Sep 13, 2023
Transport and Traffic Students Explore Spain and its Railway Systems
Until 17 September, a group of 21 students majoring in railway studies is on an excursion to Spain.
They are accompanied by PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Ulrich Maschek (Chair of Railway Signalling and Transport Safety Technology) and Dr.-Ing. Sven Hietzschold (Chair of Planning and Design of Railway Infrastructure). Ulrich Maschek says about the aim of the trip: "Against the background of the introduction of interoperability and the European harmonisation of the railway system, the students are to gain an insight into the Spanish railway system and get to know various modern railway technologies, especially for high-speed traffic."
On the Instagram channel "listig_in_madrid" you can follow the group on their excursion to Spain.
More information on the trip is available in the online magazine "Verkehrslage".