Tiebel K, Karge A, Wagner S 2024. Guideline for the restoration of degraded and damaged forests in Germany with natural regeneration of pioneer tree species. IUFRO World Congress, Stockholm, June 23 to 29, 2024.
Nasibullina A, Tiebel K, Wagner S 2024. Succession as a Natural Tool for Restoration of Oak—Lime Forests on Aspen-Covered Clearcuts. Diversity 16, 376.
Tiebel K, Karge A 2024. Verjüngung der Waldkiefer im Klimawandel. AFZ-Der Wald 7: 46.
Tiebel K, Karge A 2024. Verjüngung der Waldkiefer im Klimawandel. AFZ-Der Wald 7: 46.
Tiebel K, Dahlmann J, Karge A 2023. Global warming shortens the seed lifespan of pioneer tree species and thus reforestation window of damaged areas. European Journal of Forest Research.
Tiebel K 2023. Natürliches Wiederbewaldungspotential von Schadflächen im Klimawandel mittels Pionierbaumarten. AFZ-Der Wald 17: 26.
Tiebel K, Karge A, Wagner S 2023. Ist das Etablierungspotential der Pionierbaumarten im Klimawandel gefährdet? Wald- und Holzforschung zwischen Klimawandel, Bioökonomie und gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen. Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung 2023, Dresden, 11. bis 13. September 2023.
Tiebel K, Karge A, Wagner S 2023. Does shading and ground cover of moss and litter improve germination and establishment of Betula pendula Roth, Salix caprea L. and Populus tremula L. seedlings during drought stress in climate change? – A greenhouse study. Forest Ecology and Management 544: 121212
Axer M, Tiebel K, Wagner S 2023. Anpassung der Waldbaustrategien der Landesforstbetriebe an den Klimawandel - ein Überblick. AFZ-Der Wald 6: 40-41
Tiebel K 2023. Natürliche Verjüngung auf Störungsflächen Teil 3: Nutzung des Bodensamenbankpotentials. AFZ-Der Wald 5: 37-41
Tiebel K 2021. Unter welchen Bedingungen sind Birke (Betula spp.) und Eberesche (Sorbus aucuparia L.) befähigt eine persistente Bodensamenbank auszubilden? Wald: Wie weiter? #ScienceForFuture. Programm und Abstracts - Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung 2021, Freising, 13. bis 15. September 2021. S. 279
Tiebel K 2021. Which factors influence the density of birch (Betula pendula Roth) seeds in soil seed banks in temperate woodlands? European Journal of Forest Research.
Grueters U, Ibrahim M R, Schmidt H, Tiebel K, Horn H, Pranchai A, Vovides A G, Vogt J, Otero V, Satyanarayana B, Dahdouh-Guebas F 2021. Stable coexistence in a field-calibrated individual-based model of mangrove forest dynamics caused by inter-specific crown plasticity. Forests 12:955.
Tiebel K, Huth F, Wagner S 2021. Is there an effect of storage depth on the persistence of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) seeds? A seed burial experiment. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 14(3): 224-230.
Tiebel K, Leinemann L, Hosius B, Frischbier N, Wagner S 2021. Verjüngung auf Störungsflächen 2: Wie weit fliegen Salweidensamen? AFZ-Der Wald 5: 28-31
Tiebel K, Huth F, Frischbier N, Wagner S 2020. Verjüngung auf Störungsflächen 1: Wie weit fliegen Birkensamen? AFZ-Der Wald 19: 44-47
Tiebel K 2020. The ability of pioneer tree species to mitigate the effects of site disturbance by fast and effective natural regeneration. Dissertation. Technische Universität Dresden, Fakultät Umweltwissenschaften, Fachrichtung Forstwissenschaften, 187 S. URL
Tiebel K, Huth F, Frischbier N, Wagner S 2020. Restrictions on natural regeneration of storm-felled spruce sites by silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) through limitations in fructification and seed dispersal. European Journal of Forest Research 137(5): 731-745.
Tiebel K, Huth F, Wagner S 2020. Samenbäume und Naturverjüngungspotenziale von Pionierbaumarten zur Stärkung der Resilienz von Fichtenwäldern. In: ThüringenForst – AöR (Hrsg.): Beiträge aus der angewandten Forschung in Thüringer Wäldern und deren Bewirtschaftung. Mitteilungsheft 38, Erfurt. S. 39-54. ISSN-Nr.: 2196-6087
Frischbier N, Tiebel K, Tischer A, Wagner S 2019. Small Scale Rainfall Partitioning in a European Beech Forest Ecosystem Reveals Heterogeneity of Leaf Area Index and Its Connectivity to Hydro-and Atmosphere. Geoscienes 9(393): 1-23.
Tiebel K, Leinemann L, Hosius B, Schlicht R, Frischbier N, Wagner S 2019. Seed dispersal capacity of Salix caprea L. assessed by seed trapping and parentage analysis. European Journal of Forest Research: 138(3): 495-511.
Tiebel K, Huth F, Wagner S 2019. Movement of pioneer tree species from forest into storm-felled areas by seed dispersal. Science meets practice. Book of Abstracts - 49thAnnual Meeting of the Ecological society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland 2019, Gesellschaft für Ökologie, Münster, pp. 462
Tiebel K, Wehnert A, Huth F, Erefur C, Bergstens U, Wagner S 2019. Fruktifikation der Salweide am Beispiel Nordschwedens. AFZ-Der Wald 12: 25-27.
Tiebel K, Leinemann L, Hosius B, Frischbier N, Wagner S 2018. Natural restoration of disturbed forests by Salix caprea L. In: Muraoka, Y.; Tschirf, R. (Ed.): Ecology – Meeting the scientific challenges of a complex world. Book of Abstracts - 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. , University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, 10.-14. September 2018, p. 157. ISSN 0171-1113
Tiebel K, Huth F, Wagner S 2018. Soil seed banks of pioneer tree species in European temperate forests: a review. iForest 11: 48-57. –
Huth F, Wehnert A, Tiebel K, Wagner S 2017. Restoration of even-aged Norway spruce stands by direct seeding of silver fir - lessons learned from history. In: Löf, M (Ed) Program and Book of Abstracts of the IUFRO 3rd conference Restoring Forests: Regeneration and Ecosystem Function for the Future. Lund, Sweden 12-14 September 2017. Report 51. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Southern Swedish Forest Research Center, Alnarp. p. 75
Tiebel K, Karge A, Huth F, Wehnert A, Wagner S 2017. Naturverjüngungspotenziale von Pionierbaumarten für die Wiederbewaldung von Sturmwurfflächen nutzen. Forstarchiv 88 (3): 138.
Tiebel K, Karge A, Huth F, Wehnert A, Wagner S 2017. Strukturelemente fördern die Samenausbreitung durch Vögel. AFZ-DerWald 20: 24–27
Huth F, Wehnert A, Tiebel K, Wagner S 2017. Direct seeding of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) to convert Norway spruce (Picea Abies L.) forests in Europe: A review. Forest Ecology and Management 403: 61–78.
Tiebel K, Huth F, Wagner S 2016. Qualität von Buchenvoranbauten (Fagus sylvatica L.) unterschiedlicher Flächengröße unter Fichtenschirm (Picea abies (L.) KARST.). Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung 187(5/6): 103 – 120.
Tiebel K, Huth F, Wagner S 2015. How to catch different types of dispersed pioneer tree seeds in open areas successfully. Ecology for a sustainable future. Book of Abstracts – 45th Annual Conference 2015, Gesellschaft für Ökologie, Göttingen. p. 237 - 238.
Grüters U, Schmidt H, Tiebel K, Horn H, Pranchai A, Vovodis A G, Peters R, Vogt J, Dahdouch-Guebas F, Berger U 2014. Inter-specific competition enables coexistence of plant species. Book of Abstracts: Integrating ecological knowledge into nature conservation and ecosystem management. 44rd Annual Conference 2014, Gesellschaft für Ökologie, September 8th-12th, Hildesheim. p. 146