Dr.-Ing. Katja Richter
Table of contents

Research associate
NameMs Dr.-Ing. Katja Richter
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Curriculum vitae
- Geodesy studies at the TU Dresden 2003-2008
- Staff member at the IPF since 2008
- 2018 Completion of PhD on "Analysis of full-waveform airborne laser scanner data for volumetric representation in environmental applications." (PhD Thesis Katja Richter)
- SICK Measurement Technology Award 2018 for the best dissertation on the topic "Measurement Technology" SICK Measurement Technology Award 2018
- Teaching Award 2021 for the course "Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Area and Stock Inventories" Teaching Award 2021
- DFG project "Tomographic approaches to laser bathymetry data processing".
- DFG project (completed) "Development of a model for the strict consideration of refraction effects in airborne laser scanning bathymetry".
- DFG project (completed) "Volumetric forest structure reconstruction from full-waveform airborne laser scanner data"
- Project (completed) "Derivation of turbidity parameters and performance improvements of the evaluation algorithms of laser bathymetry in the area of Elbe/Klöden".
- DFG project (completed) "Reflective optics for wide band photogrammetric measurement systems".
- Project (completed) "Generation of surface models with the triangulation sensor Microscribe/ Microscan".
- Supervision of Bachelor and Master Theses
- Lecture: Introduction to geodesy - lecture series, part photogrammetry
- Lecture: Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Area and Stock Inventories
- Lecture: Methods of Remote Sensing and Data Analysis - Laser Scanning in Forestry Applications
- Exercise: Basics of Photogrammetry - Digital Rectification
- Exercise: Basics of Photogrammetry - Interactive multi-image analysis
- Exercise: Laser scanning and 3D point cloud processing - 3D point cloud processing
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