Notes for the preparation of student papers
The Chair's instructions for writing Bachelor's, Master's, student research projects and dissertations can be found in the following document. In addition, the general regulations of the Examination Office regarding the procedure for writing student theses must be observed.
We recommend the use of a reference management tool, e.g. Citavi, Zotero or Mendeley.
Recommended further reading material
- BOOTH, Wayne C.; COLOMB, Gregory G.; WILLIAMS, Joseph M.: The Craft of Research. 3rd ed., University of Chicago Press, 2008. SLUB
- ANDERMANN, Ulrich; DREES, Martin and GRÄTZ, Frank: Duden. How to write scientific papers? 3rd ed.: Bibliographisches Institute, 2006.
- FRANCK, Norbert; STARY, Joachim (eds.): Die Technik wissenschaftlicher Arbeitens. 14th ed. Paderborn: Schöningh, 2008 (UTB 724). SLUB
- PETERßEN, Wilhelm H.: Scientific work: Eine Einführung für Schule und Studium. 6th, revised and expanded ed. Munich: Oldenbourg, 1999. SLUB
Contact points at the TU Dresden
The Writing Center at TU Dresden offers support in the preparation of academic papers and provides materials and tips that can be of help when writing a student paper. The Saxon State and University Library Dresden(SLUB) also offers support with writing academic papers and citing.
Here you will find templates for papers, posters and presentations.
Document | template |
Paper | |
Poster | |
Presentation Template |