19.05.2021; Vortragsreihe
Ringvorlesung „Mobility4Future – Auf dem Weg zu klimaverträglicher Mobilität“On-demand Ridepooling: From Theory to Practice
Reducing the reliance on personal cars is a key requirement for reducing emissions, congestions and making cities more livable. On-demand ridepooling, little more than a concept 8 years ago, is now a usable mode of transport in various locations all over the world. By bundling spatio-temporally correlated requests together in a single vehicle, such services can offer a high level of passenger satisfaction in an efficient and sustainable manner.
In this talk, Dr. Manik will explore using theory and simulations how the efficiency of on-demand ridepooling systems are affected by factors such as trip density, fleet size and network topology. Based on extensive user surveys done on the users of MOIA, the biggest commercially running ridepooling service in Europe, he will present which factors encourage people to choose ridepooling as a mode of transport.
Registration under mobility4future.org to receive Zoom dial-in link - please by 12 noon on the day of the lecture at the latest.