Impact Assessment Reports Reviewer
and Field Inspection and Audit Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
International Studies (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "I prepare commissioning decision for water resources related projects such as dam, industries, mines etc. through review and approval process of EIAs, site visit and inspect projects to ensure they comply with national water standards and to examine impact on aquatic flora, fauna, hydrology, quality."
Ms. Jigyasha Rai Yangkhurung

Ms. Jigyasha Rai Yangkhurung
Country of origin: Nepal
Position while attending the course:
Engineer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Water Science and Engineering (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Support farmers in the formation of Water Users Associations (WUAs) and their capacity building, Facilitate WUAs and Irrigation Management Offices in preparation of Canal Operation Plan, Canal Maintenance Plan, Institutional Development plan and its monitoring."
Mr. Krishna Ram Yendyo

Mr. Krishna Ram Yendyo
Country of origin: Nepal Position while attending the course:
Chief Executive Officer (local company)
Academic background:
Urban Water Engineering and Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Overall management of the company. Lead the team to fulfil the
target of the company. Support in innovation of water sanitation products of the company."
Mr. Waqas Ahmad Khan

Mr. Waqas Ahmad Khan
Country of origin: Pakistan
Position while attending the course: Lecturer (fed./nat. university)
Academic background:
Urban Infrastructure Engineering (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "I am working as a lecturer at University of science and technology and my job responsibilities includes teaching subject like Hydrology, sustainable development and disaster management, Urban Planning and GIS, I am also working as a program coordinator for the discipline of Civil Engineering Deptt."
Mr. Muneeb Tariq

Mr. Muneeb Tariq
Country of origin: Pakistan Position while attending the course: Coordinator Recharge Pakistan (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
Water Resources Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "My position is to provide technical expertise on the ground and surface water assessment in floodplains and hill torrents of Indus Basin;
Hydrological and Modelling Assessment using modelling and spatial tools for future prediction of water security issues of Indus Basin."
Ms. Danna Faye B. Valdez

Ms. Danna Faye B. Valdez
Country of origin: Philippines
Position while attending the course:
Master’s Student under the Water Engineering and Management Program of AIT
Academic background:
Civil Engineering (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Graduate studies"
Ms. Marie Yvonne Ingabire

Ms. Marie Yvonne Ingabire
Country of origin: Rwanda Position while attending the course: Coordinator of Hydraulic Program of Ruhengeri Diocese (local NGO)
Academic background:
Water Resources and Environment Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "I Coordinate activities of water supply, activities related to hygiene and Sanitation as well as activities related to awareness raising of beneficiaries. I represent the Hydraulic Program in its Management Board and in the Joint Action Forum of the collaborative districts."
Mr. Milton Wagbei Kainyande

Mr. Milton Wagbei Kainyande
Country of origin: Sierra Leone
Position while attending the course:
Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
Development Study (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "Organized public sensitization, Developed advocacy plans, Developed community structures to protect watersheds, Support alternative
Livelihood, Monitored community Forest, Work with other stakeholders on Environmental protection".
Ms. Warangkana Larbkich

Ms. Warangkana Larbkich
Country of origin: Thailand
Position while attending the course: Policy and Plan Analyst (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Civil Engineering (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities: "Follow up policy and progress related to SDG 6 implementation, Support the implementation of IWRM and Ecosystem based adaptation (EbA) in the watershed level, pilot areas of Yom river basin and Sa Kae Krang river basin, Support the proceeding in the admin. division of Thailand Mekong River Committee Secretariat."
Ms. Anna Danyliak

Ms. Anna Danyliak
Country of origin: Ukraine
Position while attending the course:
Expert on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "I work on environmental and social issues of agriculture development in Ukraine. Primary focus on water quality and climate change. Major tasks: coordination, activities planning and implementation; research and media materials preparation; communication with stakeholders."
Ms. Inna Hoch

Ms. Inna Hoch
Country of origin: Ukraine
Position while attending the course: Freshwater Manager (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
Biological Sciences (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities: "Provides expertise and leadership for the planning, fundraising, and implementation of the Organization’s Freshwater and Sturgeon conservation strategic goals in alignment with and contributing to WWF’s Central and Eastern European and global conservation objectives."
Mr. Tinashe Chinembiri

Mr. Tinashe Chinembiri
Country of origin: Zimbabwe
Position while attending the course:
Senior Energy Development Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Applied Environmental Science (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities: "National Focal point for Southern African Solar Thermal Training and Demonstration Initiative. Alternate to national team member for Green Hydrogen Atlas Africa, Responsible for compiling senior monthly senior mgt.
reports. Focal point for Nationally Determined Contributions Implementation."