Knowledge management on climate change adaptation. An
explorative study on organization, communication and learning
in Ethiopia.
Maxi Domke, M. A.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pretzsch
Impact of Projected Sea-Level Rise on Mangrove Forest
Composition and Function in Bagamoyo (Tanzania) – A Key
Juliane Beez
Supervisor: Prof. Uta Berger
Effect of Land Use Change on Soil Carbon Pools in the
Eastern Usambara Mountains, Tanzania
Maximilian Kirsten
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Feger
Quanitification of Above Ground Woody Biomass in the
Periurban Region of El Obeid, Northern Kordofan, Sudan. An
Image Based Approach Using RapidEye Imagery
Steffen Eberle
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elmar Csaplovics (TUD), Dr. Hassan Elnour
(University of Kordofan, Sudan)
Economic Assessment of Ecosystem Service: Water Regulation
in El Ain Natural Reserved Forest, North Kordofan, Sudan
Vladimir Zindovic
Supervisor: Dr. Eckhard Auch (TUD), Dr. Mohamed E. Taha
(University of Kordofan, Sudan)
The Political Ecology of Forest Access and Use in the
Elrawashda Forest Reserve, Sudan - Implications for the
Development of Sustainable Livelihoods.
Naomi Daur
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pretzsch (TUD), Dr. Yahia A. Gumaa
(University of Khartoum, Sudan)
Legal Framework on Reforestation and its Impact on the
Realization by Farmers in Gedaref, Eastern Sudan
Judith Leineweber
Supervisor: Dr. Eckhard Auch
“Structure from Motion” – Analysis of Gully Erosion by means of
low-cost Photogrammetry in Southern Ethiopia
Maximilian Klöcker
Supervisor: Dr. Fritz Haubold
Gully Erosion and Soil and Water Conservation Measures in the
Research Area Aje, South Ethiopia
Wiebke Grassl
Supervisor: Dr. Fritz Haubold
The Contribution of charcoal production to livelihoods in
different production systems in Tanzania (ongoing)
Manuel Göbel
Supervisor: Dr. Eckhard Auch
Insights in Adaptative Collaborative Management Projects in
Uganda, Outcomes on Rural Women and their Chances in Natural
Resource Management (ongoing)
Maria Nelz
Supervisor: Prof. Jürgen Pretzsch
Agroforestry and climate change adaptation and mitigation in
Sidama, Southern Ethiopia (ongoing)
Joschka Münchenhagen
Supervisor: Prof. Gerald Kapp
Recent Trends in Gully Erosion as Evidenced by
Tina Nicklich
Supervisor: Dr. Fritz Haubold
Perception and Effects of Deforestation on Local Water
Robin Hanschke, Sepp Böhme
Supervisor: Dr. Eckhard Auch, Dr. Fritz Haubold
Assessment and Comparison of Effects in Dependency from
different Management Systems on Production and Quality of
Yushania Alpina in Agroforestry Systems, Sidama and Natural
Forests in Bale Mountains, Ethiopia
Malte Sass
Supervisor: Dr. Eckhard Auch