Chair holder

NameProf. Dr. Dr. habil. Sven Herzog
Chair of Wildlife Ecology and Management
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Visitors address:
Hauptgebäude, 2nd floor, room 42 Pienner Str. 8
01737 Tharandt
Curriculum vitae
- Studies of Forest Sciences and Medicine at the University of Göttingen and the University of Giessen
- Ph.D. in Forest Sciences (1988) and Medicine (1995)
- Habilitation for Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding (1998)
- Research Fellow (inter alia DFG) and researcher at the Institute of Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding Göttingen and Research Fellow at the Forest and Wildlife Service, Republic of Ireland (1985-1993)
- Physician at the University Women's Hospital Göttingen (1993-1998)
- University lecturer for Wildlife Ecology and Management at Dresden University of Technology (since 1998)
- Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding of the University of Göttingen (since 2003)
Journal of Forest and Landscape Research
Associate editor
Genetics and Biodiversity Journal
Editorial Board Member
European Journal of Biological Research
Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan (Journal of Forest Science)
Comittee activities
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science and Humanities: Member of the interdisciplinary working group "Historic Gardens in Climate Change"
PRISMA Performance and Policy Research In Sustainabiliy Measurement and Assessment of the Dresden University of Technology: founding member
International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC - Conseil de la Chasse et de la Conservation du Gibier): Expert of the German Delegation
Institut für Wildbiologie Göttingen und Dresden e.V.: Board and founding member
Förderverein für Umweltstudien (FUST) Tirol: Member of the technical steering comittee and scientific advisory board
National park Harz: Member of the scientific advisory board
National park Eifel: Member of the advisory board
Bavarian Academy of Hunting and Nature: Board member