Game Sessions
25.02.20 | M.Sc. Environmental Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt
As part of the module "Integrative Water Resource Management" at Goethe University Frankfurt 17 master students of Environmental Sciences played the serious game MoRe Water. Participants had ideal existing knowledge thanks to the preceding lectures and tackled the challenge of water management from an application-oriented perspective in the course of the game play.

Game session with master students of Environmental Sciences at Goethe University Frankfurt.
30.01.20 | VolkswagenStiftung, Hannover
As part of the conclusion of the official project, 7 staff members of VolkswagenStiftung tested the serious game MoRe Water, to include feedback by the funding body. Existing knowledge of participants was very diverse and highlighted the importance of adjustments to the game for game sessions outside of expert groups from water/environmental research.

Game session with staff members of VolkswagenStiftung in Hannover.
16.01.20 | B.Sc. Hydro Sciences, TU Dresden
As part of the tutorial for the lecture "Fundamentals of Hydrobiology and Applied Limnology" 26 bachelor students of Hydro Sciences played the serious game MoRe Water. Besides clear encouragement for this approach to knowledge transfer, students had recommendations concerning the duration and structure of the game.

Game session with bachelor students of Hydro Sciences at Technische Universität Dresden.
12.12.19 | M.Sc. Hydro Science & Engineering, TU Dresden
As part of the module "Aquatic Ecology and Ecotoxicology" 7 master students from different disciplines played the serious game MoRe Water. Besides positive feedback students also had suggestions regarding a more prominent integration of time limits and different stakeholders.

Game session with master students at Technische Universität Dresden.
09.11.19 | AG Limnologie, Großhartmannsdorf
As part of the annual closed meeting of the TU Dresden working group limnology 20 hydrobiologists played the serious game MoRe Water. Monitoring strategies and data were discussed and reflected thoroughly. Even within this body of experts such as field-biologists, microbiologists, ecotoxicologists or modelers there were not only correct answers which only further highlights the complexity of this topic. The game data were also checked concerning how realistic they are and it was decided to integrate the game into upcoming lectures of the institute.

Game session with the TUD working group Limnology in Großhartmannsdorf.
29.03.19 | Summer School, Bloemfontein (South Africa)
As part of the summer school "Monitoring of surface water quality: General framework, methods, tools and strategies" at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein (South Africa) around 45 participants and lecturers played the serious game MoRe Water which was specifically designed for this summer school. Students as well as representatives from authorities and research institutions discussed together and an exciting group dynamic developed that was particularly tangible when the solutions were revealed. The difficulty level proved to be ideal as one group got all answers correct with the lowest expense of ressources, while another group did not identify a correct answer although having spent all ressources. Both the participants as well as the lecturers of this summer school were thrilled by this approach of game-based learning and expressed great interest to play this game again at other occasions.

Game session with delegates and lecturers of a summer school on monitoring of water quality at University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa.
13.03.19 | M.Sc. Hydrobiology, TU Dresden
As part of the practical course "Ecotoxicology" at the TU Dresden Institute of Hydrobiology 13 master students of Hydrobiology played the first draft of the serious game MoRe Water and provided valuable feedback for the upcoming game session as part of the summer school in South Africa.

Game session with master students of Hydrobiology at Technische Universität Dresden.