Jun 16, 2022
Invitation: Kick-Off Meeting Project MoveOn - Cycling Data for Germany, 20 June 2022
Connection of more than 2,000 municipalities to cycling data platform planned – as a basis for efficient and user-oriented further development of cycling.
Transport and traffic scientists from TU Dresden (TUD), together with the TUD spin-off Flow.d GmbH and Klima-Bündnis e. V., are further developing a platform for digital cycling data from smartphone applications in the new MoveOn project. The aim of the project is to expand the information and data offered by the existing cycling data platform "RiDE - Radverkehr in Deutschland" (RiDE - Cycling in Germany) and to provide more than 2,000 municipalities with access to it (see also article from 31.03.22).
On Monday, 20 June 2022, 10:00-11:30, the kick-off meeting for the MoveOn project will take place online. Interested parties are cordially invited.
- How is the scientific processing and the further use and development of the cycling data collected in the STADTRADELN campaign carried out?
- In which way will they be made available to the municipalities via the RiDE portal?
- What are the benefits for the planning of municipal cycling infrastructure?
These are the questions addressed by the MoveOn project, which will be presented at the kick-off meeting. The event aims to scale and further develop the data collection and delivery for all German STADTRADELN participating municipalities and to increase the motivation to use the necessary STADTRADELN app, especially in rural areas.
Participants will receive further information after registration.
Official opening and welcome address
- - Greeting by Oliver Luksic (Parliamentary State Secretary, BMDV)
- - Welcome on behalf of the project consortium (Dr.-Ing. Sven Lißner TU Dresden/ Thomas Brose Klima-Bündnis e. V.)
Presentation of the MoveOn project
- - André Muno, STADTRADELN, Climate Alliance e. V.
- - Dr. Sven Lißner, Chair of Transport Ecology, TU Dresden
- - Dr. Philipp Grubitzsch flow.d GmbH
- - Malte Konrad, City of Münster, Office for Mobility and Civil Engineering
- Conclusion
- - Summary of the day
- - Time for questions