The global challenges of our time can only be addressed through supranational efforts. For this reason, a closer cooperation of different European actors in teacher education is highly desirable. INTERACT bring together partners from three different countries, all involved in geography teacher education and with different experiences and expertise related to the promotion of ESD-related key capabilities in teacher training. It is our aim to combine our expertise to learn from each other and together: We will develop, test, and evaluate an innovative teaching concept that facilitates deep reflection and peer dialogue in teacher training and anchor it in the curricula as well as the continuous professional development (CPD) activities of the involved partners. Thus, we contribute to improving the quality of ESD-teaching on a cross-European level.
Technische Universität Dresden (Germany)
Prof. Nicole Raschke
Pauline Hennig
Uni Graz (Austria)
Prof. Fabian Pettig
Elena Flucher
Fontys Tilburg (Nederlands)
Dr. Uwe Krause
Dr. Tom Wils
Dr. Rutger van de Sande
Joost van Damme