Studying traffic sciences at Dresden
The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences offers a degree programme that is unique in Germany with its engineering and economics study courses. Traffic processes are looked at systematically in their complexity and breadth, but also in detail, for instance with regard to transport infrastructure, vehicles or operational processes.
Attention: University Day - Open Day on Saturday, 25th May 2019

Dresden Transport Sciences
In Dresden, the research and teaching of transport sciences has a more than sixty-year tradition, which has been consolidated since 1992 at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences "Friedrich List" at TU Dresden. Training focusses on traffic planning, traffic engineering, electromobility, telematics, logistics as well as the design of traffic systems, networks and facilities in public and non-public traffic areas. Both passenger and freight traffic systems, including the technical information and communication processes associated with them, are taken into account.
Graduates of the faculty rarely have to worry about getting a job. During the practical work undertaken during their studies, students can already have a chance to get to know a wide variety of companies involved in the transportation sector. Personal contacts to potential future employers can also be fostered at the annual "Transport Recruitment Fair