Dr.-Ing. habil. Eva Hauthal
- Daten aus ortsbezogenen sozialen Medien
- Sentiment Analysis
- Natural Language Processing
- Geovisualisierung
- mobile Kartographie
- Programmierung mobiler Apps für Android
- Icon-Design und Design mobiler Nutzeroberflächen
Hauthal E., Mukherjee S. & Burghardt D. (2024): Normalising inhomogeneities in geo-social media data - a comparison of different measures. Social Network Analysis and Mining 14 (230).
Levi S., Hauthal E., Mukherjee S. & Ostermann F.O. (2024): Visualizing emoji usage in geo-social media across time, space, and topic. Frontiers in Communication 9: 1303629.
Burghardt D., Dunkel A., Hauthal E., Shirato G., Andrienko N., Andrienko G., Hartmann M. & Purves R. (2023): Extraction and visually driven analysis of VGI for understanding people's behavior in relation to multifaceted context. In: Burghardt D. et al. (eds): Volunteered Geographic Information. Springer Nature: 241 - 261.
Dunkel A., Hartmann M.C., Hauthal E., Burghardt D. & Purves R.S. (2023): From sunrise to sunset: Exploring landscape preference through global reactions to ephemeral events captured in georeferenced social media. PLoS ONE 18(2): e0280423.
Hauthal E., Mukherjee S. & Burghardt D. (2022): The typicality measure as a novel tool for normalising geo-social media data. Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association 5: 72.
Mukherjee S., Hauthal E. & Burghardt D. (2022): Analyzing the EU Migration Crisis as Reflected on Twitter. KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information 72: 213 - 228.
Hauthal E., Burghardt D. & Dunkel A. (2021): The Representation of Spatial Context by Emojis within Location based Social Media. Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association 3: 102.
Hauthal E., Burghardt D. & Dunkel A. (2021): Emojis as Contextual Indicants in Location-Based Social Media Posts. International Journal of Geo-Information 10 (6), Special Issue: Social Computing for Geographic Information Science.
Gugulica M., Hauthal E. & Burghardt D. (2020): Affective Route Planning Based on Information Extracted from Location-Based Social Media. Proceedings of Second International Symposium on Platial Information Science (PLATIAL'19).
Hauthal E., Burghardt D., Fish C. & Griffin A.L. (2020): Sentiment Analysis. Elsevier International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (2nd Edition): 169-177.
Hauthal E. & Burghardt D. (2019): Action, Emotion, Opinion – A Taxonomy of Human Reactions Expressed in Location-Based Social Media. Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association 1: 105.
Indans R., Hauthal E. & Burghardt D. (2019): Towards an Audio-Locative Mobile Application for Immersive Storytelling. KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information 69 (1): 41-50.
Hauthal E., Burghardt D. & Dunkel A. (2019): Analyzing and Visualizing Emotional Reactions Expressed by Emojis in Location-Based Social Media. International Journal of Geo-Information 8 (3), Special Issue: Volunteered Geographic Information: Analysis, Integration, Vision, Engagement (VGI-ALIVE).
Dunkel A., Andrienko G., Andrienko N., Burghardt D., Hauthal E. & Purves R. (2018): A conceptual framework for studying collective reactions to events in location-based social media. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 33 (4), Special Section: Social Media & Tracking Data: 780-804.
Hauthal E. & Burghardt D. (2016): Using VGI for analyzing activities and emotions of locals and tourists. Short Paper. Proceedings of AGILE 2016: 19th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, 14 – 17 June 2016, Helsinki.
Hauthal E. & Burghardt D. (2016): Mapping Space-Related Emotions out of User-Generated Photo Metadata Considering Grammatical Issues. The Cartographic Journal, 53 (1): 78 - 90.
Hauthal E. & Burghardt D. (2015): Erfassung, Analyse und Visualisierung emotionsbezogener, räumlicher Informationen aus nutzergenerierten Daten. Kartographische Nachrichten, 65 (4): 216-229.
Hauthal E. & Burghardt D. (2015): Temporal occurrence and time-dependency of georeferenced emotions extracted from user-generated content. Short Paper. In: Proceedings of AGILE 2015: 18th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, June 09 - 12, 2015, Lisbon.
Burghardt D., Körner A. & Hauthal E. (2014): Temporal Analysis of Georeferenced Emotions Extracted From Photo Metadata. Extended Abstract. In: Proceedings of GIScience 2014: Eighth International Conference on Geographic Information Science, September 23-26, 2014, Vienna.
Hauthal E. & Burghardt D. (2013): Extraction of location-based Emotions from Photo Platforms. In: Krisp J. (Ed.). Progress in Location-Based Services, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer, 3 - 28.
Hauthal E. & Burghardt D. (2011): Investigation And Development Of Mobile Touristic Applications. In: Gartner G. & Ortag F. (Ed.). Advances in Location-Based Services, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 8th International Symposium on Location-Based Services, Springer, 267-282.
Hauthal E., Hahmann S. & Wilfert I. (2011): Mobile und Webmapping-Anwendungen für den Tourismus. Kartographische Nachrichten, 61 (5): 254-261.
A breakdown of subjective reactions in geo-social media and a review of their cartographic visualisation
10. September 2024, EuroCarto 2024, Wien
The typicality measure as a novel tool for normalising geo-social media data
20. September 2022, EuroCarto 2022, Wien
Emojis as a Representation of Spatial Context in Location-based Social Media Posts
4. April 2022, IJGI Webinar | The Power of Geo-Social Media
The Representation of Spatial Context by Emojis within Location-based Social Media
16. Dezember 2021, 30th International Cartographic Conference, Florenz
Action, Emotion, Opinion – A Taxonomy of Human Reactions Expressed in Location-Based Social Media
17. Juli 2019, 29th International Cartographic Conference, Tokyo
Methoden zur visuellen Analyse von Reaktionen auf Ereignisse in raumbezogenen Social-Media-Daten am Beispiel Brexit
17. November 2017, Fachtagung Neogeographie – Kompetente Partizipation oder Illusion von Demokratisierung?, Leipzig
Methods for Visual Analysis of Reactions to Events in Location-Based Social Media Data Using the Example Brexit
21. September 2017, Workshop on semantic information in geosocial data for the mobile age, Zürich
Using VGI for analyzing activities and emotions of locals and tourists
16. Juni 2016, 19th AGILE Conference on Geoinformation Science, Helsinki
Detection, modelling and visualisation of space-related emotions from user-generated content
27. Oktober 2015, Kolloquium Geoinformatik, Universität Heidelberg
Temporal occurrence and time-dependency of georeferenced emotions extracted from user-generated content
11. Juni 2015, 18th AGILE International Conference on Geoinformation Science, Lissabon
Detection, modelling and visualisation of space-related emotions from user-generated content
09. Juni 2015, AGILE Workshop RICH-VGI: enRICHment of volunteered geographic information (VGI): Techniques, practices and current state of knowledge, Lissabon
Detection, Analysis and Visualisation of Georeferenced Emotions
26. August 2013, 26th International Cartographic Conference, Dresden
Mobile Anwendungen für den Tourismus
22. November 2012, Vortragsprogramm 2012 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kartographie e.V., Sektion Mittelrhein, Bonn
Extraction of location-based Emotions from Photo Platforms
17. Oktober 2012, 9th International Symposium on Location-Based Services, München
Investigation and Development of Mobile Touristic Applications
22. November 2011, 8th International Symposium on Location-Based Services, Wien
Hauthal E. (2024): Geovisual Analysis of Subjective Reactions in Geo Social Media. Habilitation, TU Dresden.
Hauthal E. (2015): Detection, Modelling and Visualisation of Georeferenced Emotions from User-Generated Content. Dissertation, TU Dresden.
Hauthal E. (2011): Analyse, Konzeption und Entwicklung einer mobilen Kartenanwendung auf Basis des Wanderkalenders der Sächsischen Zeitung. Diplomarbeit, TU Dresden.