Plausibility check and analysis of automated vehicle counting in Leipzig
The department of general planning within the authority of road and civil construction in the of Leipzig is responsible for the collection and provision of transport data for strategic and operativ planning. The city of Leipzig engaged the chair of transport ecology to analyse the automated vehicle counting data to ensure an expeditious provision of transport parameters.
The analysis includes a plausibility check and the processing of the automatic vehicle counting data at relevant transport sections of the main road network in the city of Leipzip. As part of the project the raw data of 22 transport section points will be struktured and a plausibility check will be executed. Missing or fals data will be complemented using suitable precedures. As far as possible this process will be automated.
- Dipl.-Ing. Maike von Harten (Professur für Verkehrsökologie)
- Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Julia Gerlach (Professur für Verkehrsökologie)
- 04/2021-06/2021