Innovative Approaches to Services of General Interest in Rural Areas - Learning from Experiences of Other European Countries for Germany
Lead: | Technische Universität Dresden |
Duration: | 1/2020 - 12/2022 |
Funding: | Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BMLE) |
The provision of infrastructures to ensure services of general interest poses growing challenges for rural areas. In particular, digitalization, economic globalization and flexibilization as well as demographic change require a transformation of existing infrastructures that secure the supply of the population. Germany is not alone in facing these problems. Other European countries are confronted with similar challenges in rural areas.
The joint project InDaLE, which started in January 2020, investigates innovative approaches to providing Services of General Interest in Europe and analyses their applicability and transferability in rural areas in Germany. The project is a cooperation of the Chair of Land Management (TU Dresden) with the Leibniz University Hannover as well as the University of Oldenburg, the Thünen Institute in Braunschweig and the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association in Hannover.
Meeting of the institutions involved in the project at the kick-off meeting at Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) in January 2020
The project focuses on three areas of Service of General Interest: ‚post-school education and training‘ in Scotland, 'fire services and hazard prevention' in Austria, and 'medical care and nursing' in Sweden. The initial idea of the research project is the assumption that other regions in Europe, which have been facing the challenges of changing conditions in rural areas for a longer time, have gained more experience in the continuation of innovative approaches to services of general interest. In order to derive suitable approaches and strategies on the basis of these experiences, successfully established European projects will be analyzed comparatively within the framework of case studies. Furthermore, their potential to be adapted in rural areas in Germany will be examined.
The TUD, represented by the Chair for Land Management at the Geodetic Institute, concentrates on the field of 'medical care and nursing' in Sweden. The focus lies on established approaches such as the use of telemedicine and the intersectoral cooperation in order to counteract demographically induced problems in health and nursing care.
The joint project with a duration of three years is funded by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BMLE).
Summary of the results in the field of services of general interest 'medical care and nursing' in the context of the final presentation on the joint project InDaLE on 13.12.2022 (digitally hosted conference):
SGI in rural areas in the field of medical care and nursing
InDaLE Publication with participation of the Chair of Land Management
Ortner, A.; Klöden, J.; Weitkamp, A. (2023): Förderliche Faktoren für die Verstetigung innovativer Projekte im Bereich der medizinischen Versorgung und Pflege - Eine Fallstudienanalyse schwedischer und österreichischer Initiativen. In: zfv - Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, 148. Jahrgang, 2/2023. S. 94-107. |
Tent, N.; Brad, A.; Klöden, J.; Hernández, A. A.; Bannert, J.; Gebauer, A. (2021): A Review of the Challenges and Strategies of Delivering Services of General Interest in European Rural Areas. In: Europa XXI, Vol. 41. S. 77–105. |
Klöden, J.; Weitkamp, A. (2020): Verstetigung innovativer Ansätze der Daseinsvorsorge - Entwicklung eines Verständnisses aus der Perspektive der Innovationsforschung und des Social Entrepreneurships. In: FuB - Flächenmanagement und Bodenordnung, 4/2020. S. 151-162. |