Year of 2022 - 2023
During the 2022/2023 course year, environmental experts originating from a multitude of countries have participated in the UNEP/UNESCO/BMUV course programme at TU Dresden. Curious, who they are? Find their fields of expertise in the section below.
Duration: 12 January - 14 July 2023
Represented countries of origin in the course:
Benin | Bolivia | Botswana | Burundi | Cameroon | Cuba |
Ethiopia | Georgia | Ghana (2x) | India (2x) | Indonesia | Madagascar |
Pakistan | Peru | South Sudan | Thailand | Vietnam |
Vaibhav Aggarwal

Vaibhav Aggarwal
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Director (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
Business Administration (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Strategy and Policy intervention to ensure that the organization is meeting its goals as per vision and mission, Further, planning,directing and coordinating all the
operational activities of the organization."
Lado Basilidze

Lado Basilidze
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Senior Expert Scientist (local NGO)
Academic background:
Forestry (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Conduct market research studies and scientific analysis of non-timber forest products market trends, Develop and deliver NTFPs training modules, Development of the toolkit for Black Sea NTFPs Cluster, Development of the final national reports, Participation in public events."
Hoang Thi Minh

Hoang Thi Minh
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Project Management Specialist (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Working in official development assistance (ODA) and grant projects on water resources secotr, specifically in the field of climate smart agriculture, water-saving irrigation, safe guard on enviromental and social matters, gender equality."
Manop Kaewfoo

Manop Kaewfoo
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Forestry Technical Officer (reg. admin.)
Academic background:
Forest Biological Science (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"The mission of the watershed conservation is restoration and management of watershed forest area, Improving the socio-economic development of people living in upstream forest areas."
Muhammad Arief Lagoina

Muhammad Arief Lagoina
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Environmental Inspector and Investigator (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Geological Engineering (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Evaluating/inspecting the environmental management and compliance of Industries based on technical permits and regulation, Also responsible to arrange meeting between government or industries, coordinate the team, and formulate the Inspection regulations and SOP of inspection."
Juan Antonio Mateo Rodríguez

Juan Antonio Mateo Rodríguez
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Teacher (local univ.)
Academic background:
Industrial Engineer (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I teach to agronomy and primary students, Contributed to capacity building
among them as well as among cadres, directors and officials of public institutions
for better government management, I collaborate with the elaboration and implementation of the local development strategy of the territory."
Millicent Mensah

Millicent Mensah
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Natural Resources Officer (reg. admin.)
Academic background:
Natural Resources Management (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I participate in the protection of our natural resources in the protection of the natural forest and its wildlife through post exploitation check, stock survey inspection and pre-felling inspection, I participate in tree planting projects to aid our environment toward adverse climate change."
Marcel Loyd Minka

Marcel Loyd Minka
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Country Representative Officer (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
Law in Human Rights (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Coordinate YILAA activities at the National Level in Cameroon, Development research activities and workshops on Land Governance and Land rights to empower and strength youth and women knowledge on Land use issues, Assist youth led organizations in obtaining funding for the agrarian activities."
Délice Muhoza

Délice Muhoza
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
WASH, Environment and Integrated Water Resource Management Expert (local NGO) Academic background: Water Policy (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Mainly as a technical advisor in the field of WASH, Environment and Integrated Water Resource Management, I am in charge of organizing capacity building sessions and workshops on relevant topics, as well assist in the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of the WASH, Environment and IWRM projects."
Mariela Yuvinka Peña Vargas

Mariela Yuvinka Peña Vargas
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Lecturer (reg. univ.)
Academic background:
Environmental Engineering (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities:
"Contribute to the course Environmental Management and Natural Resources, Contribute to research projects in the field of Sustainable Development, Research of excellent quality resulting in publications in international peer review journals in the fields of forest ecosystems climate change."
Sumaiyya Saleem

Sumaiyya Saleem
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Program Manager (local admin.)
Academic background:
Urban Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I prepare master plans of cities and regional plans of divisions in Punjab province of Pakistan with prime focus on to leverage the potential to achieve sustainable development, I supervise a team of 10 project officers assisting me in project reports and presentations for stakeholders consultation."
Miarisoa Natalyh Hasina Samoela EP. Randrianaivo

Miarisoa Natalyh Hasina Samoela EP. Randrianaivo
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Head of Environmental Education and Formation Coordination Service (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Biochemistry Applied on Food and Nutrition (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Ensure the coherence of actions and actors for the implementation of environmental education and sustainability at all levels and in all sectors to contribute the achievement of the Malagasy Government visions and the strategics objectives presented by the Ministry."
Priti Sharma

Priti Sharma
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Founding Director (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
Ecology and Environment Science (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Developing and managing, monitoring, evaluating, and impact assessment activities for the organisation's programs, Taking leadership and responsibility for managing resources engaged for programs undertaken by Ecologics and Innovations, Developing and monitoring program budgets."
Meta Francis Justine Sindani

Meta Francis Justine Sindani
Country of origin:
South Sudan
Position while attending the course:
Program Manager (local NGO)
Academic background:
Ecology (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"In-charge of the food security and livelihoods, environment and natural resources sector, Project proposals writing and project circle management, Projects implementation in accordance with funder’s guidelines, Identification of beneficiaries and conducting need assessment."
Workinesh Takele Tessema

Workinesh Takele Tessema
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Department Head of Natural Resource Management (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background:
Water Engineering (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I am working as a head of Natural Resource Management department, I am leading each and every activities under the department, Majorly, Planning for academic activities, resources utilization, and reporting, Additionally, I am teaching courses in my specialization and participate in research."
Senikiwe Faith Tsile

Senikiwe Faith Tsile
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Principal Natural Resources Officer II (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Environmental Science (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"To facilitate State of Environment and Outlook Report content development, To facilitate mapping of the biodiversity priorities in the Country, To review environmental assessment reports, To facilitate stakeholder uptake of the environment agenda, To undertake environmental inspections and audit."
Guillermo Alonso Vizarreta Luna

Guillermo Alonso Vizarreta Luna
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Water Quality Professional (reg. admin.)
Academic background:
Environmental Engineering (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Professional in charge of sustainable water management in the Cañete, Mala and Omas river basins: Ocean Water Assessment, Monitoring the water quality of rivers, lakes and lagoons, Identify sources of water contamination, Monitoring of authorized wastewater discharges."
Abena Dufie Wiredu Bremang

Abena Dufie Wiredu Bremang
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Principal Basin Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Natural Resource-Sustainable Environmental Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Lead in the implementation of the IWRM plan for the Pra Basin, Collaborate with stakeholders for the management of the Basin, Undertake the regulation and licensing of water users and monitoring compliance, Serve as the Head of the Basin, Secretary to the Basin Board and focal person for donor projects."
Omobayo Ghislain Zoffoun

Omobayo Ghislain Zoffoun
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Executive Director (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
Natural Resource Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"At this position I am responsible for mobilizing funding and conducting fieldwork in wildlife census, forest inventory and climate change impact on natural resources, Also, I overseeing day-to-day activities, supervising heads of departments and directing organizational strategy."
Duration: 24 October 2022 - 25 November 2022 (online)
Represented countries of origin in this course :
Botswana | Brazil | Colombia (2x) | Ecuador | Germany | Ghana |
Guinea | Indonesia | Iran | Kenya (2x) | Malawi | Mongolia |
Nepal | Nigeria (3x) | Rwanda (4x) | Singapore | Zambia | Zimbabwe |
Eldad Kwaku Ackom

Eldad Kwaku Ackom
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Project Coordinator (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
Renewable Natural Resources Managemet (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Responsible for the research, development and implementation of the organizations projects in the various project areas."
Johanna Alejandra Aristizábal Galvis

Johanna Alejandra Aristizábal Galvis
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Consultant (reg. NGO)
Academic background:
Sustainable International Agriculture (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I carry out training activities aimed to farmers and processors of cassava, and transfer activities of new technologies to improve productivity and strengthen the cassava value chain. I write technical reports and manuals about production, processing, processing, marketing and uses of cassava."
Bruna Arruda

Bruna Arruda
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Project Manager (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background:
Agronomy: Soils and Plant Nutrition (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities:
"Lead projects of PPSNE the lookout for new ideas that would attract the
next generation to get involved in environmental issues, considering a
variety of criteria, such as ages and language for ensuring that the projects
go efficiently and that the final product or activity are well delivered."
Yub Raj Dhakal

Yub Raj Dhakal
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Environment cum Biodiversity Conservation Specialist (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Environmental Science (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I have been working as an Environment cum Biodiversity conservation specialist in the Project Directorate-ADB, Department of roads, Government of Nepal. As of my current assignment, need to ensure the implementation of the Environmental management plan including livelihood and afforestation program."
Abdoul Khalighi Diallo

Abdoul Khalighi Diallo
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Program Advisor (local NGO)
Academic background:
Forest and Nature Conservation (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Liaizsing among stakeholders, training field staff, writing proposals, conducting assessments, monitoring and reporting project implementation."
Delgerjargal Dugarjav

Delgerjargal Dugarjav
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Executive Director (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
Forestry (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities:
"I am an executive director of a NGO and we aim to provide extension service to community on multi-benefits of forest for sustainable future. We also transfer research results to practice, and working towards introducing forest production based on short rotation poplars in Mongolia."
Olalekan Anthony Fatoki

Olalekan Anthony Fatoki
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Socioeconomic Researcher and Community Outreach Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Agricultural and Resource Economics (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities:
"My job duties include research, extension services, administrative and community service. I assist in providing forestry extension services and environmental awareness in forest communities. More so, I represent my in stitute to participate in meeting at the ministries of agriculture and environment."
Jeimy Katherin Feo Mahecha

Jeimy Katherin Feo Mahecha
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Agricultural and Rural Development Consultant (reg. NGO)
Academic background:
Agricultural Engineer (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Agronomist of the project common care which brings together organic food producers from the rural area of Bogotá and food processors from all over the country. In charge of the project school of social scientists where knowledge about participatory ecological agriculture, good agricultural practice."
Ivan Gasangwa

Ivan Gasangwa
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Forest Research Division Manager (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Agricultural Sciences Program (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities:
"Rwanda Forestry Authority has 2 divisions i.e. Forest Management and Forest Research Divisions, each with it's manager, and support (finance and administration) unit. Research Division conducts forest research activities and fulfills the national forest research mandates, plans and strategies."
Chimwemwe Addoh Hara

Chimwemwe Addoh Hara
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
District Land Resources Conservation Officer (reg. admin.)
Academic background:
Agriculture (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"As the Land Resources Conservation Officer, I am responsible for planning and guiding frontline staffs in the implementation of land conservation technologies according to the Agriculture, Land Resources and Environmental Policies in the district set up in Malawi."
Fidelia Ekwutosi Igboanugo

Fidelia Ekwutosi Igboanugo
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Executive Director (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
Economic Policy Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Developing and implementing the overall strategy and visions of the organization, supervising heads of departments and overseeing the day by day activities of the organization, financial performance, program development, administrative duties, hire and fundraising."
Kebaabetswe Keoagile

Kebaabetswe Keoagile
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Principal Natural Resources Officer II-CBD AND ABS Focal Person (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Management of Sustainable Development Goals (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Coordination of formulation, monitoring of sectoral policies and strategies for environmental conservation and management inline with sustainable development objectives within the framework of national development plan processes. I am desk offcer for Convention on biological diversity and protocols."
Comfort Mare

Comfort Mare
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Policy and Programs Officer (reg. NGO)
Academic background:
Agricultural and Applied Economics (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"My role involves collaborating with 11 African governments in the analysis and implementation of agricultural, food and natural resource policies in collaboration with the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa under the Strengthening Agricultural Policy Practice in Africa and related programs."
Aqdar Maskur

Aqdar Maskur
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Director (reg. company)
Academic background:
Forestry (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I'm in charge to develop and manage an inclusive business model, make and maintain relationships with stakeholders, particularly our partner farmers and policymakers, explore new business opportunities and innovations, disseminate information, and facilitate application of social forestry permits."
Joseph Indo Muli

Joseph Indo Muli
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Director Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change (reg. admin.)
Academic background:
Natural Resource Management for Tropical Rural Development (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I am responsible for the design, planning, delivery and management of the technical, capacity building and administrative aspects of the environmental conservation, forestry and climate change division in the department of environment and natural resources of the Kwale County Government."
Gift Charles Mwandila

Gift Charles Mwandila
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Project Manager (local NGO)
Academic background:
Environmental Education (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"As Project Manager, I coordinate the work of WECSZ in the North-Eastern part of Zambia in Muchinga province near the border with Malawi. WECSZ’s conservation efforts in Muchinga province currently focus on the Mafinga hills landscape, which form the upper Luangwa River headwater catchment."
Ali Mweu Mwanzei

Ali Mweu Mwanzei
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Deputy Director of Field Operations (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Project Planning and Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I am the head of department that links headquarter office with field office. This role involves coordinating and supervising 47 County Directors of Environment to implement the environment Act of Kenya & empower them with tools, skills and green technologies to support stakeholders."
Elie Ntirenganya

Elie Ntirenganya
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Research and Project Officer (local NGO)
Academic background:
Plant Protection (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Developing research and reviwing research
and project proposals and plans; projects implementation; reporting; and networking."
Camille Nyamihana

Camille Nyamihana
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
National NDC Advisor to the Ministry of Environment (local admin.)
Academic background:
Environmental and Develpment Studies (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Provide advices to the Chair and Co-chair of the ENR SWG for effective functioning and coordination of ENR SWG, Provide strategic orientation to the implementation of NDC interventions across sectors, Support the MoE for NDC coordination of all stakeholders with priorities established."
Olusoji Olayinka Oyawoye

Olusoji Olayinka Oyawoye
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Assistant Chief Animal Husbandry Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Agriculture (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"It involves; policy formulation, evaluation, designing of developmental projects for the State and for the Federal Government. Ensuring smallholder farmers empowerment initiatives. Conflict mitigation, report writing and extension activities to farmers."
Ingrid Mariana Pino Ortiz

Ingrid Mariana Pino Ortiz
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Strategic Investment Management Specialist (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Globalisation and Development (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Participate in developing strategies to improve the business climate in the country through the management of investment contracts with the Ecuadorian government."
Jean Pierre Tuyizere

Jean Pierre Tuyizere
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Agriculture and Natural Resources Officer (local admin.)
Academic background:
Agriculture (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Promotion of Agriculture and extension services to all farmers for food security purposes as well as ensuring the safe use of
natural resources (land, forest and mines) and management."
Juliane Dziumla (guest participant)

Juliane Dziumla
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Associate Sustainability Coordinator / Doctoral Researcher (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background:
Environment, Politics and Globalisation (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"In my current position, I focus on sustainability related projects and the environmental inventory of the institute. As a Doctoral Reseracher, my research focuses on the environmental assessment of vertical farming."
Seyed Taha Loghmani Khouzani (guest participant)

Seyed Taha Loghmani Khouzani
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Doctoral Researcher - Joint PhD Programme in Integrated Management
of Water, Soil, and Waste (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background:
Hydro Science and Engineering (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"As a Doctoral Researcher, my research focuses on the role of participation in achieving sustainable and resilient agri-food systems in the face of emerging external shocks."
Atiqah Fairuz Binte Md Salleh (guest participant)

Atiqah Fairuz Binte Md Salleh
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Doctoral Researcher (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background:
International Relations - Global Governance and Social Theory (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"As a Doctoral Researcher, my research focuses on vertical farming for urban food security and resilience, looking at its social acceptance and policy recommendations for building communities."
Duration: 29 August - 30 September 2022 (online)
Represented countries of origin in this course :
Bangladesh | Benin | Bhutan | Burkina Faso | Ecuador (2x) | Ethiopia |
India | Indonesia (2x) | Iran | Malawi (3x) | Mongolia | Nepal |
Pakistan | Philippines (2x) | Singapore | Sudan (2x) | Uganda (2x) | Vietnam |
Samia Mohamed Hassan Abdalrahim

Samia Mohamed Hassan Abdalrahim
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Teacher Assistant (local univ.)
Academic background:
Architecture and Built Environment (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Supervise undergraduate teaching of a batch of students, Evaluate and grade students' work performed in design studios, prepare lectures to undergraduate students on topics (theory of architectural, design
methods, materials and aesthetics) and also prepare course homework."
Miria Frances Agunyo

Miria Frances Agunyo
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Project Manager (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Economic Sciences (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities:
"I manage a project that is focused on utilizing resources recovered from the organic fraction of waste in 5 pilot cities for production of biogas using anaerobic digestion technology. Biogas generated is then used to generate electricity fed to the grid. This should deal with challenge of waste."
Frazer Mac Darlings Bondwe

Frazer Mac Darlings Bondwe
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Director of Engineering Services (local admin.)
Academic background:
Civil Engineering (Transportation) (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Managing all infrastructure of the city council, Managing all water works within the city council, Managing and constructing all roads in the city, Managing building construction and inspection, Budgeting for resources for department, Representing the department in all technical meetings, Lighting."
Mary Dawaru

Mary Dawaru
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Environmental Officer (local admin.)
Academic background:
Natural Resource Economics (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Sensitize the public on environmental conservation policies; laws and regulations, support community initiatives for renewal and sustainable exploitation of the natural environment, monitor and supervise activities relating to the environment within the city, compile reports on environment degradation."
Munkhbat Duusuren

Munkhbat Duusuren
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Green Cities Officer (fed./nat.)
Academic background:
Business Administration (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Responsible for leading the project delivery and development of GGGI's 'Green Cities' service offerings in Mongolia, supporting the government and stakeholders to design and implement green growth strategies and
action plans related to the green cities theme and other GGGI."
Frédéric Fanou

Frédéric Fanou
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Social Worker (reg. NGO)
Academic background:
Protected Areas Management (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"My missions as Social worker is to: implemente and monitore waste sorting in elementary schools, ensure regular evacuation of sorted waste and their integration into a recycling sector, sensitize the publics to the new sustainable cooking energy, promote ecological fuel, etc."
Ifrah Kamil

Ifrah Kamil
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Senior Officer Policy and Capacity Building (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
Environmental Engineering (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"My work revolves around research on climate change and water security, building resilience to climate change in communities in Punjab as well as working with textile and leather industries to make their supply chains sustainable."
Winta Mulugeta Kebede

Winta Mulugeta Kebede
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Spatial Plan Implementation, Follow Up and Regulation Senior Expert (local admin.)
Academic background:
Environmental Planning and Landscape Design (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Handling important planning applications, and monitoring the necessary outcomes of the developmental projects with respect to environmental and physical attributes, Reviewing, and evaluation of important developmental projects as per the proclamation and components of the city master plan."
Ravi Khanal

Ravi Khanal
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Manager (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
European Studies: Governance and Regulation (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Presiding currently over Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Ambassador through Youth Facilitative Leadership Program, Kalpa Academy and guiding enrolled youths of Nepal for Social Artistry. Organizing Knowledge sharing and skill transfer programs under Kalpa for local level."
Issaka Abdou-Razakou Kiribou

Issaka Abdou-Razakou Kiribou
Country of origin:
Burkina Faso
Position while attending the course:
Urban Mobility Data Manager and Sustainable Mobility Development (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Informatics for Climate Change (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Urban transport and mobility planer specializing in sustainable mobility development. Experienced with all stages of the urban mobility traffic plans in sustainable mobility projects. Development of climate-smart mobility and environmentally friendly management of urban transport infrastructure, etc."
Gerald Mchacha

Gerald Mchacha
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Senior Parks Officer (local admin.)
Academic background:
Forestry (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Responsible for management of the green environment of Mzuzu City, Responsible for management of open spaces, Responsible for management of recreational facilities, Staff Supervision."
Gina Rowena Medenilla

Gina Rowena Medenilla
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Senior Environmental Management Specialist (local admin.)
Academic background:
Chemistry (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Head of the Environmental Quality Management Section of Provincial Government of Batangas Environment and Natural Resources Office."
Mohammad Murad Pervez Murad

Mohammad Murad Pervez Murad
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Programme Quality Specialist (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
Anthropology (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I am responsible to provide Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, Learning, Research, project development, data management on Sustainable Livelihood,
Value chain and Market linkage, Youth employment, Climate and disaster resilience, Gender Justice, Water and sanitation and Governance programs."
Nguyen Hieu

Nguyen Hieu
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Researcher (local univ.)
Academic background:
Regional and Urban Planning (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Conduct scientific research."
Rania Abdelrahman Osman

Rania Abdelrahman Osman
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Deputy Dean (reg. admin.)
Academic background:
Physical Planning (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Deputy Dean and Lecturer for Planning and sustainability courses."
Kunzang Dema Rinchen

Kunzang Dema Rinchen
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Assistant Environment Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Management Technology (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Assess/review development projects including urban projects, industries, roads, power transmission and distribution projects among others for Environmental Clearance to ensure environmental impacts are minimized and benefits are maximized and monitor compliance in these projects."
Vinson Serrano

Vinson Serrano
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
College Secretary (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background:
Regional Development Planning and Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I handle the administrative management of the College's Office of the Dean, facilitate and organize student and academic staff plans and programs. Together with the Dean and Assistant Dean as top management administrators, I spearhead the current and future development direction of the College."
Issa Samichat Ismail Tafridj

Issa Samichat Ismail Tafridj
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Lecturer (local univ.)
Academic background:
Urban Regeneration and Development (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"In addition to the responsibilities as a lecturer in the Architecture Department, I also act as the Academic Coordinator for the department, managing publication and community engagement outputs of the department and maintaining the course of the department curriculum."
Cydrick Tambala

Cydrick Tambala
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Environmental Officer (local admin.)
Academic background:
Environmental Sciences (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Active participation in policy formulation making with regards to environmental
management of Lilongwe City, conduct monitoring and inspection of environmental projects, monitor development activities of the city, facilitate preparation and implementation of community environmental projects etc."
Bertha Cecilia Vera Jara

Bertha Cecilia Vera Jara
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Road and Public Works Analyst (local admin.)
Academic background:
Major Civil Engineering (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Review road and civil infraestructure projects, prepare traffic and transportation studies, design of pavements, elaboration of projects budgets."
Luisa Paulina Viera Arroba

Luisa Paulina Viera Arroba
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Aggregate Professor (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background:
Earthquake Resistant Structures (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I am a university professor. My chair is Construction. Energy certifications in buildings and ecological construction materials are among the important topics. I have published research papers in English and Spanish, about characterization of construction materials with low environmental impact."
Eddy Yusuf

Eddy Yusuf
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Vice Rector for Operational Affairs and Partnerships (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background:
Physics (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities:
"My role is to design and implement policies in a number of sectors: finance, human resources, marketing, international networking, ICT, general affairs, income-generating units and centers of excellence."
Atiqah Fairuz Binte Md Salleh (guest participant)

Atiqah Fairuz Binte Md Salleh
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Doctoral Researcher (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background:
International Relations - Global Governance and Social Theory (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"As a Doctoral Researcher, my research focuses on vertical farming for urban food security and resilience, looking at its social acceptance and policy recommendations for building communities."
Pooja Dwivedi (guest participant)

Pooja Dwivedi
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
International Climate Protection Fellow (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background:
Environment Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I am working at the interfaces between the green economy, sustainability, and sustainable waste management. I am doing my research on developing a framework for the developing countries for adoption of circular economic models."
Seyed Taha Loghmani Khouzani (guest participant)

Seyed Taha Loghmani Khouzani
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Doctoral Researcher - Joint PhD Programme in Integrated Management
of Water, Soil, and Waste (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background:
Hydro Science and Engineering (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"As a Doctoral Researcher, my research focuses on the role of participation in achieving sustainable and resilient agri-food systems in the face of emerging external shocks."
Duration: 01 - 19 August 2022 (online)
In diesem Kurs vertretene Herkunftsländer:
Bangladesh | Botswana | Chile | China | Ecuador | Ghana |
Kyrgyz Republic | Lesotho | Malawi (3x) | Malaysia | Mexico (2x) | Namibia |
Nigeria | Pakistan (2x) | Rwanda (2x) | Sudan (2x) | Uganda |
Waqar Ahmad

Waqar Ahmad
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Lecturer/ Semester Coordinator (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background:
Structural Engineering (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Teaching/Delivering lectures in various subjects related to the field of civil engineering. Coordinate with the head of department for smooth running of academic activities, Provide technical assistance in different field and research projects as member of water and environment group."
Lely Saima Etegameno Angula

Lely Saima Etegameno Angula
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Deputy Director (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Environmental Management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Quality control on the review of Environmental Assessments; Overseeing Waste management and pollution control in the country; Represent the Ministry at (inter)national and local forums on environmental management and sustainable development; Member of the Urban and Regional Planning Board."
Dumisani Chiwala

Dumisani Chiwala
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Chief Economist (local admin.)
Academic background:
Agriculture (Agricultural Extension) (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Maintaining and managing Council databanks, preparing project reports, preparing quarterly, semi-annual and output based reports, monitoring performance and progress of Council projects. I also serve as secretary to Council Data Coordination Committee."
Fu Jie

Fu Jie
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Deputy Director (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Radiation Protection (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I take in charge of strengthening internaitonal cooperation of ecology and environment between China and other countries such as Germany, France, UK, US, Russia, etc. as well as regional organizations."
Tasneim Gaafar

Tasneim Gaafar
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
General Manager (local company)
Academic background:
Urban Management, Urban Land Governance (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"General Manager and main business developer at my company."
Wala Hashim Bashari Abdelmuati

Wala Hashim Bashari Abdelmuati
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Urban Planning Officer (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
Urban planning and management (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Urban planning officer lead urban development tasks in various projects such as climate resilience to the most vulnerable urban area,Strengthening Land Management for Peaceful Co-Existence in Darfur, Participate in preparation of Regional structural plans, lead development of National urban polices."
Md Nuralam Hossain

Md Nuralam Hossain
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Water Resource Management Officer (fed./nat. NGO)
Academic background:
Environmental Engineering (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Coordinated major watershed management planning, monitoring and implementation activities at field level. Restored degraded ecosystem through NbS, approach. Networking/liaison with relevant government officials, NGOs and other stakeholders. Ensured environmental and social safe guard."
Bendicto Kabiito

Bendicto Kabiito
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Senior Lecturer and Dean in the School of Arts and Social Sciences - SASS (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background:
Peace and Conflict Studies (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities:
"I serve in two capacities; 1. as a lecturer in SASS, teaching courses in; Urban management for BA of Public Administration and Management; Environmental Studies to undergraduate studies; and Global Environmental Issues to MA students; and 2. I am the Dean of SASS."
Wise George Kamwiyo

Wise George Kamwiyo
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Principal Urban Development Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Land Management (Physical Planning) (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Supervising the collection and analysis of Urban Development data for urban development, Participating in policy formulation and review processes, monitoring of urban development projects, Conducting Socio-economic assessments for Slum upgrading and prevention, Helping in Urban Renewal programs."
Ijeoma Stephanie Ladele

Ijeoma Stephanie Ladele
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Executive Director (local NGO) Academic background:
Peace and Conflict Studies (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I engage community mobilization, training of trainers, step down engagement wit volunteer staffs a, writing of proposal, spear head activities in the organization to ensure the goals are achieved attend meetings."
Wilson Lechón

Wilson Lechón
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Acting Head of International Affairs and Environmental Conventions (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Director of environmental management (fed./nat. admin.)
My Responsibilities:
"Technical and policy advice to Ecuador's 23 provincial governments on climate change, environmental control and biodiversity."
Zuzeni Solobala Lemani

Zuzeni Solobala Lemani
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Principal Urban Development Officer (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Geography and Home Economics (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"As a Principal Urban Development Officer my responsibilities include to: 1. Prepare department's workplans and annual budgets, 2. Monitor urban development programs, 3. Prepare urban policies, standards and guidelines, 4. Conduct research related to urban development issues, 5. Prepare progress."
Gabriela Morales Aguilar

Gabriela Morales Aguilar
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Professor and Course Coordinator (fed./nat. univ.)
Academic background:
Natural Resources Management and Development and Environmental Sciences (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"I teach german as a second language at the National Autonompus University of Mexico and I also teach environmental education as a transversal class for students who are studying a bacherlor in Translation at the same university. I also coordinate a diplom course in Sustainability for stakeholders."
Drocelle Mukaneza

Drocelle Mukaneza
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Technical Project Assistant (reg. NGO)
Academic background:
Environmental Management (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"As technical assistant in hydraulic program funded by MISEREOR of Germany, I collaborated with senior staff to manage, equip and train them and beneficiaries about water and environmental management, develop and conduct workshop, encourage creativity & innovation in line with environment problems."
Chuck Chuan Ng

Chuck Chuan Ng
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Assistant Professor (reg. univ.)
Academic background:
Philosophy (Ph.D.)
My Responsibilities:
"Planning and delivering (lecturing) in the existing and new development of lesson plans, scheme of works, learning materials aligned with the Bloom's taxonomy, outcomes based education, continuous quality improvement of curriculum syllabus and examination assessments for undergraduate students."
Diana Maria Perez Molero Bustamante

Diana Maria Perez Molero Bustamante
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Analyst in Environmental Management (fed./nat. admin.)
Academic background:
Architectural Design (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Study the environmental impact of constructions that implies a risk associated like gas stations."
Saba Raffay

Saba Raffay
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Program Manager Environmental and Social Safeguards (reg. company)
Academic background:
Applied Environmental Sciences (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Total 11 years of experience in matters related to environmental and social safeguards, impact assessments, sectoral planning, policy analysis, public consultations, training, and community mobilization in E&SS Sector of the Urban Unit."
Maral Sagynalieva

Maral Sagynalieva
Country of origin:
Kyrgyz Republic
Position while attending the course:
Project Manager (local NGO)
Academic background:
International Political Economy (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"1. Consulting farmers on enhancement and facilitation of SME projects in agriculture sector. 2. Arranging workshops, seminars and round tables to empowerment tools for farmers. 3. Preparing analytical and small research/study reports on issues in agriculture sector."
Success Adjeley Sowah

Success Adjeley Sowah
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Project Coordinator (local NGO)
Academic background:
Oceanography and Limnology (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Develop, organize and oversee waste management strategies in the Cape Coast Metropolis."
Mzwandile Ivory Thokoane

Mzwandile Ivory Thokoane
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Physical Planner (local admin.)
Academic background:
Urban and Regional Planning (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Processing Planning Applications; building and Planning Permissions, Advising the Community Council in Land Allocation matters, according to Legislation, Development of Local plans that conform to the Regional and National Development Plans, Issuance of Geodetic Survey Instructions."
Titus Thabo Thomba

Titus Thabo Thomba
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Environmental Sustainability Officer (local NGO)
Academic background:
Range Science (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"Part of the environmental conservation research team, initiating and
planning of nature based solutions on degraded ecosystems through
ecosystem-based approaches and mitigation strategies as well as
ecosystem-based adaptation on climate vulnerabile areas."
Mireille Marie Nadine Uwera

Mireille Marie Nadine Uwera
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Land, Infrastructures, Habitat and Community Settlement Officer (local admin.)
Academic background:
Environmental Management (B.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"1. Provide land-related notary services to services seekers as per the competencies set forth by the law, 2. Implement District's strategies and programs on land and infrastructure in conformity with existing national policy, rules, and regulations, 3. Avail necessary data for the issuance of law."
Catalina Andrea Zapata Barra (guest participant)

Catalina Andrea Zapata Barra
Country of origin:
Position while attending the course:
Academic background:
Water Science and Engineering (M.Sc.)
My Responsibilities:
"At the moment I am not employed in the environmental sector, I am in the transition period after finishing my master's and looking for employment or doctoral options."