Dec 04, 2024
Disputation of the dissertation of M.Sc. André Rückert on 20.12.2024
to the conference organized on behalf of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences at TUD Dresden University of Technology
on Friday, 20.12.2024, 10:00 a.m., in the Drude Building, Room 53,
public disputation of the dissertation of
M.Sc. André Rückert
Topic of the thesis:
Assessment of the climate protection potential of waste prevention through regional reuse platforms using the example of the "Zündstoffe Materialvermittlung
Doctoral committee:
Prof. Dr. Matthias Robert Mauder (Chairperson), TU Dresden
Prof. Dr. Christina Dornack (1st reviewer), TU Dresden
Prof. Christoph Wünsch (2nd reviewer), Merseburg University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Siechau (3rd reviewer), TU Hamburg
signed: Prof. Dr. Matthias Robert Mauder
Chairman of the doctoral committee