land use and boundary layer processes
Head of the working group
Dr. Valeri Goldberg
The working group deals with the influence of local and regional interactions between land surface and atmosphere on processes in the atmospheric boundary layer. Models with different physical basis of the process description are applied. Results of long-term micrometeorological measurements (WG Water and Carbon Budget) and special measurements (Thetered balloon, LIDAR, SODAR, Acoustic Tomography) are used for model evaluation.
Working focus
- Interaction between land surface and climate at the local scale
- Importance of fragmentation and spatial heterogeneities of the landscape for the intensity of interactions
- Definition and derivation of coupling measures, effective parameters, and landscape heterogeneity measures
- Investigation of meteorological effects in sound propagation for different land uses
- Evaluation of interaction processes (Energy and matter) as part of the uncertainties in flux determination at the landscape scale
- Current urban climate issues (including urban redevelopment-urban microclimate interaction, cumulative effects, bioclimate, noise pollution)
- quantitative wind climatology for wind energy applications at heights above 100 m (see, e.g., Projekt QuWind100)
- Interaction of urban and rural boundary layers (interaction with WG Urban Climate)
Projects (last 5 years) related to the working group
- BMBF "Urban Climate Under Change" (Module B:
- Three-dimensional Observation and Modeling of Atmospheric Processes in Cities, TP-TUD: Urban Vegetation and Bioclimatic Stressors, Project Leader: Valeri Goldberg, Project Officer: Ronald Queck)
- BMBF "HeatResilientCity (HRC II)" (subproject TUD: Method development for quantitative assessment of heat adaptation measures in cities, project management: Astrid Ziemann, Valeri Goldberg; project officer: Uta Moderow)
- DFG "Precipitation Interception - Localization of Water Storage and Evapotranspiration in Forest Stands" (Project leader: Christian Bernhofer, Project responsible part modeling: Ronald Queck, Max Plorin)
Current work results
- Review article: A European perspective on wind and storm damage – from the meteorological background to index-based approaches to assess impacts.