Mar 28, 2024
New: Newsletter BUnews of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering - register now
From now on, we would like to inform you quarterly with the BUnews newsletter about news from the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. In addition to the desire to present the BU department in an interdisciplinary way, we also hope to make a contribution to the department's identity, which will have a positive effect on knowledge exchange, cooperation and cohesion.
Our newsletter BUnews not only presents current and exciting topics from the Faculties of the department, but also offers you interesting information on the topics of sustainability and international affairs. In addition, we also provide information on dates and calls for applications and refer to videos and podcasts related to the department.
The newsletter will be published in German and English.
Online version of BUnews (1st edition 2024) - German version
Online version of BUnews (1st edition 2024) - English version
We would be very pleased if you would subscribe to our newsletter so that we can provide you with comprehensive information from the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the future.
Subscribe to the newsletter BUnews – English version
Anmeldung zum Newsletter BUnews – German version
We will also be happy to include your ideas and news in future issues so that we can always offer a wide range of topics. Please contact us by e-mail at .