Aug 31, 2023
City cycling campaign starts in Dresden on 3.9. - Transport and traffic researchers at TU Dresden prepare cycling data for municipalities
Dresden is at the start of this year's edition of the nationwide STADTRADELN (City Cycling) competition. From 3 to 23 September, the aim is to leave the car behind as often as possible and use the bike instead. With the STADTRADELN app, the kilometres are recorded and credited to the teams and the city in a municipal comparison.
Transport and traffic scientists from TU Dresden are also involved – and not just as cyclists. For them, the cycling data is pure research gold. Since 2017, the cycling data generated with smartphones has been used anonymously in various research projects at TU Dresden. Currently in the MoveOn project. Comprehensive digital cycling data is available for 2,500 municipalities in the "Cycling in Germany" portal - RiDE for short. 400 municipalities are already using the RiDE platform for their individual cycling traffic analysis and the most needs-based expansion of cycling infrastructure.
This means that every participation in the STADTRADELN is at the same time an active contribution to better cycling in your own city. So let's go! Register, start the recording in the app and start cycling – for climate, science and urban planning in Dresden.