Janosch Heinermann
![Janosch Heinermann](https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/forst/ww/bsa/ressourcen/bilder/mitarbeiter/janosch-heinermann/@@images/5220142d-e99c-469d-aea9-b058388b6964.jpeg)
NameJanosch Heinermann
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Research interests
In the VERMOS project I am working on an individual-based model (IBM) simulating the effects of sylviculture and climate on forest regeneration. I am generally interested in using IBMs to better understand the ecology of living organisms.
- 2019-2022: VERMOS – Effective Spatial Modelling and Simulation of Sylviculturally Regulated Mixed Forest Regeneration under Changing Climatic Conditions funded by Waldklimafonds
- now finishing PhD mainly remotely
- 2019-2022: Research Fellow at the Chair of Forest Biometrics and System Analysis at TU Dresden (Project VERMOS), financed by Waldklimafonds
- 2016 – 2019: M.Sc. in Forestry at TU Dresden
- 2012 – 2016: B.Sc. in Forestry at TU Dresden
Peer-reviewed journals:
- Heinermann, J.; Rodriguez, O. S.; Edmonds, D.; Dolch, R.; Vences, M. (2015) Year-round activity patterns in a hyperdiverse community of rainforest amphibians in Madagascar, Journal of Natural History , 49:35-36, 2213-2231.