Nov 02, 2021
The City of Dresden would like to point out that the application deadline for the attractively endowed DRESDEN-EXCELLENCE-AWARD - Science Award of the City of Dresden this year is 10 November 23:59.
Applications are open online at until 10 November 2021 (23:59) for graduates and postgraduates who achieved their outstanding result in 2021 or 2020 in the City of Science Dresden. The competition is open to 4 levels:
- 3,000 EUR for an excellent bachelor thesis
- 6,000 EUR for an excellent Master's or diploma thesis
- 9,000 EUR for an excellent doctoral thesis
- 12 000 EUR for an excellent post-doctoral thesis
On 7 December 2021, the jury of the state capital and Dresden's scientific institutions will nominate the award winners, and the award will then be presented by the Mayor of Dresden at a ceremony in spring 2022.