New Publication out !
The 3rd Aquatic Ecosystem MOdeling Network—Junior (AEMON-J) Hacking Limnology Workshop and 4th Virtual Summit: Incorporating Data Science and Open Science in the Aquatic Sciences (DSOS) took place 24–28 July 2023. During the week, over 100 aquatic science practitioners and enthusiasts gathered to exchange knowledge and to share experiences working in the nexus of data science, open science, remote sensing, and the aquatic sciences.
The AEMON-J “Hacking Limnology” workshop series ran during the first three days of the week. The goals of the workshops were to introduce early career scientists to various open datasets and to provide coding skills necessary to access and work with the data.
All workshop materials (introductory and plenary videos, recording of live coding sessions, links to Github repositories with R code) are archived and freely available on the Open Science Framework repository ( https://osf.io/682v5/).
Meyer, M.F., Harlan, M.E., Hensley, R.T., Zhan, Q., Barbosa, C.C., Börekçi, N.S., Borrelli, J.J., Bucak, T., Cramer, A.N., Feldbauer, J., Ladwig, R., Mesman, J.P., Oleksy, I.A., Pilla, R.M., Zwart, J.A., Calamita, E., Gubbins, N.J., Lofton, M.E., Maciel, D.A., Marzolf, N.S., Olsson, F., Thellman, A.N., Thomas, R.Q. and Vlah, M.J. (2023), Hacking Limnology Workshops and DSOS23: Growing a Workforce for the Nexus of Data Science, Open Science, and the Aquatic Sciences. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1002/lob.10607
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