Mohammad Sagar Islam

NameMohammad Sagar Islam
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Research interests
I am keen to link forest structure analytical tools (i.e. remote sensing, simulation models, geosensors etc.) of different spatial scales in context of mangrove restoration. I also have an educational background in ecology, forestry and biodiversity conservation. I am a machine learning enthusiast and did my master thesis on point pattern analysis.
- I am currently working on optimizing mangrove restoration in Thailand under the Rescue-2 project (, funded by South East Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation (SEA-EU-NET).
Abridged CV
- Since 2024: Eutopia Co-tutelle (joint) PhD student between TUD and VUB
- 2021-2023 (mid-November): Master in Tropical Forestry (DAAD funded), TU Dresden
- 2019-2021: Research assistant, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
- 2017-2019: Master of Science in Forestry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
- 2014-2017: Bachelor of Science in Forestry (Graduated 1 year early), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Peer-reviewed paper
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Conference contributions and other
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