The Institute of Groundwater Management

Head of Institute
NameProf. Dr. Andreas Hartmann
Professorship Groundwater Systems
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, Room E62 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
Researcher IDs
ORCID: 0000-0003-0407-742X
Scopus ID: 56352892700
Researcher ID: J-8515-2014
Research areas
- Karst Hydrology
- Hydrological Modeling
Professional Development
2021 | Professor (full) for Groundwater Systems and Director of the Institute of Groundwater Management, Technische Universität Dresden |
2017 – 2021 |
Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessor) and Principal Investigator of the Junior Research Group “Global Assessment of Water Stress in Karst Regions in a Changing World” funded by the Emmy Noether-Programme of the German Research Foundation (DFG) |
2018 | Visiting fellow at the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australia |
2014 – 2017 | Lecturer (Akademischer Rat “auf Zeit”) at the Chair of Hydrology, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany |
2014 – 2017 |
Honorary Staff member at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol, UK (double affiliation/working from Freiburg since July 2014) |
2014 | Visiting Fellow at the Department of Civil Engineering, McGill University, CA |
2013 – 2014 | Postdoc at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol, UK |
2013 | Postdoc at the Chair of Hydrology, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany |
2009 – 2013 |
Research Assistant at the Institute of Hydrology, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany |
2009 – 2013 |
PhD student at the Chair of Hydrology, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources; Title:“Modeling karst hydrology and hydrochemistry at different scales and in different climates considering uncertainty”, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany |
2009 – 2013 | Member of the Graduate School "Environment, Society and Global Change", Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany |
2003 – 2008 | Student of Diplom Hydrology (MSc equivalent); Minors: Geology, Meteorology, Mathematics; Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany |
Honours and Awards
2020 |
Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Early Career Scientists of the European Geosciences Union |
2017 | Nature Climate Change Research Highlight. Hartmann et al. (2017, PNAS) |
2015 | EGU - Highlight Article (Hartmann et al., 2015, GMD) |
2014 | Front Cover of Reviews of Geophysics (Hartmann et al., 2014, RoG) |
Front Cover of Water Resources Research (Hartmann et al., 2014, WRR) | |
2013 |
Prize for excellent commitment for PhD students by the International Graduate Academy (IGA) of the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany |
Groundwater research prize of the City of Dresden | |
Research spotlight in an American Geophysical Union (AGU) journal (Hartmann et al. 2013, WRR) |
Jim Dooge award for best 2012 publication in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (Hartmann et al. 2012, HESS) |
2a Postdoc scholarship by the DAAD | |
Defense of PhD with highest honor (summa cum laude) | |
2012 | 2nd prize in the "Young Scientist of the Year" competition, awarded by the big German newspaper Die Zeit and for an excellent research project and social engagement |
2011 | Travel Award of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) |
2010 | 3a PhD scholarship by the Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst e.V. |
2009 | Young Karst Researcher Prize, International Association of Hydrogeologists IAH, Commission on Karst Hydrology |
Alumni award of the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany, for an excellent final exam, social engagement and an excellent master thesis |
Memberships and Commissions
2015 | Member of the Project 3 of EURO FRIEND |
Member of the EGU Subdivision on Catchment Hydrology | |
Member of the EGU Subdivision on Groundwater |
2014 |
Contibuting member of the Commission on Karst of the International Association of Hydrogeologists IAH |
Member of the British Hydrological Society | |
2012 | Member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) |
2011 |
Member of the German Hydrological Society (DHG) |
2009 |
Member of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) |
2006 |
Member of the Förderverein Hydrologie at the University of Freiburg |
Academic Service
- Associate editor of Water Resources Research (2021-)
- Associate editor ofs Hydrogeology Journal (2021-)
- Associate editor of the Journal of Hydrology (2016-2017, resigned in support of the project DEAL for a Germany wide license agreement with Elsevier)
- Journal Reviewing for Nature Nature Climate Change, Water Resources Research, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Journal of Hydrology, Hydrogeology Journal, Journal of Hydrometeorology, International Journal of Speleology, Hydrological Processes, Geoscientific Model Development, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Earth Sciences Journal, Environmental Modeling an Software
- Session convener and co-convener at the 2013 - 2016 Fall meetings of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the 2014 - 2017 General Assemblies of the European Geoscience Union (EGU)
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the IAH International Conference on Groundwater in Karst, 20-26 June 2015, Birmingham, UK
- Project reviewing for the German Research Foundation (DFG), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), US National Science Foundation (SNF), Swiss National Fund (SNF), French National Research Agency (ANR), the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the Leverhulme Trust in the UK, the Ev. Studienwerk Villigst e.V. (StipendiatInnenauswahl) and the International Graduate Academy of the University of Freiburg
Commitment at the faculty and university level
2022 - | Representative of the Faculty in the Library Commission of TU Dresden |
2022 - | Member of the Doctoral Board (Promotionsausschuss” of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences at TU Dresden |
2021 - | Member of the study board of Joint MSc. Programme “„Water Security and Global Change“ of the Global Water and Climate Adaptation Centre, Aachen-Bangkok-Chennai-Dresden (ABCD) at TU Dresden |
2015 – 2021 |
Member of the “Strukturkommission” of Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at Freiburg University |
2014 – 2021 | Academic member of the graduate school “Environment, Society and Global Change” at Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources |
2014 – 2021 | Directory board member of SciNet - Network for Young Scientists and Academics at the University of Freiburg |
2012 – 2015 |
Elected member of the UniWind advisory committee, a Forum of Universities supporting researchers at the early stages of their careers (substituting member since May 2015) |
2011 – 2012 | Coordinator of the “Work Group on the legal status of PhD students and co-determination” at the PhD-Initiative |
Elected Representative of the PhD scholarshipholders of the Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst e.V. at the PhD-Initiative |
2010 – 2013 | Founding Member of ProDoc, the “Initiative to establish a PhD representation of the entire Freiburg University“ |
2009 – 2012 |
Elected PhD representative of graduate school "Environment, Society and Global Change" |
2007 – 2008 |
Elected Student representative at three faculty commissions (“Fakultätsrat”, “Studienkommission”, “Berufungskommission W3 Professur”) at the Faculty of Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at Freiburg University |
Publications (peer reviewed)
Understanding and predicting large-scale hydrological variability in a changing environment , 15 Sep 2020, Understanding and predicting large-scale hydrological variability in a changing environment. Copernicus Publications, Vol. 383. p. 141-149, 9 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Conference contribution
Rainfall recharge thresholds in a subtropical climate determined using a regional cave drip water monitoring network , Aug 2020, In: Journal of hydrology. 587, 125001Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Moving beyond the catchment scale: value and opportunities in large-scale hydrology to understand our changing world: value and opportunities in large-scale hydrology to understand our changing world , 15 May 2020, In: Hydrological processes. 34, 10, p. 2292-2298, 7 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Comment/Debate
A soil moisture monitoring network to characterize karstic recharge and evapotranspiration at five representative sites across the globe , 25 Feb 2020, In: Geoscientific instrumentation, methods and data systems. 9, 1, p. 11-23, 13 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Global karst springs hydrograph dataset for research and management of the world’s fastest-flowing groundwater , 20 Feb 2020, In: Scientific data. 7, 1, 59Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Information-Based Machine Learning for Tracer Signature Prediction in Karstic Environments , 11 Jan 2020, In: Water resources research. 56, 2, e2018WR024558Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Simplified VarKarst Semi-distributed Model Applied to Joint Simulations of Discharge and Piezometric Variations in Villanueva Del Rosario Karst System (Malaga, Southern Spain) , 2020, Advances in Karst Science. C, B., S., D., M, S. & P, R. (eds.). Springer International Publishing, p. 145–150Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/Anthology/Report
The Shallow Subsurface of Karst Systems: Review and Directions , 2020, Advances in Karst Science. C, B., S, D., M, S. & P, R. (eds.). Springer International Publishing, p. 61–68Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Chapter in book/Anthology/Report
Global analysis reveals climatic controls on the oxygen isotope composition of cave drip water , Dec 2019, In: Nature communications. 10, 1, 2984Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
The Demographics of Water: A Review of Water Ages in the Critical Zone , 1 Sep 2019, In: Reviews of geophysics. 57, 3, p. 800-834, 35 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Review article

Former Head of Institute
NameProf. Dr. Rudolf Liedl
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Visitors Adress:
Neubau Chemie Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
- Hydrogeology of Karst Aquifer Systems
- Contaminant Plume Lengths
Publications (last update october, 2021*.pdf file - opens new window)
1999 | Habilitation University of Tübingen, Faculty of Geosciences, Research Field ‘Mathematical Methods of Applied Geosciences’ |
1991 | PhD Thesis Munich University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Surveying |
1979–1985 | Studies in Mathematics and Physics Munich University of Technology |
Professional Development
2012-2014 | Technische Universität Dresden, provisional Head of the Institute of Waste Management and Contaminated Sites |
2009-2020 | Technische Universität Dresden, Dean of Studies Hydro Sciences |
2006-2020 |
Technische Universität Dresden, Head of the Institute of Groundwater Management |
2006 | Appointment as Full Professor |
2004–2006 | University of Tübingen, Chair for GeoSystemResearch (Prof. Dr.-Ing. O. Kolditz) Academic Counsel |
1999 | Appointment as Lecturer |
1993–2004 | University of Tübingen, Chair for Applied Geology (Prof. Dr. G. Teutsch) Research Assistant (1993), Assistant Lecturer (till 1999), then Academic Counsel |
1992–1993 | Internationale Betriebs Beratungsgesellschaft mbH, Munich System Consultant / Software Developer |
1987–1991 | Munich University of Technology, Chair for Water Quantity Management (Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. J. Seus), Research Assistant |
1986–1987 | Software Developer, freelance |
1985–1986 | Innwerk AG Töging / Upper Bavaria, Scientist |
Technische Universität Dresden (seit 2006)
- Lecture 'Basics of Water Resources Management', BSc,
- Lecture 'Aquifers', (BSc),
- Lecture 'Dynamics of Subterranean Water', BSc,
- Lecture 'Groundwater Management', MSc,
- Lecture 'Hydromelioration', MSc,
- Lecture 'Hydrogeology', MSc
University of Tübingen (1994 – 2006)
- Lecture/ Exercises 'Groundwater Flow and Transport'
- Lecture/ Exercises 'Mathematical Methods',
- Lecture/ Exercises 'Introduction to FORTRAN90'
Supervised PhD-Thesis
Technische Universität Dresden (since 2006)
- Dr.-Ing. José Guillermo de Aguinaga (2010):
Assessment of groundwater models in groundwater management. - Dr.-Ing. Markus Hirsch (2009):
Geoelektrisches Monitoring einer thermischen In-situ-Grundwasser- und Bodensanierung. - Dr.-Ing. Dietrich Swaboda (2008):
Kalibrierung prozessbasierter Kontinuummodelle zur Abbildung der Wasser- und Stoffdynamik in variabel gesättigten porösen Medien. - Dr. rer. nat. Edward Akwasi Amankwah (2007):
Predictive modeling of organic pollutant leaching and transport behavior at the lysimeter an field scales.
Universität Tübingen (by 2006)
- Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Bold (2004):
Process-based prediction of the long-term risk of groundwater pollution by organic non-volatile contaminants. - Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Bauer (2002):
Simulation of the genesis of karst aquifers in carbonate rocks. - Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Birk (2001):
Characterisation of karst systems by simulating aquifer genesis and spring reponses: Model development and application to gypsum karst.
National and International Involvement
- Editor of the german scientific journal 'Grundwasser'
- Reviewer of the scientific journal 'Water Resources Research'
- Reviewer of the 'Journal of Contaminant Hydrology'
- Member of the American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Nancy Reimann
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Visitors Adress:
Neubau Chemie, Room E61 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Heads of Research Groups
Head of Research Group Stable Isotopes and Hydrogeochemistry, Head of Laboratory

Dr.-Ing. Diana Burghardt
Assistant Professor and Laboratory Head
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visitors Adress:
Neubau Chemie, Room E66 Bergstr. 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
2006 PhD Thesis Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany,
Faculty of Environmental Science and Process Engineering
2000 Diploma thesis Dresden University of Technology, Institute for Waste
Management and Contaminated Sites
1994 –2000 Study of Water Management, main focus on Groundwater Management
Dresden University of Technology with an internship at the University of
Strasbourg, France (winter term 1999)
Professional Development
since 2009 Dresden University of Technology, Institute for Groundwater
Management, lecturer and research assistant (tenured research staff),
head of stable isotope and hydrogeology laboratory
10.20 - 09.21 Dresden University of Technology, Represenation of the Professorship
for Groundwater Management
09. - 11. 2011 University of Waterloo, Canada (Ontario), Environmental Isotope
Laboratory, visiting scientist
2007 –2008 University of Bayreuth, Germany, Department of Hydrology,
postdoctoral research fellow
2005 –2007 University of Mainz, Germany, Chair of Applied Geology,
lecturer and research assistant (tenured research staff)
2001 –2005 Dresden Groundwater Research Centre DGFZ e.V., Germany,
PhD student, part time
2000 –2005 Groundwater Research Institute GmbH Dresden, Germany,
research associate in Geochemistry, part time
TU Dresden (since 2009)
- Lectures ‘Basics of Groundwater Management' (BSc)
- Lectures and Exercises 'Dynamic of Subsurface Water’ (BSc)
- Laboratory course ‘Groundwater Measuring and Exploration Techniques’ (BSc)
- Lectures 'Hydrogeological and Hydrochemical Methods' (MSc)
- Lectures and PC course 'Analysis of Hydrogeochemial Systems' with main focus on stable isotope methods in Hydrosciences, (MSc)
Research focus
- stable isotope analysis, isotope hydrogeology, isotope biochemistry
- Development of remediation technologies for ground- and mining water
- Determination of hydrogeological parameters at laboratory scale
- Hydrochemistry and Geochemistry, Geochemical modeling
BURGHARDT, D., COLDEWEY, W.G., MELCHER, C., MEßer, J., PAUL, M., WALTER, T., WESCHE, D., WESTERMANN, S., WIEBER, G., WOLKERSDORFER, C. (2023): Praxisleitfaden Grubenwasser Teil 1: Beprobung und Vor-Ort-Untersuchung. Schriftenreihe der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie e.V. in der DGGV e.V., Heft 4, 2023
REUMANN, G., GRUNDMANN, J., BURGHARDT, D., HAUFE, C., STEVENS, Ch., JAHNS, Ch. (2022): Identifikation von Stoffeinträgen aus dem Alterzbergbau in die Freiberger Mulde. Grundwasser (2022) 27: 97 - 111; DOI:
BINDER, M., HAHNEWALD, A., HÄNDEL, F., PROMMER, H., ENGELMANN, C., BURGHARDT, D., STOCK, P, TRITSCHLER, F., LIEDL, R., WALTHER, M. (2021): Single-Rate Dual-Domain Mass Transfer Model: Elucidating Temperature Effects. Water Res. Research 57, DOI:
STOCK, P., RODER, S., BURGHARDT, D. (2020): Further optimization of the denitrifier method for the rapid 15N and 18O analysis of nitrate in natural water samples. Rap. Com. Mass Spec. 2020,
STOCK, P., HÖSCH, A., BURGHARDT, D. (2019): δ15N analysis of ammonium in freeze‐dried natural groundwater samples by precipitation with sodium tetraphenylborate. Rap. Com. Mass Spec. 2019,
TRITSCHLER, F., BINDER, M., HÄNDEL, F., BURGHARDT, D., DIETRICH, P., LIEDL, R. (2019): ‚Collected rainwater as cost-efficient source for aquifer tracer testing.’ Technical Note. Groundwater 58(1): 125-131, doi: 10.1111/gwat.12898
BINDER, M., BURGHARDT, D., ENGELMANN, C., TRITSCHLER, F., SIMON, E., PROMMER, H., DIETRICH, P., LIEDL, R., HÄNDEL, F. (2019). ‚Suitability of precipitation waters as semi-artificial groundwater tracers.’ Journal of Hydrology 577, Article 123982, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.123982
BINDER, M., TRITSCHLER, F., BURGHARDT, D., KLOTZSCH, S., DIETRICH, P., LIEDL, R., HÄNDEL, F. (2019). ‚Application of snowmelt as an active and inexpensive dual isotope groundwater tracer.’ Technical Note. Hydrogeology Journal 27, 423–433, doi: 10.1007/s10040-018-01917-6
BURGHARDT, D. (2019): Grundlagen und Fallbeispiele der Isotopenhydrologie. in Hahn, H.-H.-J., Siemensmeyer, T., van den Berg-Stein, S., Burghardt, D., Schwenk, K. (2019): Trinkwasserbiologie aktuell - Neue biologische Verfahren im Grund- und Trinkwasser-management, S. 75 - 78. Institut für Grundwasserökologie IGÖ GmbH Landau in der Pfalz.
ERFINDUNGSMELDUNG EP18201681.6 (2018): Verfahren zur Reduzierung einer hydraulischen Porosität einer porösen Feststoffmatrix. Erfinder: ENGELMANN, F. (Sensatec GmbH), KRAUSE, T., KALWA, F., BURGHARDT, D. (TU Dresden), KNOPF, O. (Beermann
Bohrtechnik GmbH)
BURGHARDT, D., COLDEWEY, W.G., MELCHERS, C., MESSER, J., PAUL, M., WALTER, T., WESCHE, D., WESTERMANN, S., WIEBER, G., WISOTZKY, F., WOLKERSDORFER, C. (2017): Glossar Bergmännische Wasserwirtschaft. Arbeitskreis Grubenwasser der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie e.V. in der DGGV e.V., Sonderausgabe der FH-DGGV, 78 S.; Neustadt.
SIMON, E., BURGHARDT, D., RICHTER, J.,REICHEL, S., JANNECK, E. (2016): Removal of Oxoanions From Water: Comparison of a Novel Schwertmannite Adsorbent and an Iron Hydroxide Adsorbent. Proceeding of the International Mine Water Association, Leipzig, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-86012-533-5.
BURGHARDT, D., RICHTER, J., SIMON, E., REICHEL, S., JANNECK, E., LAUBRICH, J. (2016): Treatment of Seepage Water from a Tailings Pond of Uranium Mining: Column Tests with a Novel Schwertmannite Adsorbent. Proceeding of the International Mine Water Association, Leipzig, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-86012-533-5.
JANNECK, E., BURGHARDT, D, MARTIN, M., DAMIAN, CH., SCHÖNE, G., MEYER, J., PEIFFER, S. (2011): From Waste to Valuable Substance: Utilization of Schwertmannite and Lignite Filter Ash for Removal of Arsenic and Uranium from Mine Drainage. Proceeding of the international Mine Water Association, Aachen, Germany.
BURGHARDT, D., JANNECK, E., DAMIAN, CH., MARTIN, M., SCHÖNE,G., MEYER, J., PEIFFER, S. (2011): Vom Reststoff zum Wertstoff: Nutzung von Schwertmannit aus der Aufbereitung von Grubenwässern des Braunkohlebergbaus zur Behandlung von Uranerzbergbauwässern. Proceeding zum internationalen Symposium der Wismut GmbH‚ Ronneburg, Deutschland.
WEISS, A., JÈRÔME, V., BURGHARDT, D., LIKKE, L., PEIFFER, S., HOFSTETTER, E.M., GABLER,R., FREITAG, R.(2009): Investigation of factors influencing biogas production in a large-scale thermophilic municipal biogas plant. Environ. Biotechnology 84, p. 987-1001.
BURGHARDT, D., SIMON, E., KNÖLLER, K., KASSAHUN, A. (2007): Immobilization of uranium and arsenic by injectible iron and hydrogen stimulated autotrophic sulphate reduction. J. Contaminant Hydrology 94, p.305-314
BURGHARDT, D.; KASSAHUN, A. (2005): Development of a reactive Zone (RZ) technology for simultaneous in-situ immobilisation of radium and uranium. Environmental Geology 49/2, p. 314-320
BURGHARDT, D.; STIEBITZ, E.; KNÖLLER, K.; KASSAHUN, A. (2005): Simultaneous in-situ immobilisation of uranium and arsenic by injectible iron and stimulated autotrophic sulphate reduction. in B.J. Merkel, A. Hasche-Berger: Uranium in the Environment - Mining Impacts and Consequences, Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg, 2006 ISBN 3-540-28363-3
PATENT DE 103 10 986 A1 : Method for in-situ groundwater remediation. Patent owner: Grundwasserforschungsinstitut GmbH Dresden, Inventors: Andrea Kassahun, Ludwig Luckner, Uli Uhlig, Diana Burghardt; patent granted: 23.09.2004
Head of Research Group Hydrogeology and Digitalization

Dr. rer. nat. Zhao Chen
Senior scientist
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, E 60 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
nach Vereinbarung
- MSc module "Hydrogeological and hydrochemical methods"
- BSc module "Modeling of hydrosystems"
- BSc module "Measurement and investigation methods"
- BSc module "Fundamentals of groundwater management"
Fields of work
- Hydrogeology and hydrochemistry
- Measurement and investigation methods
- Groundwater modeling and GIS
- Digitalization in hydrogeology
Academic service
- Associate Editor of the Hydrogeology Journal (since 2023)
Journal Reviewing for Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Journal of Hydrology, Advances in Water Resources, Hydrogeology Journal, Hydrological Processes, Acta Carsologica and Grundwasser
Committee work
- Initiator and speaker of the working group "Digitalization in the groundwater sector" of the hydrogeology section of the DGGV (since 2020)
Exploring the utility of GRACE measurements for characterizing karst systems at a continental scale , 24 Dec 2024, In: Journal of hydrology. 651, 132578Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Carbonate rocks and karst water resources in the Mediterranean region , Aug 2024, In: Hydrogeology journal. 32, 5, p. 1397-1418, 22 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Global analysis of land-use changes in karst areas and the implications for water resources , Aug 2023, In: Hydrogeology journal. 31, 5, p. 1197-1208, 12 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Understanding groundwater storage and drainage dynamics of a high mountain catchment with complex geology using a semi-distributed process-based modelling approach , Aug 2023, In: Journal of hydrology. 625, 10 p., 130067Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
When best is the enemy of good – critical evaluation of performance criteria in hydrological models , 3 Jul 2023, In: Hydrology and earth system sciences. 27, 13, p. 2397-2411, 15 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Comparison of artificial neural networks and reservoir models for simulating karst spring discharge on five test sites in the Alpine and Mediterranean regions , 23 May 2023, In: Hydrology and earth system sciences. 27, 10, p. 1961–1985, 25 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Karst spring discharge modeling based on deep learning using spatially distributed input data , 9 May 2022, In: Hydrology and earth system sciences. 26, 9, p. 2405–2430, 26 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Karst water environment in Southeast Asia: characteristics, challenges, and approaches , Feb 2021, In: Hydrogeology journal. 29, 1, p. 123-135, 13 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
A model ensemble generator to explore structural uncertainty in karst systems with unmapped conduits , 2 Oct 2020, In: Hydrogeology journal. 29, 1, p. 229-248, 20 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Digitalisierung im Grundwasserschutz und in der Altlastenbearbeitung – Hype oder Fortschritt? , 28 Sep 2020, In: Grundwasser. 25, p. 257-258, 2 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Head of Research Group Applied Groundwater Modelling and Karst

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Reimann
Senior Scientist / Working group leader modeling
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visitors Adress:
Neubau Chemie, Room E58 Bergstr. 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
2003: Dipl.-Ing. Wasserwirtschaft, TU Dresden, Institute for Groundwater Management
2012: Dr.-Ing., TU Dresden, Institute for Groundwater Management
Tel.: +49 (0)351 463-42555
Fax: +49 (0)351 463-42552
Fields of interest
- Hydraulic and transport in karst aquifers
- Development and application of numerical models (e.g. hybrid models, inverse methods)
- Hydraulic und transport in groundwater and in the interface region between saturated and unsaturated zone
- Aquifer characterization (e.g. Hydraulic tomography)
- Zusammenstellung von Materialien zur Versauerung. AG OOWV Oldenburg, 2003.
- Bewertung der Belastungssituation und der Stickstoffumsatzpotentiale im Grundwasser des Trinkwassergewinnungsgebiet Wehnsen. AG Wasserverband Peine, 2003 - 2005.
- Eluatuntersuchungen und Untersuchungen bodenphysikalischer Parameter an Sedimentproben aus dem unterirdischen Einzugsgebiet der Wassserfassung Schleinitz. AG LfUG Sachsen, 2007.
- Maßstabsübergreifende Charakterisierung der hydraulischen Eigenschaften eines Karstgrundwasserleiters durch einen Großpumpversuch. Gefördert durch die DFG, 2007 - 2015.
- Machbarkeitsstudie: Hydraulische Modellierung von Altbergbaustrecken, Auftraggeber: LMBV mbh, 2011 - 2012.
Publications (peer reviewed)
- Reimann, T., Giese, M., Geyer, T., Liedl, R., Maréchal, J.C., and Shoemaker, W.B. (2014), Representation of water abstraction from a karst conduit with numerical discrete-continuum models, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 227-241, doi: 10.5194/hess-18-227-2014.
- Geyer, T., Birk, S., Reimann, T., Dörfliger, N., Sauter, M. (2013), Differentiated characterization of karst aquifers: some contributions. Carbonates and Evaporites, doi: 10.1007/s13146-013-0150-9.
- Kordilla, J., Sauter, M., Reimann, T., and Geyer, T. (2012), Simulation of saturated and unsaturated flow in karst systems at catchment scale using a double continuum approach, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 3909-3923, doi: 10.5194/hess-16-3909-2012.
- Reimann, T., T. Geyer, W. B. Shoemaker, R. Liedl, and M. Sauter (2011), Effects of dynamically variable saturation and matrix-conduit coupling of flow in karst aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 47, W11503, doi:10.1029/2011WR010446.
- Reimann, T., C. Rehrl, W. B. Shoemaker, T. Geyer, and S. Birk (2011), The significance of turbulent flow representation in single-continuum models, Water Resour. Res., 47, W09503, doi:10.1029/2010WR010133.
- Reimann T., Birk, S., Rehrl, C., and Shoemaker, W. B., (2011) Modifications to the Conduit Flow Process Mode 2 for MODFLOW-2005: Ground Water, doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00805.x
- Walther, M., Fank, J., Reimann, T., (2010) Tiefengestaffeltes Wasserprobenahmesystem zur spezifischen Beprobung der ungesättigten Zone, dem Kapillarsaum und der gesättigten Zone. Grundwasser 15(1): 19 - 32.
- Reimann, T., (2009) MODFLOW-2005 CFP – Ein Hybridmodell für Karstgrundwasserleiter. Grundwasser 14(2) pp. 139, doi: 10.1007/s00767-009-0102-4.
- Reimann, T. and Hill, M.E., (2009) MODFLOW CFP: A new Conduit Flow Process for MODFLOW-2005. Ground Water 47(3): 321 - 325, doi 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2009.00561.x.
- Konrad, Ch., Walther, W., Reimann, T., Rogge, A., Stengel, P., Well, R., (2008) Vergleich von hydraulischen und chemischen Sedimenteigenschaften aus Spül- und Kernbohrungen im Raum Peine (Norddeutschland). Grundwasser 13(1): 42 - 49.
- Pätsch, M., Walther, W., Reimann, T., Pennig, M., (2007) Umsatz von Stickstoff im Grundwasserleiter eines Wasserwerkes – Berücksichtigung bei der Modellierung des Transportes. Wasserwirtschaft 5/2007.
- Walther, W. and Reimann, T., (2006) Modelltechnik zur Sickerwasserprognose, eine Übersicht und Zusammenfassung. In: Materialien zur Sickerwasserprognose, published by the AG „Sickerwasser und Stofftransport“ im Deutschen Verband für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall, August 2006. ISBN13: 978-3-939057-08-6.
Review service
- Journal of Hydrology
- Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)
- Groundwater
- Advances in Water Resources
- Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
- Hydrological Processes
- Hydrogeology Journal
- Grundwasser
- Journal of Cave and Karst Studies
Teaching (current, in cooperation with colleagues)
- Grundwasserbewirtschaftung mit Computermodellen
- Fallstudien der Grundwasserbewirtschaftung
- Wasserbewirtschaftung
- Grundwasserleiter

Head of Research Group INOWAS
NameDr. Catalin Stefan
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Research Group INOWAS
Research Group INOWAS
Visiting address:
Pratzschwitzer Str. 15, Room 210b
01796 Pirna
I am the Head of Research Group INOWAS at the Institute of Groundwater Management. My research focuses on planning, assessment and optimisation of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) applications using physical models and computer-based simulations. See my profile on ResearchGate, OrcID, LinkedIn.
Visit my personal page on the INOWAS website.
Scientific Staff

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Fichtner
Scientific staff
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie 2.BA, Room E57 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Visiting address:
Institut für Abfall- und Kreislaufwirtschaft, Room 202 Pratzschwitzer Str. 15
01796 Pirna
Supervision of test stands + test field
Office hours:
by appointment

Research Associate
NameDr. Jana Glaß
Parental leave
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Research Group INOWAS
Research Group INOWAS
Visiting address:
Pratzschwitzer Str. 15, Room 205
01796 Pirna

Tania Stefania Agudelo Mendieta M.Sc.
Scientific staff
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, Raum E56 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
Marcus Genzel M.Sc.
Scientific staff
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, E59 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
nach Vereinbarung

Tamara Leins M.Sc.
Scientific staff
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, E59 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
nach Vereinbarung
Kübra Özdemir Calli M.Sc.
Scientific staff
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, Raum E56 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment

Scientific staff
NameChibuike Emmanuel Orazulike M.Sc.
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, E59 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
nach Vereinbarung

Max Gustav Rudolph M.Sc.
Scientific staff
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, E66 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
Nane Weber M.Sc.
Scientific staff
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, E59 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
nach Vereinbarung

Yining Zang M.Sc.
Scientific staff
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, E59 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
nach Vereinbarung
Associated Staff
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Bittner
Scientific staff
Office hours:
by appointment

Prof. a.D. Dr.-Ing. habil Peter-Wolfgang Gräber
Scientific staff
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, 2.BA, Raum 271 Bergstr. 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
L. LUCKNER, H. MANSEL, D. SCHÄFER & W. REISSNER (1987) Modelling multi-migrant systems in the case of neglectable feedback for the example of radioactive decay. Groundwater monitoring and management : proceedings of the symposium held at Dresden, German Democratic Republic (GDR) in March 1987
U. BEIMS & H. MANSEL (1987) Assessment of groundwater resources by computer-aided designed and operated pumping tests. Groundwater monitoring and management : proceedings of the symposium held at Dresden, German Democratic Republic (GDR) in March 1987
Mansel, H., Kritzner W., Beims, U. (1990) Migrationsparameterermittlung durch Feldversuche im Oberen Elbtal. Wasserwirtschaft-Wassertechnik Berlin 40
Ulrike Keese und Holger Mansel (1991) Wasserwirtschaftliches Informationssystem für das Bergbaugebiet um Leipzig und Halle. Wasserwirtschaft 81
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. L. Luckner, Dipl.-Ing. B. Haferkorn, Dr.-Ing. Mansel, Dr. rer. nat. D. Sames (1995) Rehabilitierung des Wasserhaushaltes im Braunkohlenrevier Mitteldeutschland. Lausitzer- und Mitteldeutsche Bergbauverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (LMBV), Alexanderplatz 6, 10100 Berlin
Dipl.-Ing. B. Haferkorn unter Mitarbeit von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. L. Luckner, Dipl.-Ing. M. Müller, M.Sc. Dipl.-Geoph. E. Zeh, Dr. F.-K. Benthaus, Dipl.-Geol. L. Pester, Dipl.-Geol. A. Lietzow, Dr.-Ing. H. Mansel, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) H. Weber (1999) Schaffung von Tagebauseen im mitteldeutschen Revier: Die Wiederherstellung eines sich selbst regulierenden Wasserhaushaltes in den Braunkohleabbaugebieten des Freistaates Sachsen (Nordwestsachsen), des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt und des Freistaates Thüringen. Lausitzer und Mitteldeutsche Bergbau-Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Betrieb Mitteldeutschland, Walter-Köhn-Straße 2, 04356 Leipzig
Müller, M., Sames, D., Mansel, H. (2003) PCGEOFIM – A Finite Volume Model for More? In: Poeter, E., Zheng, C., Hill, M. Doherty, J.: MODFLOW and More 2003: Understanding through Modeling. Proceedings of the Conference in Golden, CO, USA, September 16 – 19, 2003
- Dipl.-Ing. B. Haferkorn, Dipl.-Ing. B.-S. Tienz, Dr. habil. A. Berkner, Dr. Ing. H. Mansel Dr.-Ing. C. Nitsche, Dipl.-Geol. R. Schlottmann, Dr.-Ing. P. Tropp, Dipl.-Ing. E. Zeh (2006) Zum Stand der Integration von Bergbaufolgeseen in den Gebietswasserhaushalt von Westsachsenund Ostthüringen. Lausitzer und Mitteldeutsche Bergbau-Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Betrieb Mitteldeutschland, Walter-Köhn-Straße 2, 04356 Leipzig
Guest Reseachers
Technical Staff
Benjamin Gralher Dipl. Hydrologe
Technical employee
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, E57 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
nach Vereinbarung

Doreen Degenhardt
laboratory assistant
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Visitors Adress:
Neubau Chemie, Room E75 Bergstr. 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
Former Members

Dr. agr. Abdulnaser Aldarir
Guest scientist
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, Room E65 Bergstr. 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
Mariana Gomez Ospina M.Sc.
Scientific staff
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, E59 Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
nach Vereinbarung

Dr. Alireza Kavousi Heydari
Scientific staff
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, Room E59 Bergstr. 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment

Ronald Oese
Technical employee
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Visitors Adress:
Neubau Chemie, Room E56 Bergstr. 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment

Dr.rer.nat. Prabhas Kumar Yadav
Scientific staff
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Visiting address:
Neubau Chemie, Room E62 Bergstr. 66
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
- M.Sc. Jonas Vollhüter (2021- 2022)
- M.Sc. Gesche Reumann (2018 - 2022)
- M.Sc. Fritz Kalwa (2016 - 2022)
- M.Sc. Marwan El Masri (2021)
- M.Sc. Frieder Hamann (2018 - 2021)
- M.Sc. Patricia Stock (2013 - 2022)
Dr.-Ing. Martin Binder (2012 - 2021)
- Sharif Ibne Ibrahim M.Sc (2017 - 2021)
- Christian Engelmann M.Sc. (2015 - 2020)
- JProf. Dr. rer. nat. Marc Walther (2009 - 2020)
- M.Sc. Aparna Chandrasekar (2014 - 2020)
- Dr.-Ing. Falk Händel (2014 - 2019)
- Dipl.-Ing. Elisabeth Simon (2012 -2019)
- Dr.-Ing Felix Tritschler (2014 - 2019)
- Dipl.-Tech. Math. Robert Pinzinger (2017 - 2019)
- M.Sc. Luisa Schmidt (2017 - 2019)
- Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Krause (2010 - 2019)
- M.Sc. René Hädicke (2017)
- Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Klotzsch (2014 - 2017)
- Dr.-Ing. Jinxing Guo (2015 - 2016)
- M.Sc Usman Muhammad (2012 - 2016)
- M.Sc. Saif Al-Amri (2011 - 2015)
- Dr. rer. nat. Michael Dietze (2006 - 2013)
- Dr. rer. nat. Prabhas Kumar Yadav (2009 - 2013)
- Dr. Norbert Bötcher (2008-2013)
- MSc. Guillermo De Aguinaga (2006 - 2010)
- Dr. Cui Chen (2006 - 2009)
- Evelin Wendisch, Sekretärin (1993 - 2009)
- Sinaida Heidt, Laborantin (2007 - 2008)
- Dr. Edward Akwasi Amankwah (2005 - 2007)
- Dr.-Ing. Christian Konrad (2001 - 2006)
- Prof. a. D. Dr.-Ing. habil. Wolfgang Walther (1993 - 2005)
- Dr.-Ing. Dirk Marre (1999 - 2005)
- Ing. Günter Nagel (1967 - 2004)
- Brigitta Zimmermann, Laborantin (2004)
- Dipl.-Ing. Daniela Geyer (2003 - 2004)
- Dipl.-Ing. Friderike Konrad (2001 - 2003)
- Dipl.-Chem., Dipl. - Ing. Kerstin Heblack (1998 - 2003)
- Urte Kirchberg, Technische Assistentin (1966 - 2003)
- Dipl.-Ing. Yvonne Kreutziger (2002)
- Dr. rer. nat. Frido Reinstorf (1997 - 2002)
- Dr.-Ing. Matthias Pätsch (1995 - 2001)
- Dipl.-Ing. Dorothea Weller (1999 - 2001)
- Carmen Willkommen, Laborantin (1996 - 2001)
- Dipl.-Ing. Maja Binder (1999 - 2001)