Logo of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation © Humboldt Foundation Humboldt fellow in front of a large globe labelled with a sign saying "fragile, please handle with care" © A. Francke

International Climate Protection Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

CIPSEM operates as partner of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, which annually grants up to 20 International Climate Protection Fellowships, funded under the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) International Climate Initiative (IKI). The fellowships target prospective leaders from non-European transition and developing countries who are engaged in the field of climate protection and resource conservation in academia, business, and administration in their countries and enables the recipients to implement a research-based proposal in the field of climate protection or climate-related resource conservation during a one-year stay in Germany.

learn more International Climate Protection Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

At a glance

Fellows with a big tree © T. Karp