Association "Forum für Abfallwirtschaft und Altlasten e.V."
The association "Forum für Abfallwirtschaft und Altlasten e.V." (FAA) was founded in October 1995 as a non-profit association to support the formerly named Institute for Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment at the TUD Dresden University of Technology in fulfilling it's tasks in research and teaching in material and intellectual aspects.

Our goals
- Development of close and stable connections to scientific and official institutions as well as to the economy on a national and international level.
- Advice and support for students in their practical activities during their studies and in their transfer from the university to work life.
- Promotion of scientific careers through diploma and doctoral scholarships.
- Organisation of conferences and publication of scientific papers.
Through their material and non-material support, supporting members make an important contribution, which enables us to fulfil our tasks better. Of course, our sponsors have many advantages through their membership, some of them will be listed here:
Possibility of actively influencing the design of demand-oriented training goals.
During the graduate placement, can result useful connections for the members.
Reduction of participation fees for all events organized by the association and free receipt of all publications published by the association.
permanent source of information on the current scientific and technical state of knowledge in the field of waste management and contaminated sites.
Recruitment of interns and diploma students for the company.
Possibility of holding joint conferences on specific and current problems.
You are interested? Please contact us:
Dipl.-Ing. oec. Eva-Maria Prätor-Grimm
Telefon: +49 351- 463 44138
Fax: +49 351- 463 44117